Module 1 Flashcards
Types of cases Art 3 judges can hear
interpretation + disputes
must be case or controversy
What determines whether there is a “case or controversy”?
-Whether it’s an advisory opinion
-If its moot/ripe
what do you need for pre-enforcement review
fit for judicial decision + substantial hardship for plaintiff if not decided
mootness exceptions
-capable of repeating itself and evading review due to the inherently short nature of the event/issue
-class action where class rep claim becomes moot but another can bring in class
-defendant voluntarily stops the conduct but can restart at any time [strip club]
taxpayer/citizen standing exceptions
-ur own tax bill
-10th Am [feds impinging on state law arena; must be redressable injury]
-Establishment Clause [must be CONGRESSIONAL spending]
-overbreadth 1st Am
-enforce fed statutes (if within zone of interest)
rule on 3d party standing
-generally none
-unless difficult for 3d party to assert own rights or close relationship exists
org standing
Can sue on behalf of its members if:
–injury in fact to members
–members injury is related to orgs purpose AND
–individual member participation in lawsuit not required (e.g., not seeking indiviidualized damages)
sovereign immunity exceptions
-express waiver [consent]
-structural waiver
-local gov actions
-suit by other states or feds
-some actions against state officers
-cong removes immunity
adequate and independent state grounds doctrine
If a state court deci
rests on two grounds, one that’s state law and one
that’s federal law, and if the Supreme Court’s reversal of
the federal law ground will not change the result in the case, then
the Supreme Court can’t hear the case. [4th am example]
congress powers
Art. 1 Sec 8 enumerated powers plus powers necessary and proper to carry out enumerated powers
Enum powerS: to lay and collect taxes; pay debts and borrow money; regulate commerce; coin money; establish post offices; protect patents and copyrights; establish lower courts; declare war; and raise and support an Army and Navy.
General rule: can tax and spend for any public purpose not prohibited by Const.
Spending power conditions:
Can impose strings on grant of money to local or state govs if: (1) clearly stated; (2) relate to purpose of program; (3) are not unduly coercive; and (4) do not otherwise violate the Const.
Taxes generally invalid. Must bear some rational relationship to gov production or promting the general welfare. Cannot simply PENALIZE to COMPEL.
what can regulate under commerce power
channels, instrumentalities (planes, traints, auto; people, things); OR activities w substantial effect
intrastate activity
if COMMERCIAL and in aggregate has substantial effect
delegation of leg power
-can do as long as intelligble standards are set and power not specifically confined to congress
-major questions doctrine exception
–look to whether agency has historically asserted such power and whether there is clear congressional auth for the claimed power
inherent/implied exec powers
-when p acts w express or implied auth from Congress, pres auth at MAX and actions likely valid
-when p acts where Cong silent, const is uncertain, courts will consider circ and relevant history. unlikely to be upheld if it usurps power of another branch.
-if p acts against express will of Cong and Cong had auth to act, action likely invalid.
when can’t the president grant pardons
-non-federal offenses
-those for impeachment or civil contempt
how to override a veto
2/3 of both chambers
Treaty power
-pres + 2/3 of Senate
-supreme law of land if self-executing (effective w/o any implementation by Cong.). State laws that conflict generally invalid.
-when conflicts w fed law; last in time prevails
exec agrmts
-signed by pres and head of foreign country
-do not require consent of senate
-prevails over state law.
-federal law prevails over
federal taxation of states or local govs
must apply to both state and private entities generally to be valid (like minimum wage laws)
-can invalidate under 10th if not
intergovernmental immunity doctrine
states cannot interfere with or
Preemption/Supremacy Clause stuff
Start with presumption against preemption.
-express preemption (narrowly construed)
-implied preemption
—conflict by the way state and fed law req
—state prevents achievement of federal objective [frustrates]
—field preemption [even if nonconflicting – fed laws must be so comprehensive]
Art IV Privileges and Immunities
-prohibits discrim against nonresidents concerning COMMERCIAL activities (like pursuit of livelihood) or FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS [not corps]
-applies only if intentionally protectionist
-strict scrutiny