Module 3 Flashcards
the belief that inanimate objects (such as toys and teddy bears) have human feelings and intentions.
uses toys in the wrong way (toy hammer = instead of pounding with it, she may shake it to see if it rattles)
the tendency to focus on only one aspect of a situation at one time
Toddlers are able to remember an action and imitate it later
Deferred Imitation
It is setting rules and road signs so children know what is expected of them.
child’s inability to see a situation from another person’s point of view
It is the forward curve of the spine at the sacral area seen in toddlers
When children play beside other children, not with them or side- by-side play.
Parallel Play
It is a consequence that results from a breakdown in discipline, from the child’s disregard of the rules that were learned.
A child becomes fearful and nervous when away from home or separated from a loved one, usually a parent or other caregiver, to whom the child is attached.
Separation Anxiety
The feeling of jealousy of a toddler every time a new baby enters into his domain.
Sibling Rivalry
the ability to make one thing - a word or an object - stand for something other than itself
Symbolic Representation
How much does a toddler gain weight and height in a year?
5 to 6 lbs or 2.5kg
5 in or 12cm
How many teeth erupt during the second year?
20 deciduous teeth are generally present by ______ years of age.
2.5 to 3
What age in months and type of motor is this?
- Puts small pellets into small bottles - Scribbles with a pencil or crayon
- Holds a spoon well but may still turn it upside down on the way to mouth
15 months
Fine Motor
What age in months and type of motor is this?
Can open doors by turning doorknobs
Walks up stairs alone, still using both feet on same step at same time
Fine Motor
24 Months
What age in months and type of motor is this?
Can jump down from chairs
Gross Motor
30 months
What age in months and type of motor is this?
Makes simple lines or strokes for crosses with a pencil
Fine Motor
30 Months
What age in months and type of motor is this?
Walks alone well
Can seat self in chair
Can creep upstairs
Gross Motor
15 Months
What age in months and type of motor is this?
No longer rotates a spoon to bring it to mouth
Can run and jump in place
Can walk up and down stairs holding on to a person’s hand or railing
Fine Motor
18 months
What age in months and type of motor is this?
Typically places both feet on one step before advancing
Gross Motor
18 Months
At what age (months) - enthusiastic about interacting with people, providing these people are willing to follow them where they want to go
15 months
At what age (months) do toddlers imitate things they see
18 months