Module 1: Women Throughout History Flashcards
Period of Time: 15th - 18th century.
Systems of Oppression: Patriarchy, Christianity.
Mechanisms of Domination: Humiliation, genocide, execution, criminalization.
Period of Time: 16th - 19th century.
Systems of Oppression: Colonialism, patriarchy, racism, capitalism.
Mechanisms of Domination: Exploitation, sexual abuse, control over women’s reproductive system, domestic servants, rape.
Period of Time: 16th century - Today.
Systems of Oppression: Patriarchy, capitalism, neoliberalism, racism. sexism, criminalization.
Mechanisms of Domination: Arranged marriages.
Housekeepers and Caregivers
Period of Time: 16th century - Today.
Systems of Oppression: Patriarchy, capitalism, neoliberalism, racism, sexism, criminalization.
Mechanisms of Domination: Access denied to education and politics.
Period of Time: 16th century - Today.
Systems of Oppression: Patriarchy, capitalism, neoliberalism, racism, sexism, criminalization.
Mechanisms of Domination: Unequal salary, low-wage salary, unequal distribution of the duties at home, discrimination, sexual harassment.
First Wave of Feminism (1848 - 1920)
The right to vote (United States, 1920), divorce, and own property.
Recognition as a ‘person’ under the law.
The Great Depression (1929 - 1939): Labour movement (fight for unequal salary).
Second Wave of Feminism (1960s - 1980s)
Man is the norm
Women’s Liberation Movement (MLM)
Workplace rights: pay equity, access to educational services, reproductive rights, and sexual liberation.
Third Wave of Feminism (1990 - 2010)
Recognizes the need to integrate analysis of oppression on the basis of race, class, and sexuality.
Embraces individualism and diversity, challenging the definitions of femininity, and addressing issues of intersectionality.
Fourth Wave of Feminism (2010 - Present)
Technology for activism, addressing sexual harassment and violence (#MeToo Movement, body shaming and continuing to emphasize intersectionality).