Module 1 Flashcards
What is good teaching?
MAAFI - Motivation, Assistance, Adjustment, Feedback, Independence
What is a quality staff ?
Trained, Fidelity
What did Edward L. Thonrdike contribute to ABA ?
Contributed the Law of Effect, Learning Curves, Law of Recency, Trial and Error Learning
What did Ivan Pavlov contribute?
Contributed Classical Conditioning, Systematic Desensitization
What did John B. Watson contribute?
Contributed Behaviorism, Conditioned Emotional Responding, switch from consciousness to behavior, Analysis of Language
What did B. F. Skinner contribute?
Contributed Selection by Consequences, Satiation and Deprivation, Shaping, Analysis of Verbal Behavior, Cultural Selection,
What are the 7 dimensions of ABA?
Applied, Behavioral, Analytic, Technological, Conceptual Systems, Effective, Generality
What was the Lovaas Study?
in 1987, 38 ASD children were given treament before 4 years old for 2 years. 19 children were given 40 hr average of ABA intervention. and other 19 children were given 10 hr average. most improved with 40 hour average. 47% recovered.
What are the 3 branches of behavioral analysis science?
experimental analysis of behavior, behaviorism, and applied behavior analysis
What kind of ABA curriculum should be focused on?
flexible and structured
What is are indicators of a bad ABA?
irrelevant curriculum, food reinforcement focus, unnatural teaching techniques, therapy room only, no distractions, no parental expertise, alternative treatments to “cure”, improper staff training, improper treatment intensity
What is progressive ABA?
A model of ABA for people with ASD. A continuum of intervention that avoids rigidity and set protocols; overall a use of clinical judgment.
What other professions use clinical judgement?
Football coaches, chefs, winemakers, traffic apps, psychologists
What aspects of the learner are assessed when using clinical judgment?
interfering behaviors, behavior functions, attentivness, receptivity, calm vs. agitated, repsonsive, recent perfromance, past performance, motivation, non verbal behavior, staff skill level, child persistence, childs health, operant vs. respondent
What progressive ABA evolved to being called?
Autism partnership method
Why was early ABA the “wild west”?
Behavior Analysts were untrained, money was the main focus, intervention quality was poor, had a poor reputation, no progress for people with ASD.
What did Van Houten recommend to improve the ABA field?
Right to: a therapeutic environment, goal of personal welfare, programs that teach functional skills, behavioral assessment and ongoing assessment, most effective treatment procedures available
What is the BACB( Behavior Analyst Certification Board)?
Created in 1998, to provide basic credentials, increase quality of behavior analysis, increase amount of behavior analytic services in a supervisory capacity. Not a ASD specific certification
What is the RBT(Registered Behavior Technician)?
A certification for professionals working with clients. Must complete a 40 hour training.