Two basic cell counting principles employed in most hematology analyzers
Electrical Impedance
Optical Scatter or Detection
What is Hydraulics
aspirating unit, dilutors, dispenser, mixing chambers, aperture baths, flow cells and hemoglobinometer
Vacuums and pressure for opening valves and moving the sample through the system
Electronic analyzers and computing circuity for processing data
What is Electrical Impedance
Also know as low-voltage direct current resistance
most commonly methodology used
example are Coulter Counter and Sysmex Counter
Principle of Electrical Impedance
Cell passes through the aperture, cells do not conduct current but they change electrical resistance which is counted as voltage pulses.
Size Threshold Ranges in an Electrical Impedance Method
`RBCs 36-360 fL
WBCs 45-450 fL
Lymphocytes 45-90 fL
Monocytes 90-160 fL
Granulocytes 160-450 fL
Platelets 2-20 fL
Differentiate and enumerate cell types based on the scattering properties of the cells.
Patterns of scatter are measured in various angles
Uses laser and nonlaser light
What are the Patters of Scatters are measured by various angles
- Forward angle light source
- Side angle light scatter
What is Forward angle light scatter
measure cell size
What is Side angle light scatter
Measures cell granularity and lobularity
Side angle light scatter consist of
a. RBC no nucleus
b. WBC with nucleus
Example of LIGHT used in Optical Scatter
a. Tungsten
b. Helium-neon laser
what is Tungsten
halogen lamp
Helium-neon Lamp
Laser monochrome light
What is a Laser Light
most common light source used in flow cytometers because of its properties INTENSITY, STABILITY and MONOCHROMATISM
Cells suspension is run under high pressure in single, narrow stream of laser, causing excitation of flourescent compounds resulting emission of light energy. Energy is detected by a photomultiplier tube and converted into computerized data, which provide information regarding the number, size and cellular components.
Major components of Flow Cytomers
flow chamber for single cell seperation, sheath fluid and hydrodynamic focusing
what is OPTICS
excitation of light source includes lasers or lamps.
Light is seperated by dichroic mirror and filters
example of lasers
helium cadium
examples of Lamps
what is Electronics
Photomultuplier tube detecs light energy, then converts this to voltage pulses, computers translate pulses into data files.
Benefits of Optical Technology
Laser Light can be focused on individual cells
More than 2 measurements can be made and more information can be gathered
Cells are passed in a single file through the flow cells
More realistic results
Principle of histogram
utilizes impedance technology and representation of cell number versus one measured property, usually cell size.
Produced by plotting the number on the y axis and cell size on the x axis
How many distribution peaks is the Normal WBC Histogram
3 Distribution Peaks
First Peak WBC Histogram
45-90 fL: small mononuclear cells (lymphocytes
Second Peak WBC Histogram
90-160 fL: minor population of large mononuclear cells (monocytes, reactive lymphocytes, immature WBCs)
Third Peak WBC Histogram
160-450 fL: normal mature types of granulocytes
WBC categories on Coulter Counter
Small Cells (lymphocytes)
Medium Cells (Reactive lymphocytes)
Large Cells (Granulocytes)
Abnormal WBC Histogram
Enumerate Abnormal WBC Histogram
R1: <35 fL indicate nRBCs, giant and clumped platelets
R2: 90 fL indicate Reactive lymhocytes or blast cells
R3: 160 fL indicate increase in bands, immature neutrophils, eosinophils or basophils
R4: >450 fL indicate high granulocyte and multiple region overlap (RM)
Enumerate Abnormal WBC Histogram
R1: <35 fL indicate nRBCs, giant and clumped platelets
R2: 90 fL indicate Reactive lymhocytes or blast cells
R3: 160 fL indicate increase in bands, immature neutrophils, eosinophils or basophils
R4: >450 fL indicate high granulocyte and multiple region overlap (RM)
Abnormal WBC Histogram
Other flags in WBC Histogram
H: parameter value is higher than set normal limit
L: parameter value is lower than set normal limit
Other flags in WBC Histogram
H: parameter value is higher than set normal limit
L: parameter value is lower than set normal limit
Abnormal WBC Histogram
RBC Histogram
6-360 fL or >36 fL
Show single peak at between 70 and 110 fL