Module 3: Analytical Psychology Flashcards
What rests on the assumption that occult (supernatural) phenomena can and do influence the lives of everyone?
Analytical psychology
Who is the main proponent of analytical psychology?
Carl Gustav Jung
What are individuals motivated by when it comes to analytical psychology?
Inherited emotionally toned experience is what motivates individuals more than repressed experiences.
What is emphasized in analytical psychology?
Collective unconscious
What are the highly developed elements of the collective unconscious?
What is the most inclusive archetype?
How can self-realization be achieved?
It can be achieved through attaining a balance between two opposite forces.
What is analytical psychology a collection (compendium) of?
Opposite forces
What is a collection (compendium) of opposite forces?
Analytical psychology
What did Jung base his personality theory on?
He based it on the assumption of the mind (what he calls the psyche) having both an unconscious and conscious level.
What is the most important aspect of the unconscious?
The collective unconscious.
What are conscious images?
Elements perceived by the ego.
What are the elements perceived by the ego?
Conscious images.
What is the center of consciousness?
The ego.
What is not the core of personality?
The ego.
What must the ego be completed by?
The more comprehensive self.
What is the center of personality that is largely unconscious?
The self.
What is a psychologically healthy individual for Jung?
He or she is an individual in contact with their conscious world while he or she also gets to get in touch with their unconscious.
What are the levels of the psyche?
The conscious (ego), personal unconscious, and the collective unconscious.
What level of the psyche is concerned with perceiving, thinking, feeling and remembering?
The conscious.
How did Jung perceive the unconscious?
He perceived it as something positive.
What is the conscious responsible for?
Carrying out the normal tasks of waking life.
What level of the psyche has the responsibility to carry out normal tasks of waking life?
The consicous.
What level of mental life is the personal unconscious similar to?
The preconscious.
What is the personal unconscious?
It is the reservoir of material that was once conscious but has been forgotten or suppressed because it was trivial or disturbing.
What are the contents of our personal unconscious?
What refers to a core or pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in the personal unconscious organized around a common theme?
What are complexes?
Complexes refer to a core or pattern of emotions, memories, perceptions, and wishes in the personal unconscious organized around a common theme.
What do complexes determine?
It determines how the person perceives the world.
Where have complexes originated from?
Childhood, adult, and ancestral experiences.
True or false. The complex can only entirely be either one of the following: conscious or unconscious.
False. Complexes may be either conscious or unconscious.
What does the collective unconscious represent in terms of Jung’s career?
It represents Jung’s most controversial and distinctive concept of personality.
What does the deepest level of the psyche contain?
It contains an accumulation of inherited experiences of human and pre-human species.
What is the collective unconscious?
It is the powerful and controlling repository of ancestral experiences.
Where else, other than our childhood, is our history linked to according to Jung?
It is also linked in the history of our species.
Do humans literally inherit collective experiences?
No. Instead, we inherit the potentiality (e.g. fear of snakes - we do not inherit the fear of snakes, but instead we inherit the potential to fear snakes).
According to Jung, in what way are humans inclined to behave and feel?
Humans are inclined to behave and feel the same way people have in the past.
Where does the inclination of behaving the same way humans have before depend on when it wants to become a reality?
It depends on the specific experiences we encounter in life.
What has characterized every generation throughout human history?
Certain basic experiences.
What refers to the images of universal experiences contained in the collective unconscious?
What word are archetypes also coined as?
Primordial (ancient) images.
How are archetypes similar to complexes?
They are similar in a way that they are emotionally toned collections of associated images.
What is the difference between archetypes and complexes?
Archetypes are generalized and derive from contents of the collective unconscious, while complexes are individualized components located in the personal unconscious.
Where have archetypes originated?
They have originated through repeated experiences of human ancestors, but likewise have a biological basis.
What type of instinct does Jung compare the archetypes to?
Animal instincts.
What are the main kinds of archetypes?
The persona, anima and animus, shadow, and the self.
What are other kinds of archetypes, aside from the main ones?
The great mother, the wise old man, and the hero.
What is the archetype that refers to the public face or role a person presents to others?
The persona.
What is the persona different from?
It is different from who we really are.
When does the inflation of the persona occur?
It occurs when the ego identifies with the persona and not with the person’s true nature.
What is the con of the inflation of the persona?
If we identify too much with our persona, we lose touch with our inner self and remain dependent on society’s expectation of us.
What is the archetype which Jung refers to as the recognition that humans are inherently bisexual?
Anima and animus.
What archetype enables a person of one sex to understand the other?
Anima and animus.
What is the masculine aspect of the female psyche?
What is the feminine aspect of the male psyche?
What archetype is the dark (evil) side of the personality and contains most of an individual’s primitive animal instincts?
The shadow.
In which archetype do evil and immoral behavior reside?
The shadow.
What archetype is the source of vitality, spontaneity, creativity, and emotion?
The shadow.
What archetype must be tamed in order to live in harmony?
