Module 11 Flashcards
what is emotion
description of what we are feeling
_______ are short lived that correspond to situational events. ________ last longer, less intense states and are not affected by specific objects or events
emotions; moods
moods; emotions
emotions; moods
What are the 3 principles of Charles Darwin’s principle of emotions
a)serviceable habits
c)direct action of the excited nervous system on the body
serviceable habits emphasizes emotion for _________.
non-human animal
non-human animal
A dog baring its teeth before attacking is
second principle of antithesis
first principle of serviceable habits
third principle of direct action
first principle of serviceable habits
opposite emotions have opposite bodily expressions. Such as a dog when angry it may arch its back, lower its head, tense its muscle. Oppositely, when a dog is happy it back is straight, head is high, and muscles are relaxed. What principle is this?
second principle of antithesis
first principle of serviceable habits
third principle of direct action
second principle of antithesis
describe The third principle of direct action of the excited nervous system on the body
emotions results in perceived changes in nervous system. Like face turning red when angry, the body expelling unused excitement as laughter.
what does James a Lange Theroy suggest
we express the emotion the stimulus evokes and then identify emotion
Organize James-Lange sequence of events for emotions in order
- We acknowledge the privately experience emotion
- We perceive the physical stimulus from natural environment
- We express emotion publicly —-physiological changes occur as a result of perceiving the physical stimulus
2, 3, 1
James believed many things about emotions that were disproven by Cannon what things did Cannon diprove.
- If organs are severed emotions should stop
- different physiological responses occur in different emotional states
3.internal body should be more sensitive than externa;
What is cannon-Bard theory events in order
- we perceive the physicals stimulus in environment
2.we simultaneously produce bodily or facial expression changes and acknowledge the emotions
What part of the brain is believed to play a part in the processing of emotion (Cannon-Bard Theory)
the thalamus
what evidence supports the claim that the thalamus governs emotion?
- When cerebrum is removed rage is evoked but disappear when thalamus is removed
- tumors on either side of thalamus evoke different emotions
- anesthia evoke crying and laughing
What do we call this transference of emotion when Enid becomes disgusted at the thought of eating a cow after she sees Arun exhibit disgust at the idea of eating a cow?
Emotional contagion
Simulated emotion
Emotional leakage
Action unit
emotional contagion
define conditioned emotional response
process is linked to emotion through classical conditioning of a neutral substances
When newborn chicks are separated from their mother what will they do?
emit a distress vocalization
What drug blocks the uptake of glutamate?
define occasion setters
stimulus that signals relationship between a response and an outcome
what is an interoceptive stimuli
a stimuli that comes from inside the body indicating a change from one state to another
A male rat has copulated multiple times with the same female and is satiated. If a new female (one he has not copulated with) is introduced, he will express a renewed sexual interest in the new female.
what effect is this?
Coolidge effect
what is habituation
a type of learning in which an animal is exposed to the same stimulus repeatedly and eventually stop responding to the uninformative stimulus.
after animal is habituated to a stimulus it is introduced to stimulus with a change in context, a different stimulus is presented just before it, or there’s a rest period without presentation of the repeated stimulus
when an individual attempts to copulate and courts with an individual that is already in a relationship is called
Mate poaching
what is the rivalry sensitivity hypothesis
women focus on rival in their partner immediate vicinity while men focus on their partners when rivals are nearby.
What are the two types of motivating operations
establishing operation and abolishing operations
Being a little warm and having a heater is an
establishing operation or abolishing operations
abolishing operations because you don’t need to be warmer
Being hot and sweaty with access to a fan is an
establishing operation or abolishing operations
establishing operation
If you’re hot and sweaty, then you might stand in front of the fan and turn it on high for several minutes—the reinforcer supports more behavior.
define achievement motivations
a need to be excellent in an area