Module 2-5 Flashcards
-prokayotes -eukaryotes -building blocks of cells
differences between eukaryotes and prokaryotes
-linear chromosome
-membrane enclosed organelles
-single circular chromosome
-no membrane-enclosed organelles
what are the four main macromolecules
-nucleic acids
what is binomal nomenclature
define autotrophs
define heterotrophs
what are aerobic organisms
what are anaerobic organisms
what is a chemotroph
what is a phototroph
what are extremophiles
in what ways can prokaryotes be identified
-by it’s shape (cocci, bacilli, spirilli)
gram positive bacteria features
gram negative bacteria features
draw a diagram of a prokaryotic cell
draw a diagram of a eukaryotic plant cell
draw a diagram of a eukaryotic animal cell
what is an endospore
created when a gram posivitve bacteria undergoes unequal cell division under adverse conditions.
the result is a dormant and highly stable cell called an endospore.
in favppourable conditions the endospore rehyxdrates and germenates
define pathenogenic bacteria
bacteria that causes disease
define oppertunistic bacteria
bacteria that only causes disease when the host’s immune system is compromised
in what ways do bacteria cause the symptoms of disease
through the release of endotoxins or exotoxins
define pathogens
disasese casuong agents
what is penicillin and how does it (and similar antibiotics) work
-penicillin was the first atibiotic discovered.
-it inhibits the enzyme that creates the crosslinks between the sugar annd peptide chains preventng the peptidoglycan chains from having structural integrity
what is aboitic nitrogen fixation
what is biotic nitrogen fixation
how is nitrogen fixation relevant to eukarya
name the domains of life
describe the evolutonary history of prokaryotes
name and define the different kinds of extremophiles
-acidophiles ( pH of 3 or less)
-alkaliphiles (pH of 9 or more)
-thermophiles (60-80 degrees Celsius)
-hyperthermophiles (80-122 degrees Celsius)
-psychrophiles ((-15)-10 degrees Celsius)
-halophiles (salt conc of 0.2M+)
-osmophiles (high sugar conc/high osmotic pressures)
why is it hard to culture some prokaryotes
list the steps of binary fission
1.the chromosome is replicated the cell grows two chromosomes are seperated from one another
3.the cell then divides and two sister chromosomes are produced. each daughter cell recieves a copy of the chromosome.
4. this process is referred to as ‘vegetative groeth”
define binary fission
the asexual reproduction of prokaryyotic cells
what is an endotoxin
a toxin contained within the bacterias structure that is released when it disintergrates
e.g. lipopolysaccharides of gram positive bacteia
what is an exotoxin
a toxin sectred by the bacteria
what is a microbial mat
what is peptidoglycan
what is fimbrae and it’s function
what is flagella and it’s function
what is a plasmid
what is gram positive bacteria
what is gram negative bacteria
how is pH calculated?
nucleic acids
differences between gram positive and gram negative bacteria
gram positive:
-gram positive belong to one phylum.
-90% of cell wall is composed of peptidoglycan
gram negative:
-belong to multiple phylum
-thin cell wall, 10% peptidoglycan. surrounded by outer envelope containing lipopolysaccharides and lipoproteins.
what are obligate anareobes
organisms that live in low o2 environments and are poisoned by the presence of o2
what are faculative anareobes
live in low o2 environments but can survive in the presence or absence of oxygen