MODULE 2 glossary Flashcards
is a type of sensory examination. Used during product development to test the market potential of a new product ready to be launched.
acceptance test
is a substance which decreases pH into the acid range (< pH 7.0) when dissolved in water.
This term relates to the capability of microorganisms of forming acid when carbohydrates are degraded. Such acid can be of the desirable type for meat products, such as lactic acid but also undesirable such as acetic acid.
belongs to the so-called contractile proteins (and myosin) of the myofibrils of the meat musculature.
is created by an association of actin with myosin, resulting under the influence of ATP in muscle contraction. Their dissociation results in muscular relaxation (in live animals).
refers to food products (and meat products) manufacturing is defined as comprising all such materials or substances not classified as actual foods (“food by itself”).
is a swelling substance of plant origin. Extracted from red algae (Rhodophyta) and other algae, it is used as a gelatinizing/thickening agent in food manufacturing.
refers to non-smoked raw/uncooked meat products and sausages which, as the word implies, have been simply dried on air.
When a container is described as closed airtight, the meaning is that materials used are impermeable to oxygen and therefore suitable for extending the shelf-life of enclosed products.
are the salts of alginic acid (sodium alginate). They are obtained from marine algae through extraction and form highly viscous solutions in water. Contrary to products such as agar-agar or carrageenan, alginates do not gelatinate and are used as thickener in mayonnaises and gravies.
Processes or substances defined as antibacterial are capable of inhibiting the growth or multiplication of bacteria or effecting outright kill of bacteria.
are substances capable of slowing down oxidation, thereby postponing the occurrence of taste or colour alteration (e.g. rancidity).
made of cellulose, collagen, textile fibres or plastics is firmly established in meat processing
Artificial casings
(Vitamin C) or its salt (sodium ascorbate) is used in meat processing as cure accelerator to enforce the curing colour development.
ascorbic acid
is a chemical compound occurring in almost all cells of the living body. Plays a role in the processes of muscular contraction and relaxation.
ATP - (adenosine triphosphate)
also called retorts, are large pressure cookers achieving temperatures above +100°C and used for sterilization of meat products filled into hermetically sealed containers
is an important measure used in meat processing. The
are monocellular microorganisms of various shape and size.
used for substances of animal or plant origin, which have a significant high level of protein that serves for both water and fat binding.
This is the method of measuring protein quality.
Biological value
is the yellowish liquid obtained by centrifuging blood and contains 7-8% protein.
blood plasma
belong to the group of precooked-cooked products. In these products fresh blood (10-20%) is mixed with precooked animal tissues, cereals, vegetables, salt and spices. The final mixture is stuffed and heat treated again.
blood sausage
This term refers to the temperature at which a liquid changes over into gaseous state.
boiling point
This term refers to the removing of bones from carcass parts of slaughter animals. It is often also called deboning.
describes a bacterial food poisoning caused by the botulinus toxin, which is discharged into the food by Clostridium botulinum.
is the most frequently used meat chopping equipment designed to produce very small lean meat and fat particles.
bowl cutter
describes a water/salt solution used for curing meat products.
refers to the diameter of casings and sausages.
refers to the filling of food into cans followed by hermetically sealing of the containers and heat treatment.
These are organic substances formed by the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
refers to the body of a slaughter animal (without internal organs) consisting of meat, fats, bones and connective tissues.
is a polysaccharide produced by red algae and obtained by water extraction. It has good gelling properties.
are defined as soft cylindrical containers used to be filled with sausage mix.
is the substantial framework of plant cell walls. Because it is not attacked by digestive juices, it serves as dietary fiber in human nutrition.
describes a degree of comminution, in this context not very finely comminuted.
is the application of smoke to meat products at temperatures below 24°C. It is mainly used for raw-fermented sausages and raw hams.
cold smoking
is an important component of connective tissue found in tendons, skin, bones and cartilage.
Also known as emulsifier, this equipment is used for very fine cutting or comminution of sausage batters.
colloid mill
is the sodium salt of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and is one of the most important aiding substances (additives) in meat processing.
common salt
This term refers to the means of transmission of heat in food products consisting mainly of solids.
consists of connective tissue proteins i.e. collagen, elastin and is found in many body parts, with particularly high quantities in tendons, skins and cartilages.
connective tissue
This term refers to the means of transmission of heat in food products which consist to a great extend of liquids.
was a by-product of meat extract production. Before refrigeration was available, the only way to utilize surplus beef from Latin-America and other regions of the Southern hemisphere for shipment to Europe was to produce meat extract.
corned beef
In meat processing, this term refers to the temperature achieved in the critical thermal point of products where it takes longest for the temperature to change.
core temperature
is the method used to achieve the desired red colour in processed meat products. The products are salted with a mixture of common salt (sodium chloride NaCl) and the curing agent sodium nitrite (NaNO2).
