Module 2 Chp 6 Flashcards
What is Blood pressure
It is the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels
What is a characteristic of upper crossed syndrome?
Forward head and rounded shoulders
Are physiological measurements that are collected in a fitness assessment.
Objective data
Subjective data
What assessments are most important for a new client who recently recovered from a shoulder injury?
Pushing/pulling assessments
What are the four anatomical locations of skin fold measurement
Iliac crest
Diastolic pressure is
Also the lower number for blood pressure ex systolic / diastolic
It is the pressure within the arterial system when the heart is resting and filling with blood.
This was designed to determine the safety or possible risk of exercise for a client based on the answers to specific health questions…
PAR-Q aka physical activity readiness questionnaire
During a pulling assessment a client compensates and the head moves forward. Which static stretch for this client would be appropriate?
Remember when we stretch something the muscle is usually tight.
Levator scapulae
Which One of these sites for skin fold measurement are used to calculate a persons body percentage aka durnin formula
Chest Triceps Waist Calves ???
Most accurate time of day to conduct a resting heart rate measurement
Upon waking in the morning
What strengthening exercise would be appropriate for when a client is performing a pushing assessment and their shoulders elevate?
Ball cobra
What pulse is found on the palm side of the wrist and the main one used to check pulse on clients?
Radial pulse
Body composition testing results are an example of subjective or objective data?
During the overhead squat assessment the clients arms fall forward.
Which of these muscles is considered overactive?
Erector spinea Lower traps Pectoralis minor Rotator cuff ??
Pectoralis minor
Which assessment should a personal trainer use to determine the heart rate zone a client should begin training at?
YMCA step test
Body composition is referred to as?
The relative percentage of body weight that is fat vs fat free tissue.
Pushing and pulling assessment the personal trainer notices that a client demonstrates shoulder elevation.
What muscle is overactive choose one:
Mid Lower traps
Levator scapulae
Deep cervical flexors
Core stabilizers
Levator scapulae
Pushing assessment clients shoulders elevate what muscles are Underactive?
Choose one answer:
Lats Levator scapulae Upper traps Mid and lower traps ???
Mid and lower traps
Overhead squat assessment what area should a fitness professional focus on from anterior view also know as the front of the body.
Feet and knees
A method known as Karvonen method is used for establishing training intensity based on the difference between a clients predicted max heart rate and his or her resting heart rate. What is this also known as?
Heart rate reserve method (HRR)
Single leg squat and knee caves inward
What muscle is underactive?
Adductor complex
Vastus lateralis
Gluteus medius
Which one makes sense?
Gluteus medius
What can cause an excessive forward lean during an overhead squat assessment?
Overactive hip flexor complex and soleus
Which kinetic chain check points is the trainer checking for in lateral view during an over head squat assessment?
Lumbo pelvic hip complex and shoulder complex
Single leg squat and knee moves inward, which is another muscle that would be overactive?
Choose one:
Glute medius Medial hamis Tfl Vastus medialis ???
TFL Tensor fascia Lata
For upper extremity strength assessment a client should?!
A client should warm up with up to 8-10 reps using light resistance.
Example of subjective assessment is…
Lifestyle and medical history questions
Which body composition assessment would you use for obese clients?
Circumference measurements
Body composition assessment method where lean mass sinks and body fat floats
Hydrostatic weighing
During a static postural assessment a client displays an anterior pelvic tilt
Which muscle is tight or short?
Hip flexor complex
Pronation distortion is
Flat feet and adducted and internally rotated knees.
Which assessment estimates a persons cardiorespiratory fitness level on the basis of a sub maximal bout of stair climbing at a set pace for a set time?
YMCA 3 minute step test
Over head squat assessment and client has excessive lean forward
What muscles should be stretched? Meaning they are short and tight.
All of these should be stretched: Soleus Gastrocnemius Hip flexor complex Abdominal complex
What is overhead squat assessment?
It is designed to assess dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance and overall neuromuscular control.
What needs to be taken prior to the start of the rockport walk test?
BMI aka body mass index is what?
The risk or disease increases in proportion to the rise in bmi in both adults and adolescents
Shark skill test
Assessment that involves positioning a client in the center box grid with hands on hips and standing on one leg
Estimate cardiovascular starting point
Rockport walk test
Upper extremity strength assessment you would
Client should warm up with 8-10 reps using light resistance
Rockport walk test is used to determine…
Estimated oxygen consumption
Which assessment is used to gauge lower extremity agility and neuromuscular control?
Shark skill test
Clients knees move inward during overhead squat assessment which is the following muscles should be foam rolled? Foam rolling means a muscle is tight and needs lengthened.
Choose? Vastus medialis Gluteus Maximus Glute med Adductors
Clients feet turn out during OSA over head squat assessment what muscle would be underactive?
Biceps femoris short head
Medial gastrocnemius
Medial gastrocnemius
Diastolic pressure also known as the bottom number for blood pressure means what?
Represents the pressure within the arterial system when the heart is resting and filling with blood
40 yr old client new to working out. A trainer uses the straight percentage method for estimating clients max heart rate. What would their hr be per min?
220-40 is
After a 3 minute step test the client falls in below average for cardiovascular fitness. What is the starting zone for the client?
Zone one
Zone two
Zone three
Zone one
Gluteus medius and gluteus Maximus are underactive during OSA because why
The knees moved inward
Feet turn out during OSA what other muscles are underactive
Medial gastrocnemius
Prolonged periods of sitting throughout the day indicate what?
Postural Imbalances
Low back arches during a pulling assessment which muscle needs stretching
Hip flexor complex