are generally
defined as those rights, which are
inherent in our nature, and
without which, we cannot live as
human beings.
Human rights
who said that Human rights are generally
defined as those rights, which are
inherent in our nature, and
without which, we cannot live as
human beings.
United Nation
are supreme,
inherent, and inalienable rights to
life, dignity and self-development.
It is the essence of these rights that
makes man human.
Human rights
who said Human rights are supreme,
inherent, and inalienable rights to
life, dignity and self-development.
It is the essence of these rights that
makes man human.
-Philippine Commission on Human Right
help to protect all people everywhere from severe political, legal, and social abuses.
International norms
7 Basic Characteristics of Human Rights
13 Categories of Human
As Fundamental Freedom in Political
As Democratic Rights
As Mobility Rights
As Right to Life, Liberty and the
Security of the Person
As Legal Rights
As Rights of Equality
As Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
As Workers’ Rights
As Aboriginal Rights
As Reproductive Rights
As Protective Rights of Persons in Armed Conflicts
As Right of Self-determination
As Minority Group Right
what contains these fundamental
Bill of Rights in the
Philippine Constitution
Rights that are commonly
exercised in a democratic
As Democratic Rights
The Bill of Rights in the
Philippine Constitution
contains these fundamental
As Fundamental Freedom in
Political Rights
Right to travel and return to
one’s country, and the freedom
to movement within the country
As Mobility Rights
National as well as international
in character
As Mobility Rights
Represents the core of
fundamental rights which
relate to the right to physical
and personal integrity,
consistent with human dignity.
As Right to Life, Liberty and the
Security of the Person
Rights that constitute due
process that can be invoked
by persons accused.
As Legal Rights
Right against discrimination
As Rights of Equality
Everyone is equal before the
law and is entitled to equal
protection or the equal benefit
of the law.
As Rights of Equality
Considered to be more of standards
to be observed by the State
As Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights
Includes the right to association,
the right to organize unions, to
bargain collectively, the
prohibition of employment of
children, and the guarantee of
minimum wages and other
As Workers’ Rights
Associated with the rights
of indigenous cultural
tribes or communities
As Aboriginal Rights
Includes the right to found a
family and bear children, to
gender sensitivity and the
biomedical technology, and to
family planning
As Reproductive Rights
Rights provided in the
international humanitarian law
for the protection of children,
women and non-combatants
during internal armed conflicts
As Protective Rights of
Persons in Armed Conflicts
This rights was asserted by
colonial peoples in their struggle
for independence
As Right of Self-determination
Right of people to be free from
colonial rule and decide their own
As Right of Self-determination
These rights include the
protection of ethnic,
linguistic and religious
As Minority Group Right
what year did Educated Filipinos were already
aware of the basic constitutional
guarantees mentioned in the
American and English Bill of Rights
Educated Filipinos were already
aware of the basic constitutional
guarantees mentioned in the – and —-
American and English Bill of Rights
was adopted, establishing a Republican government, contained several provisions on civil and political rights, guaranteeing freedom fromarbitrary arrest and detention, freedom from searches and seizures, freedom to choose home and freedom of religion.
Malolos Constitution
when was the Malolos Constitution was adopted,
June 2o, 1899
directed application of the American Bill of Rights through his Instruction to the Philippine Commission
President McKinley
what year did President McKinley directed
application of the American Bill of
Rights through his Instruction to
the Philippine Commission
(Jones Law)
Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916
(Tydings- Mcduffee Law)
Philippine Independence Act of 1934
what year did The first Philippine Constitution was adopted
what year was the Philippine constitution was reiterated
Bill of Rights included which are now
known as —- and —–
civil and political rights
what year was the Bill of Rights included which are now
known as civil and political rights
what year were Filipinos were temporarily deprived of the
enjoyment of the civil and political rights
(military rule of Japan)
what year was it that the Civil and political rights of Filipinos restored
the year Rule of President Ferdinand Marcos
the year Filipinos were again subjected to violation of human rights
year EDSA Revolution
the year A new resolution was adopted which took
effect the following year occured
the year when The new constitution
categorically states that the State
values dignity of every human
person and guarantees full
respect for human rights (Bill of