This term refers to storage temperatures of -18°C and below and is ideally suited for long-term storage of meat and meat products.
deep freezing
are substances used in cleaning and capable of relaxing the surface tension of water to enhance the cleaning effect.
refers to “dark, firm, dry”.
DFD meat
Cure accelerator with similar effect as sodium ascorbate.
is a unit of measure for the heating effect obtained in heat-treated products. The
is defined as a substance under the category of triglycerides. It exists in various forms and is used in sausage production.
is the breakdown of organic substances by fermentative microorganisms.
is the breakdown of organic substances by fermentative microorganisms.
The term refers to the temperature at which a substance changes from liquid to solid. This temperature varies from substance to substance.
freezing point
A specific technique employed in smoke generation. Smoke
friction smoke
is made of collagen containing materials such as bones, cartilage and skins
are terms used in meat processing, when bigger meat pieces are broken down in size by use of specialized equipment.
is a machine used to force meat or meat trimmings by means of a feeding worm (auger, feeding screw) under pressure inside a horizontally mounted cylinder (barrel, feeding worm housing).
is a hydrocolloid obtained from the seeds of a leguminose plant and used as thickener in soups, gravies and sauces.
guar gum
Refers in the narrower sense to Muslim dietary laws. An important feature as far as meat and poultry are concerned, is the slaughtering according to Halal rules which in practice mostly excludes prestunning of slaughter animals.
is the red pigment of blood.
is the form of smoking which involves high temperatures (>50-70°C) and is mainly used for frankfurter-type sausages.
hot smoke
This term describes the process of separating meat and bones from freshly slaughtered unchilled animal carcasses.
hot boning
serves as a system of estimating and influencing the shelf life of meat and processed meat products. In this concept several individual measures (hurdles) are combined to prevent microorganisms from growing/multiplying such as temperature, humidity, water content, pH-value, salt concentration, presence of preserving substances, etc.
Hurdle concept
An amino acid, which in meat exclusively occurs in the connective tissue and which is therefore used as a parameter in connective tissue protein determination.
Such a device is used to determine the relative air humidity.
by ionizing high energy gamma rays, x-rays, or in some cases by high energy of electron sources, is used in some countries (where such treatments are legal) for reducing or eliminating microbial contamination in food, control parasite such as trichinae in meat or insect in grains and sanitize packing material prior to food packaging or treat drinking water.
Also known as kidney tallow, this term describes the layer of fat where the kidneys are embedded.
kidney fat
belongs to the so called food grade acids as do citric acid and acetic acid, and are used to lower the pH-values.
lactic acid
are gram positive microorganisms which have the ability to form acids from carbohydrates. They are used as starter cultures in raw-fermented sausage production.
is obtained by condensation of natural smoke in liquids and used in meat processing by being sprayed into smoking chambers where it will condensate on the surfaces of the products or by directly adding to meat mixes.
liquid smoke
belongs to the group of precooked-cooked sausages and is composed of precooked meat trimmings and fatty tissues and liver
liver sausage
Each slaughtered animal should undergo official meat inspection after slaughtering to ensure that only meat fit for human consumption enters into the sales and distribution chain. Respective national regulations must be observed.
meat inspection
are such food products which are exclusively or predominantly composed of meat.
meat products
is used collectively for all live organisms which in their cellular from cannot be detected upon visual inspection.
are microorganisms which may be desirable or undesirable in meat processing
is used in larger quantities as a flavour and taste enhancer in meat products and cooked foods especially in Asia.
Mono sodium glutamate (MSG)
belong to the structural elements of a muscle and form the content matter of the muscular fiber or muscle cell, enclosed by the sarcolemma. They develop from the filaments of the myofibrillary proteins actin and myosin.
is a proteinaceous substance in muscular meat responsible for oxygen transport in the live muscle and for the colour of fresh lean meat, but also for the curing-red colour in processed meat products after its reaction with nitrite.
filaments represent approx. 40% of muscular proteins. As a result of association with actin they form the so called actomyosin, responsible for muscular contraction.
is used for curing of meat and meat products such as raw-cooked sausages, cooked hams, raw hams, raw-fermented sausages and other products.
is used for curing of meat and meat products such as raw-cooked sausages, cooked hams, raw hams, raw-fermented sausages and other products.
nutritive value
In simple analyses of meat products, only the fat, water and mineral contents are determined by extraction and drying respectively.
