Module 2 Body System Roles Flashcards
The Cardiovascular Systems main purposes
Move blood in order to deliver oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the different parts of the body.
What do Arteries, Capillaries, and Veins do?
Arteries carry blood, rich in oxygen, away from the heart to the body cells. Capillaries are the tiniest vessels and connect the arteries and veins. Veins carry blood with carbon dioxide back toward the heart.
The blood carries Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Nutrients, Antibodies, and Waste products to the ___________ .
The Respiratory Systems main function.
Transfer oxygen from the air to the blood and remove carbon dioxide from the blood for transfer to the air.
Oxygen is inhaled and ___________ is exhaled.
Carbon dioxide
What are the integumentary systems three layers?
The Epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous layer.
What is the Epidermis?
The outer layer of skin, made of flat, tough cells that are constantly being shed or replaced.
What is the Dermis?
Just below the Epidermis, made up of connective tissue with tiny blood vessels and nerve endings.
What are Four parts of a Dermis?
- Hair follicles
- Sebaceous glands (oil glands) that lubricator the hairs
- Sweat glands that help regulate body temperature
- Sense receptors that send messages to the brain when pain, pressure, heat, cold, or touch occure
What is the Subcutaneous layer made up of?
A combination of fibrous and fatty connective tissues.
The fibrous tissue attaches the upper skin layers to the _________.
Skeletal muscles.
What does the fatty tissue in the Subcutaneous layer do?
Holds in body heat, acts like an insulator against cold, and is a surplus form of energy.
What are the three main steps for healing wounds?
- Inflammation
- Granulation
- Epithelialization
What does cleansing a wound mean?
Getting rid of dead cells and drainage, and excessive dressing materials that might be in the wound bed.
What is Debriding?
Getting rid of narcotic (dead) tissue as well as removing some healthy tissue from the wound bed.
What is the genito-urinary system made up of?
Two kidneys (produce urine by filtering blood)
Two ureters (tubes that carry urine from kidneys to the bladder)
A urinary bladder (holds the urine until it is expelled)
A urethra (tube which Carrie’s urin from the bladder to outside the body)
Male and female reproductive organs.
What are the four main functions of the Genito-Urinary system?
1.Cleaning the blood of waste
2.Regulating the amount of water in the body
3.Regulating the acid and mineral balance in the body
What does “Genito” refer too?
Reproductive organs
What does “Urinary” refer too?
The organs involved with making and getting rid of urine.
What does the Gastrointestinal system consists of?
The stomach, intestine, rectum, liver, and esophagus.
What is the main role of gastrointestinal system?
Digesting food so all cells of the body can use it.
Where does the digestive process begin?
The moment food is put into the mouth.
What in the saliva helps break down food?
The stomach holds the food and mixes it with more enzymes to break it down into semi liquid that can be absorbed, then the food moves out of the stomach into the __________.
Small intestine.
After being chewed and mixed with saliva in the mouth it goes down the ___________.
Where does the Esophagus bring chewed food?
To the stomach.
The liver produces __________ , which is necessary to digest fats.
Where is Bile stored?
In the gallbladder
What does Bile do in the small intestine?
Digests and absorbs fats.
The __________ also releases a digestive juice into the small intestine.
What two body parts produce digestive juices like bile?
Liver and Pancreas
Digestive juices work together to break down food into substances called ___________ and are absorbed through the walls of the small intestine.
Food that cannot be absorbed remains in the small intestine and moves to the ________________ in a semi liquid state.
Large intestine
The large intestine can also be referred to as the ___________ ?
How long is the large intestine?
5 Feet.
What is a wave like motion of the intestine that moves the remaining solid material (fecal matter or stool) into the lower part of the colon.
What is the main role of the Endocrine system?
To secrete hormones into the blood stream through glands.
What are hormones?
Chemicals that regulate and control body activities or growth.
Name the 7 main endocrine glands.
Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenals, Pancreas, Ovaries, and Testes.
What is the Nervous system made up of?
Brain, Spinal cord, Nerves
What is the Nervous systems main role?
Coordinates the body functions, monitoring changes in the body, and in the environment this system enables the body to see, hear, smell, taste, and touch.
The _________ is the master control of the Nervous System.
The _______________ relays sensory and monitor nerve impulses to and from the brain.
Spinal cord
The brain interprets these nerve impulses and decides on an appropriate set of actions, sending messages back out to _________ throughout the body.
What makes up the Musculoskeletal system?
Bones, Muscles, Ligaments, Tendons, and Cartilage
What is the main role of the musculoskeletal system?
To protect the internal body organs, provides a frame work for the body, maintains posture, and makes body movement possible.
Bones are joined together at _________.
Long bones (like arm or leg) allow for large movements. Smaller bones (hands or wrist) allow smaller movements. Flat bones __________.
Like the skull and pelvis are protective.
Some _________ are attached to the bones and actually make the movements occur.
What are two muscles that work automatically?
Heart and Intestines
Tough bands that hold joints together
Tough elastic bands that attach muscles to bones.
Tough tissue that is found in joints at the ends of bones to allow smooth movements.
Main role of the sensory system
Give the body information about the world around it through sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste.
What are the five parts of the sensory system
Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, Skin