Module 3 Flashcards
Coronary heart disease (CHD)- Atherosclerosis:
- develops over decades wth no way of knowing
- Slow, gradual accumulation of cholesterol-rich plaque in arteries (coronary artery)
- creates reduced/lowered blood flow
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)- Thrombosis
- Happens in minutes
- a decisive event whereby damage to the advanced atherosclenotic plaque causes clot formation
- internal “scab”= Thrombus–>blocks blood flow–> Myocardinal infaretion (MI)
Roles of LDL and HDL in CHD:
- LDL- “bad cholesterol”
- if not taken up by liver, accumulates in blood. therefore raising blood LDL (raises TC) and creates free radicals = Oxidized LDL’s - HDl- “ good cholesterol”
- reverses cholesterol transport
- more HDl = less plaque buildup
- LEO: Loss of electrons= oxidation
resulting compound is more reactive (b/c loss of electrons0 - Free radical will react with 1st biomolecule they encounter
a) DNA: Cancer initiation
b) Fat: Chain reaction/free radicals- fat breakdown (oxidation)–> malondialdihyde
c) Protein: Free radical to the protein in lense of eye (e.g. cateracts)
- fat breakdown (oxidation)–> malondialdihyde
Dietary cholesterol (key points):
- structural componnent of all animal/human cell membranes
- Precurser to;
a) Bile Acids
b) Vitamin D - Present only in foods of animal origin
- Liver makes cholesterol (therefore, it is not an essential nutrient)
- Sept/02: DRI: cholesterol consumption- as low as possible–> as low as resonable
Dietary strategies to reduce total serum cholesterol:
- lower total fat intake: especially SAT and trans fats
- intake more soluble fibre (for every g of soluble fibre, it lowers TC 1-2% mg/dl)
- e.g. citrus fruits, legumes (inside), oats (oat bran) - Lower dietary cholesterol intake (pryllion)
EPA: Potential in Heart Health
- lower your serum TC: False
- Decrease your serum TG
- Reduce placet aggregation/adhesion potential
If I don’t like fish, should I take fish oil supplements?
1. Are you sure? (suggest frozen haddock, cod)
2. Pure oil (contaminents: Dioxins, PCP, Pb, Rd)-> started oxidation cycle
- Contaiminated: higher risk of hemmoragic stroke and decreased function of immunne system
3. higher intake of foods rich in alpha linoeic acid
Fish and fish oil recommendations:
- EWCFG (2007): Eat at least 2 food guide servings of fish each week
- CFG (2019): Variety of fish listed under protein foods (emphasis: healthy preparation methods)
Top 3 kinds of cancer:
Breast cancer (25.5%)
Prostate cancer (20.7%)
Colerectal cancer (14.5%)
** all related to diet and nutrition
Fat Intake: DRI Recommendations
Total Fat: 20-35% kcal
Saturated: “as low as possible–>2006: “As low as reasonable”
Trans: “As low as possible”
MUFA: Should comprise the majority of fat intake
a-linolenic: 1:10 (ratio)
Linoleic: 1:17 (ratio)