Organic non-fat
are sensory tests based on perceptions registered by the human senses, such as smell, taste, sight or touch. The testing involves colour development and retention, firmness, consistency, odour, flavour, taste and appearance.
Organoleptic test
refers to the heat treatment at temperatures of up to 100°C, mostly in the temperature range of 60 to 85°C.
with holes of varying diameter are used with grinders as a mechanical gate through which meat being cut or comminuted can pass. By selecting the diameter of the holes in these perforated discs, the final particle size is determined.
Perforated disc (grinder plate)
range from 1.0 to 14.0 with its neutral point at pH 7.0. The acidic range is below 7.0, the alkaline range above 7.0. In meat processing, the pH-values range from 4.0 to 7.0.
pH value
have a wide application in meat processing. They directly increase the water-holding capacity of muscle meat by raising the pH-value as their own pH is above 7.0 and also stabilize the texture of meat products by increasing protein solubility in connection with salt.
an initial step in meat processing was common in former times to increase storage properties and facilitate extraction of protein from fresh and ground raw meat materials.
refers to all measures taken to extend the shelf life of meat and meat products. Those measures can be both physical as well as chemical methods. The most common are heating, cooling, freezing, drying, smoking, lowering of pH-value and the addition of salt and nitrite.
consist of large molecules of amino acids. Many of them are soluble, have the ability to swell in water and denaturate upon heating.
refers to “pale, soft, exudative” and characterizes meat which shows poor water-binding capacity due to a non-normal fast drop of the ph after slaughter.
PSE meat
this term refers mainly to products such as cooked hams, where individual pieces of meat are put together to form a bigger ham.
This term refers to the chemical process in which the substance oxygen is chemically reduced. One typical example is the reduction of sodium nitrite (NaNO2) to nitrogen oxide (NO) during curing.
Meat and processed meat products are highly perishable goods and must therefore be generated, stored and transported under refrigeration. All these individual stages of refrigeration form the “refrigeration chain” or “cold chain”.
refrigeration chain
refers to the scalded and dehaired skin of pigs, which contains mainly connective tissue proteins.
This term refers to meat mixes which are stuffed into natural or artificial casings of various calibres.
refers to the common household sugar, which is partly also used in the manufacturing of sausage products (taste, assisting starter cultures).
are the best known and most feared type of bacteria, as they can lead to a great number of food poisonings (vomiting, diarrhoea, typhoid fever).
is a device designed to separate different components from liquid or solid substances. One
These casings are edible and mainly used for frankfurter type or BBQ sausages.
sheep casing
The most common way of generating smoke is by smoldering of wood, wood shavings or sawdust.
is a high-quality protein with a wide application in meat processing all over the world.
soy protein
are derived from certain parts of plant species processed to maintain their naturally occurring taste or flavour for use in foods and processed products.
When stated in the list of ingredients, stabilizer is regarded as a class name which stands collectively for all ingredients and additives used for product stabilization in the broadest sense.
This term refers to a cooking technique used in cooked ham or other cooked products of larger calibres such as Mortadella sausages.
Delta-D (Staged) cooking
is a polysaccharide based on glucose.
This is the term used for cultures of microorganisms which are helpful in fermentation of foodstuffs.
starter cultures
refers to the heat treatment of meat products at temperatures above the boiling point.
This term describes a measure for hotness or coldness of solids, liquids or gases, and is expressed in degrees (e.g. Celsius, Fahrenheit).
refers to enzymes which can split meat proteins, thus increasing the tenderness. Such tenderizers, used in meat technology, are papain, bromelain, actinidin and ficin extracted from papaya, pineapple, kiwi and pig respectively.
Tenderizer, biochemical
refers to equipment or tools used to incise (steak) meat pieces intended for grilling or pan-frying or production of cooked hams prior to curing/tumbling
Tenderizer, mechanical
are connective tissue structures made of elastin, which serve to attach muscles to bones. Another name is sinew.
This term is used in sensory evaluation describing those physical properties of foods, which are noticed by touch, bite and feel.
are used for the processing of meat products such as whole-muscle or reconstituted hams.
stands for textured vegetable protein. Suitable plant proteins, in the first place soy protein, are treated to obtain a certain structure and texture and are used as extenders or meat replacers.
has a built-in vacuum pump which extracts air from the sausage mix prior to stuffing. This results in reduction of air pockets in the mix, the presence of which could lead to discolouration or gel/fat separation in the final product.
Vacuum stuffer
The ability to bind or release water is an important property of muscular protein in meat processing.
water holding capacity
curing describes a technique where meat pieces are first injected with and later submerged in brine.
wet curing
can be both, desirable and damaging.
describes the fresh weight: product weight ratio.