The shadow.
What archetype represents the unity, integration, and harmony of the total personality?
The self.
What archetype is the balance between two opposing forces?
The self.
What archetype cannot emerge unless all other systems of the psyche have developed?
The self.
What is the one thing that humans always strive for but rarely achieves?
The actualization of the self.
What does the actualization of the self involve?
Goals and plans for the future and an accurate perception of one’s abilities.
What archetype is a derivative of the anima and animus?
The great mother.
What is the archetype of wisdom and meaning?
The wise old man.
What does the wise old man archetype symbolize?
Pre-existing knowledge of the mysteries of life.
What archetype is represented as a powerful person, fighting against great odds to conquer or vanish evil?
The hero.
What kind of person cannot be a hero?
An immortal person without a weakness.
What covers the present events which are caused by past experiences?
What covers the fact that present events are motivated by goals and aspirations for the future?
How can self-realization become possible?
Individuals must learn how to adapt both with their outside environment and their inner world (unconscious).
What is the forward flow of psychic energy that enables adaptation to the outside world?
What is the backward flow of psychic energy to adapt to one’s inner world?
What are the dynamics of personality in Jung’s perspective?
Causality, teleology, progression, regression.
What has come out from the union of two basic attitudes?
Psychological types.
What are the psychological types?
Introversion, extraversion, and the four separate functions (thinking, feeling, sensing, intuiting).
What are psychological types also known as?
Personality types.
What is the conscious perception of our environment and how we act or react to it?
What is progression?
It is the forward flow of psychic energy that enables adaptation to the outside world.
What is regression?
It is the backward flow of psychic energy to adapt to one’s inner world?
What are the four separate functions of psychological types?
Thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuiting.
How do the attitudes work?
One side is conscious while the other remains unconscious. Even so, both can still influence an individual’s personality.
What is extraversion?
It is characterized by an orientation toward the external world and other people.
What is introversion?
It is characterized by an orientation towards one’s own thoughts and feelings.
What are the non-rational functions of the four separate functions of psychological types?
Sensing and intuiting.
What receives physical stimuli and transmits it to perceptual consciousness?
What is sensing?
It is one of the four separate functions that receives physical stimuli and transmits it to perceptual consciousness.
What are the two qualities of sensing?
- They do not use the process of reason.
2. Only accepts experiences and does not evaluate them further.
What involves perception beyond the consciousness?
What is intuiting?
It is one of the four separate functions of psychological types that involves perception beyond the consciousness?
What is the function of the psychological type that is referred to as the “gut feel”?
What function is not the physical stimulus but is one’s perception of sensory impulses?
What are the rational functions that involve judgement and evaluation of experiences?
Thinking and feeling.
What is the function that is the logical intellectual activity which produces chains of ideas?
What is thinking?
It is the logical intellectual activity which produces a chain of ideas.
What is feeling?
It is the process of evaluating an idea or event.
What is the function that is the process of evaluating an idea or event?
What function of psychological types is referred to as “valuing”?
What are people with the extraverted feeling personality type like?
They tend to be highly emotional, conform to traditional values and moral codes, sensitive to other’s opinions and expectations, sociable, and typical of women than men.
What are people with the extraverted sensing personality type like?
They focus on pleasure and happiness, seek new experiences, strongly oriented to the real world and highly adaptable, and highly outgoing.
What are people with extraverted intuiting personality type like?
They are creative, tend to have a keen ability to exploit opportunity, changeable, and make decisions based on hunches than on reflection.
What are people with the introverted feeling personality type like?
They tend to repress rational thought, are capable of deep emotion but avoid outward expression, tend to be reserved and unapproachable, and are inconsiderate of other’s feelings.
What are people with the extraverted thinking personality type like?
They live strictly in accordance with society’s rules, tend to repress feelings and emotions – to be objective in all aspects of life, may be rigid and cold, and dogmatic.
What are people with the introverted feeling personality type like?
They tend to repress rational thought, are capable of deep emotion but avoids outward expression, tends to be reserved and unapproachable, and inconsiderate of other’s feelings.
What are people with the introverted sensing personality type like?
They are passive, calm, and detached from the everyday world; view most human activities with kindness and amusement; aesthetically sensitive; expresses themselves through aesthetic pursuits – the arts.
What are people with the introverted intuiting type like?
They are focused more on intuition than in reality, are visionaries and daydreamers, tend to be aloof and unconcerned with practical matters, poorly understood by others, odd and eccentric, and tend to have difficulty coping with everyday life and planning.
What does the brightness of the sun represent in Jung’s analogy of the journey of the sun in the sky?
The development of consciousness.
What does the early morning sun represent in Jung’s analogy of the journey of the sun in the sky?
Childhood, because it is full of potential but still lacking in brilliance.
What does the morning sun represent in Jung’s analogy of the journey of the sun in the sky?
Youth, because it is climbing towards the zenith, but is unaware of the impending decline.