MODULE 2: A. Policies, Standards and Guidelines for BSMT/ MLS Education Flashcards
What law changed “MT” to “MLS”? They also holds the policies, standards, and guidelines (PSG) for MLS programs nationwide.
CHED Memorandum Order, 2017-13
What R.A. is called the “Higher Education act of 1994?”
R.A. 7722
What R.A. is called the “Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969?”
R.A. 5527
What law revised the guidelines for student internship programs?
CHED Memorandum Order, 2017-104
What is the focus of section 1 of the CMO, 2017-13?
Curricular Innovation
Are State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) required to secure AUTHORITY to offer BSMT/ MLS?
No, Only LUCs
Are State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and Local Universities and Colleges (LUCs) required to ADHERE to the provisions of the policies and standards?
What is the main focus of section 3 of R.A. 7722
Academic Freedom
What year is the internship?
4th Year (1 year)
Interns should have rotational duties in different sections such as:
- Clinical Laboratory
- Hematology
- Microbiology
- Immunohematology (Blood banking)
- Immunology and Serology
- Urinalysis and other body fluids(Clinical Microscopy)
- Parasitology
- Histopathologic/ Cytologic Techniques
Give at least 3 professions/careers can a graduate of MLS pursue.
- Licensed MT/MLS
- Educators
- Research Scientists
- Diagnostic Molecular Scientists
- Diagnostic Product specialists
- Public Health Practitioners
- Healthcare Leaders
Give at least 3 allied medical fields that an MT/MLS can work.
- Public Health/ Epidemiology
- Veterinary Laboratory Science
- Molecular Biology/ Biology
What is the grand total of the units prescribed by the curriculum for MT/MLS programs?
173 units
How many duty hours per week shall an intern render?
32 hours
what is the grand total of duty hours of an intern for the whole year?
1664 hours
Can an intern be assigned on a 24-hour duty?
How many years of teaching experience (MT/MLS) professional courses shall a full-time dean/ head candidate have?
5 years
A dean should have a master’s degree in medical technology or other MT/MLS related programs.
A faculty should have an appropriate Master’s / Doctoral Degree in MT/MLS, Public Health or other related fields.
A faculty should at least have 2 years of clinical experience.
False, 1 year
The dean and the faculty should be an active member of what organizations?
PRC- Accredited Professional Organization for Medical Technologists
Association of Schools of Medical Technology
At least ___ % of every college/ university faculty handling professional courses shall be in full-time status.
The required number of faculty members in the teaching force should be at least ___ full-time for every ____ students.
2, 50
Lecture classroom shall be a maximum of ___:____ faculty /student ratio.
Laboratory classroom shall be a maximum of ___:____ faculty /student ratio.
In the laboratory setting, how many square meters are required for every 1-2 students?
There should be 1 locker for every __-__ students.
All schools with existing authorization to operate BSMLS are give a period of ___ years from the effectivity to fully comply with all the requirements from the CMO.
Compliance of BSMLS schools to the provisions of the CMO is based on ____________ and ______________.
MTLE performance, Joint CHED-PRC monitoring
HEIs/ schools offering BSMLS program whose average passing % in the MTLE is 30% and below for the past 3 consecutive years should have sanctions.
What MTLE percentage corresponds to the sanction?
Warning and Joint CHED-PRC monitoring visit in one year.
What MTLE percentage corresponds to the sanction?
Probation and Joint CHED-PRC monitoring visit in6 months
29% - 21%
What MTLE percentage corresponds to the sanction?
Phased out program and stop admissions with gradual phase out
20% and below
How many areas of evaluation in PSG corresponds to the sanction?
Warning, Joint CHED-PRC monitoring visit yearly, and Phase out if non-compliance after the third visit.
1 area
How many areas of evaluation in PSG corresponds to the sanction?
Probation, Revisit every 6 months and Phase-out if non-compliance on the second visit.
2 areas
How many areas of evaluation in PSG corresponds to the sanction?
Phase out of program and stop admissions with gradual phase out
more than 2 areas
It is the practical application of classroom learning to the actual in a regular work environment.
What is the mission of MLS training programs (key words)
Provide quality training
Help students become humane and competent
Globally competitive and committed to serve
Applicants for internship shall undergo laboratory examinations which will include:
- Fecalysis
- Urinalysis
- Complete Blood Count (CBC)
- Chest X-ray
- Sputum microscopy
- Anti-HBs
- Drug Test (Methamphetamines and Cannabinoids)
- HbsAg
If you’re positive with Hepatitis B, tuberculosis, HIV-AIDS or other communicable diseased, what do you need to continue on being an intern?
proof of Adequate/Complete treatment
It is an agreement executed between the HEI and partner host training institution specifying the detailed role and responsibilities of all concerned parties, safety of student interns, training plan. learning objectives, and method of evaluation.
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
Who’s gonna pay for the affiliation fee of interns to training laboratories?
the hospital and the staff involved in the training program (50%-50%)
Affiliation fee is not more than _______________ per intern per month
600 pesos
For every one clinical instructor (must be a registered MT), is ____ students.
25 students
Inters must report ____ minutes before the start of duty.
what is the sanction for “out of post” but within the laboratory premises
12 hours make up duty
what is the sanction for “out of post” but outside the laboratory premises
3 days make up duty