Module 3 + 4 Flashcards
What are the 3 types of learning?
- Nonassociative learning
- Clasassical Conditioning
- Operant conditioning
What is non associative learning?
Learning to adjust to a repeated stimulus (sensitization and habituation).
What is classical conditioning?
Learning to predict an unconditioned stimulus by the occurrence of a Conditioned stimulus. This will then result in the conditioned response.
What is the process of creating an association between CS and US called? And what about when it is removed?
Acquisition is the creation and extinction is the removal.
What does the Rescorla-Wagner model say about the effectiveness acquisisiton?
When de stimulus is surprising it is more likely to be acquired.
What are the positive and negative prediction error.
A positive prediction error is when surprisingly there is an even stronger stimulus or an unexpected event, like a different can opener.
a negative prediction is when an expected even surprisingly doesn’t happen and the relation is weakened
What are stimulus generalization and discrimination?
Stimulus generalization means that similar stimuli also give the conditioned response
Stimulus discrimination is when the difference between similar stimuli is learned because only one is connected to the unconditioned stimulus.
What is operant conditioning?
It is when behavior is associated with positive or negative consequences.
What does the law of effect say about behavior?
behavior that leads to a satisfying state of affairs is likely to occur more often?
What is the difference between positive and negative reinforcement?
positive reinforcement is increasing the likelihood of behavior by rewarding it.
Negative reinforcement is increasing the likelihood of behavior by taking away a negative stimulus.
What is the difference between positive and negative punishment?
Positive punishment decrease behavior by applying punishment
Negative punishment decreases behavior by taking away a positive stimulus.
What is shaping?
getting to desired behavior by rewarding increasingly similar behavior.
What is the distinction between primary and secondary reinforcers?
primary reinforcers serve biological needs like food and secondary reinforcements don’t directly serve biological needs like money.
What does the Premack Principle say about reinforcers.
The effectiveness of the reinforcement is determined by how much you value the reinforcer.
What are the following types of partial reinforcement?
- Fi fixed interval, after specific time has passed
- VI variable interval, after (random) amount of time has passed
- FR fixed ratio, after behavior happened specific amount of times.
- VR variable ratio, after random amount of behavior.
What three types of learning are there in social learning?
- Modeling, imitating observed behavior of others.
- Vicarious learning, observing someone else get punished or rewarded
- Instructed learning, being instructed without experiencing it.
Why does Equipotentiality in learning not hold up to Biological constraints and biological preparedness?
Because some things are biologically valued higher of evolutionary feared more and those are easier to learn.
What is conditioned taste aversion?
Certain food makes you sick so you start being averse to the taste.
Why do wanting and liking not always go together
If you want something you crave it, like smoking. But you do not nessecarily take pleasure from (like) smoking.
What does a phobia have to do with classical conditioning?
a phobia is an irrational fear. This could be due to generalizing a fearful experience to all similar situations.
What area in the Temporal lobe is responsible for memory?
The Hippocampus
What are retrograde and anterograde amnesia?
Retrograde amnesia is not remembering a certain time period before the brain injury.
Anterograde amnesia is not making new memories from the brain injury forward.
What are the Explicit and Implicit memory categories called?
Explicit: Episodical and Semantic
Implicit: Priming, procedural, classical conditioning and non associative learning.
WHat is the difference between perceptual and conceptual priming?
perceptual priming is when the exact look/word influeces thought. While conceptual priming is when the meaning of the word influences thought.
What happens in encoding, storage and retrieval
- Encoding is when you put new information into the memory system (making memories)
- Storage is the ability to maintain information over time
- Retrieval is the ability to retrieve memories.
What is the difference between maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal?
in maintaincance rehearsal you just repeat the words while elaborative rehearsal requires you to link it to existing knowledge.
How do schemas schemas influence life?
you have a schema for each task making sure you do the right things in the right order at the right time (like grocery shopping)
What are iconic memory and echoic memory (in sensory register)
the ability to repeat an image or words you just heard in your head.
What is consolidation? And reconsolidation?
It is the process of forming lasting connections that are the memory (Long term memory),
Reconsolidating is when you recall a memory and consolidate it again. When you update it it could become untrue.
What are memory circuits?
When neurons excite each other, the connection strengthens and stronger connections are formed
What is Long-term potentiation (LTP) and what does NMDA have to do with it?
It is the stregnthening of the synaptic connection between neurons. The NMDA glutamate receptor plays a role in LTP because LTP leads to more NMDA receptors