Module 25-intelligence Flashcards
Who was Howard Gardner
A leading intelligence theorist that argues that there are at least eight independent kinds of intelligence
What is intelligence?
The ability to learn from experiences, solve problems and use knowledge to adapt to new situations
What were Gardner’s 8 types of intelligence?
Verbal linguistic, logical mathematical, bodily kinaesthetic, visual spatial, musical rhythmic, interpersonal, intra personal, naturalistic
What do traditional schools tend to emphasize?
Reading and writing, analytic intelligence
Who was Robert sternberg?
Psychologist with a theory including three different kinds of intelligence
What are sternbergs three types of intelligence?
Analytic - analyze compare and evaluate
Creative- create invent and design
Practical- apply, use and do
Why do intelligent people fail?
Too much or too little self confidence
Lack of motivation
Fear of failure
What is emotional intelligence
The ability to perceive, express, understand and regulate emotions. More in touch with their feelings
What did Charles spearman do?
Proposed general intelligence- he believed it underlies all multiple intelligences. People who excelled in one area would excel in another
What did Alfred Binet do?
He developed the test that would lead to today’s intelligence tests, tested children based on thier intelligence in correspondence with their ages
What did Binet and Simon use to measure their tests?
They measured mental age (MA)
Who revised the original Binet and Simon intelligence test
Louis Terman- Stanford Binet intelligence test.
What is IQ?
Intelligence quotient- dividing mental age by chronological age and multiplying it by 100
What is the most widely used intelligence test in North America
The Wechsler intelligence scale
What were the innovations that the Weschler intelligence scale included
Different tests for different ages
Separate scores for verbal abilities and non verbal abilities
Use of subtests