MODULE 2 Flashcards
“We the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution”
an introductory and preliminary statement
in a document
A preamble
-purpose and underlying philosophy
-cites historical facts
-dictates that the Phil and the Filipino
people are the sovereign masters of the Phil Islands.
Phil and the Filipino
people are the sovereign masters of the
Phil Islands
- Family closeness and solidarity
- Politeness
- Hospitality and Gratitud Values
1.Love for God or Pagka maka –Diyos
2.Love for fellowmen or Pagka maka- Tao
3.Love for Country or Pagkamaka-Bayan
4.Love for the Environment or Pagkamaka-Kalikasan
what value is this?
Religiousness is a prime Filipino value
1.Love for God or Pagka maka –Diyos
what value is this?
- Faith is a deeply rooted submission to a divine Creator and beliving in His
authority over all creations.
Love for God or Pagka maka –Diyos
what value is this?
St Pauls defines love in different ways : Love is patient; it never fails, it is
eternal. There are faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is LOVE. (1Cor
Love for fellowmen or Pagka maka- Tao
what value is this?
It illustrates the real essence of love which strengthens the foundation of
the family and other social groupings. It is the strongest force within the human
Love for fellowmen or Pagka maka- Tao
what value is this?
- Progressive countries are able to attain their economic goals because the people
have trust and confidence in their governments and are actively supporting their
policies and programs.
Love for Country or Pagkamaka-Bayan
what value is this?
- Environment refers to everything that surrounds us from the natural world to
the man-made physical structures.
- Human interventions are important to derive the full benefits from natural
resources, but such interventions have at times gone beyond the limits of the domain
reserved for human utilization.
Love for the Environment or Pagkamaka-Kalikasan
Love for God or
Pagka maka –Diyos
Love for fellowmen or
Pagka maka- Tao
Love for Country or
Love for the Environment or
are able to attain their economic goals because the people
have trust and confidence in their governments and are actively supporting their
policies and programs.
Progressive countries
are important to derive the full benefits from natural
resources, but such interventions have at times gone beyond the limits of the domain reserved for human utilization.
Human interventions
refers to everything that surrounds us from the natural world to
the man-made physical structures.
“A Moral Recovery Program: Building a People– Building a
Nation” by
Patricia Licuanan (1988)
The strengths and weaknesses of the Filipino have their roots in many factors such as (10):
(a) the home environment
(b) the social environment
(c) culture and language
(d) history
(e) the educational system
(f) religion
(g) the economic environment
(h) the political environment
(i) mass media
(j) leadership and role models.
- The Family and Home Environment.
- The Social Environment
- Culture and Language
- History
- The Educational System
- Religion
- Economic Environment
- The Political Environment
- Mass Media
- Leadership and Role Models.
Child-bearing practices, family relations, and family attitudes and orientation are
the main components of the home environment. Child-bearing in the Filipino family
generally is characterized by high nurturance, low independence training, and low
The Family and Home Environment.
The main components of the social environment are social structures and social
systems such as interpersonal, religious, and community interaction. The social
environment of the Filipino is characterized by a feudal structure with great gaps
between the rich minority and the poor majority. Sensitivity about hurting establish
The Social Environment
is generally used to describe two things. The first is the
attitude of the members of a nation which includes the concepts of national
identity, origin, ethnicity, and cultural ties.
is characterized by the attachment of Superiority to one’s country, an aspiration for its continuity and prosperity, and maintaining a high regard and respect for it’s Laws, Principles and policies .
witnessed and upsurge of Patriotic sentiments and Nationalistic
ideals in the late 1800’s as a result of Filipino Propaganda Movement from 1872 -1892.
Philippine Nationalism
-It became the main ideology of the first Asian nationalist uprising, the Philippine Revolution of 1896 .Spain already ruled the Phil for about 333 years before Philippine Nationalism was developed.
Philippine Nationalism
what term was originally referred to Spaniards born in the Phil.
-The term Filipino originally referred to Spaniards born in the Phil. And not the native inhabitants. But certain events finally led to the development of native patriotism and transcend the cultural and geographical boundaries that had been barriers to the unification of the inhabitants of the archipelago.
Philippine Nationalism