Module 10. Well Control Flashcards
Describe Driller’s method
- Step 1 - circulate out influx with original mud density
- Step 2 - circulate well with kill mud weight
Wait & Weight Method
- simultaneous circulation of both the invading fluid (influx) and kill density mud
Well control systems permits the following:
1) Detecting the kick
2) Closing the well at surface
3) Circulating the well under pressure to remove the formation fluids and increase the mud density
4) moving the mud density
5) diverting the flow away from the rig personnel and equipment
What will happen if HP is higher than FP?
In the porous intervals wells fluids will not flow into the well and the formation is “overbalanced” by the Mud Density
Formulas for EMD?
EMD = BHP/(0.00981 x Depth) EMD = MWD + SIDPP/ (0.00981 x TD)
Rule of thumb for gas contribution for HP?
2.25 kPa/m
What is velosity for gas rising relative to mud?
800 m/hr
Primary well control?
HP from the column of fluid in the wellbore
Secondary well control?
BOOP components bring wellbore under control
Terturay well control?
External means are required to kill the well
- relief wells
- capping the wbore with larger BOPs
- dynamite blasting to put out burning well
Describe SIDPP
This is the pressure recorded at the drill pipe pressure gauge on the remote choke control panel on the rig floor after a kick has been taken and the well has been shut in by closing BOP rams
Describe SICP
Pressure recorded by the casing pressure gauge on the remote choke control panel after the well is shut in on a kick and the pressure have stabilized
Three reasons why influx enters annular space?
1) the cross sectional area of the annulus is usually much larger than cross sectional area of the bit nozzles. The larger area offers less resistance of fluid flow
2) the direction of mud flow during drilling is always from the pipe to the annulus, which pushes the influx into the annulus
3) the drill string pressure may contain a float, which prevents any flow up the string
Determine pit gain
Pitgain - increase in the total pit volume, which must be equal the influx volume unless there is a loss somewhere
what is Kill rate(KR) or Slow circulating rate(SCR)?
It is the pump speed in strokes/minute (SPM) at which a kick will be controlled. The resultant ciculating pressure is called kill rate pressure(KRP)
formula for Kill mud weight(KMW)
KMW = OMW(old mud weight) + SIDPP/(depth x 0.052)
What is Kick Tolerance(KT)?
the kick volume which can be safely taken nwithout breaking down the shoe while circulating out the kick by the driller’s method
Describe tge Concurrent Method
- circulate the kick out and partually kill the well in the first circulation
Low Choke Method
outruning a kick by attemting to bad the annulus w/weightened mud faster than well flow and using choke pressure and a higher pump rate to increase ECD
Volumetric Method
bottomhole pressure is maintained slightly higher than formation while the gas is allowed to expand in a controlled manner to surface
The pump pressure at drill pipe pressure gauge on the remote choke control panel at the start of pumping the kill mud into the string
The pump pressure after kill mud reaches the bit