Module 1: Diversity in the Workplace & Centrality of Ethics to Leadership Flashcards
— learned patterns of perception, values, and behaviors, shared by a group of people, that are dynamic and heterogenous
→ ______ can constantly change overtime
→ when a person goes through a process of learning the culture
→ understanding and embracing a different culture
→ Trends
→ Fashion
→ Language
→ Food
10% External Culture (Tip of the Iceberg)
→ Religion
→ Behavior
→ Values (e.g. slurping in China and Japan is okay, but in USA is not)
→ Tradition
90% Internal Culture (Bottom of the Iceberg)
— purpose: to call down God’s blessing and protection upon us, our homes, and possessions, especially through the intercession of St. Benedict
— becomes a silent prayer and reminder to us of our dignity as followers of Christ
— from Catholic culture
Saint Benedict Medal
— _______ in Greek culture is a curse thought to be given by a malicious glare that can cause bad luck or loss
— the evil eye wards off the curse and protect yourself throughout the day
The Mati or Evil Eye
— an ornamental plant but also has a spiritual usage
— Ifugaos consider the plant sacred and have it planted around their terraces to drive away evil spirits away and to ensure that their rice terraces to drive away evil spirits and to ensure that their harvest will be bountiful
— the leaves of the plant are also used to conduct rituals
Tungkod Pari
→ a death dance ritual by the Ifagaos using the leaves of Tungkod Pari
1) Values
2) Attitudes and Preferences
The Key Dimensions of Culture
— represents a person’s judgments about what is good or bad, acceptable or unacceptable, important or unimportant, and normal or abnormal
— must be ethical
The Key Dimensions of Culture: Values
— developed based on values, and are similar to opinions, except that attitudes are often unconsciously held and may not have a rational basis
The Key Dimensions of Culture: Attitudes and Preferences
1) Culture is Learned
2) Culture is Shared
3) Culture is Based on Symbols
4) Culture is Integrated
5) Culture is Dynamic
5 Characteristics of Culture
— it is NOT biological; not inherited
— learning culture is much unconscious
— people learn culture from families, peers, institutions, and media
— enculturation → process of learning culture
— while all humans have basic biological needs such as food, sleep, and sex, the way we fulfill those needs varies cross-culturally
5 Characteristics of Culture: Culture is Learned
— because we share culture with other members of our group, we are able to act in socially appropriate ways as well as predict how others will act
— despite the shared nature of culture, that doesn’t mean that culture is homogenous
5 Characteristics of Culture: Culture is Shared
— symbol
→ something that stands for something else
→ vary cross-culturally and are arbitrary; only have meaning when people in a culture agree on their use
→ language (most important), money and art are all symbols; language is the most important symbolic component of culture
— examples:
— USA → eagle (signifying freedom, power)
— China → dragon, yin yang
— Christian Community → Crucifix
5 Characteristics of Culture: Culture is Based on Symbols