Module 12 Central Nervous System Flashcards
Where is the cell body located in the afferent neuron?
In the peripheral
Where is the cell body located in the efferent neuron?
In the CNS
What does a cross-section of the spinal cord look like?
White matter is on the outer layer. It’s composed of axons.
Gray matter is on the inner layer composed of cell bodies and dendrites
Sensory neurons enter via the ventral side of the body?
False, they enter the dorsal or back side of the body. Motor neurons exit via the ventral side of the spinal cord.
Collection of cell bodies in the CNS (efferent neurons)
Collection of cell bodies in the peripheral (afferent neurons)
Dorsal root ganglion
There are a number of diseases that cause demyelination of axons. What defect would you expect in someone with demyelinated ventral root neurons?
A) Leaky blood brain barrier
B) Impaired vision
C) Inability to sense pain
D) Impaired/slow limb movement
Demyelination of the ventral root neurons means that efferent neurons are affected which would result in impaired/slow limb movement.
What are the meninges?
These are three layers of protective tissue between the bones of the bran/spinal cord.
Dura Matter
Arachnoid Matter
Pia Matter
What does the brain float in?
Cerebral spinal fluid (also surrounds the spinal cord)
It’s also in between every single layer of the meninges and is located in the brain ventricles.
What else can CSF do?
CSF also acts as a reservoir for the brain’s interstitial fluid (the fluid surrounding neural cells).
It ensures that the fluid around neurons has:
The correct ionic concentrations (essential for neural function).
Nutrients (such as glucose and ions) to support the brain’s metabolic needs.
Which of the following substances do you think could get through the blood brain barrier? (There is more than one correct answer)
A) Glucose
B) Oxygen
C) Red blood cells
D) Glycogen
E) Cortisol
Glucose, oxygen, cortisol
Sensory neurons are ____________ neurons and their cell bodies are in the _____________.
Afferent neurons
Dorsal root ganglion
What is part of the peripheral nervous system
sensory nervous system
Somatosensory neurons
Mechanoreceptors: Mechanoreceptors are triggered when the membrane of them deform and Na+ enters (touch)
Nociceptors: Pain
Thermoreceptors: The TRP (temperature sensitive receptors) are ion channels that are activated by exposure to hot and cold or (capsaicin, menthol, or eucalyptus oil)
Proprioceptors: Body Position