Module 18 - Money and interest rates Flashcards
Describe the functions of money
Monetary financial institutions
Retail banking
Wholesale banking
Financial instruments
Sight deposits
Time deposits
Sale and repurchase agreements
Certificates of deposit
Gearing (or leverage)
Market loans
Bills of exchange
Treasury bills
Reverse repos
Maturity gap
Liquidity ratio
Sub-prime debt
Capital adequacy ratio
Secondary marketing
Special purpose vehicle (SPV)
Collateralised debt obligations
Co-ordination failure
Global systematically important banks (G-SIBs)
Macro-prudential regulation
Lender of last resort
Prudential control
Open market operations
Exchange equalisation account
Money market
Discount market
Describe the functions of banks
Describe the liabilities and assets of retail banks
Explain the conflict between liquidity and profitability
Explain what is meant by capital adequacy and why it is important
Explain how secondary marketing can reconcile the conflicting objectives of liquidity and profitability
Explain the process of securitisation
Discuss the effects of securitisation
Explain the reasons for the financial crisis of 2008
Give examples of regulations introduced in response of the financial crisis
Describe the functions of the central bank
Describe the operation of the money market
Explain the ways in which the central bank can increase the liquidity of the banking system
Monetary base
Broad money
Bank multiplier
Money multiplier
Non-bank private sector
Quantitative easing (QE)
Financial instability hypothesis
Exogenous money supply
Endogenous money supply
Explain the credit creation process in theory
Explain the five main ways in which a change in the money supply could arise
Describe the three main motives for holding money
Discuss the five main factors affecting the demand for money
Explain the effect on interest rates of a change in the supply of money
Explain the effect on interest rates of a change in the demand for money
Equation of exchange
Velocity of circulation
Describe the effect of an increase in the money supply on the exchange rate and the balance of payments
State and describe the equation of exchange
Describe the effect of a change in the money supply on output and prices
Explain the transmission mechanisms that translate a change in the money supply to a change in GDP
Discuss the strengths of the links in the monetary transmission mechanisms