Module 10- Respiration Flashcards
function of resp system?
- transport oxygen
- remove co2
- control blood ph
- regulate temp
- defend against airborne particles
which side of the heart does oxygen come in from the pulmonary vien?
the left side of the heart, the atrium
what are the two types of cell in alveoli
1) type 1 cells–> alveolar epithelial cells
2) type 2 cells–> secrete surfactant to line alveoli
where is the resp membrane?
in between alveolar space and capillary lumen
what immune cells are in the alveoli?
1) macrophages–> nom bad things
2) lymphocytes–> outside the alveoli
describe the pleural membranes
1) viceral pleura–> inside, sticks to lungs
2) parietal pleura–> stick to ribs
- form intrapleural space (has pleural fluid to reduce friction)
what is alveolar pressure?
the pressure inside the lungs
what is intrapleural pressure
the pressure in the intraplural space (lower than atmos. and alveolar by 4mmhg)
what is atmospheric pressure
the pressure outside the body (760)
how do you calc. transpulmonary pressure?
alveolar pressure - intrapulmonary pressure= +4
if +ve, keeps lungs open.if -ve u ded
what is penumothorax?
lung collapse when no intraplural pressure to hold it open
what is boyles law
when vol decreases, pressure increases and vice versa
what two factors influence compliance?
1) amt of elastic tissue
2) surface tension in alveoli
what is pulmonary fibrosis?
disease decreases compliance (inhale just or bad particles) so too much collegen= hard to inflate the lungs
what is pulmonary emphysema
increases compliance destroys elastin, so inhaling is easy but recoiling lungs is hard and you tire easily. smoking is bad