Modularity Flashcards
Modest modularity (2)
A) Mind has a dual core: perception & cognition
B) Only perception (& language) is modular
Fodor-modules (9)
Encapsulated (2)
A) Not having access to other parts of the mind
B) E: M 1 -> | m 2 | <- central system
Module (2)
A) Functional cognitive mechanism
B) Transforms inputs into outputs
Inaccessible (2)
A) Central system does not have access to modules
B) M1 -> | central system | <- m2
Module is not under conscious control
Less than 0.5s to process info
Cheap, requires little energy
Dysfunction of a module does not interfere with others functioning
Mental functions have a specific location in the brain
Each module processes info within 1 specific domain (= set of relevant stimuli that can be processed)
Modules develop according to an innate structure that yields the same results in most individuals (E.g. capacity of learning)
Phoneme restoration effect (3)
A) Brain fills gaps in barely audible sentence
B) Expectation influences brain function
C) Therefore: Language/acoustic perception is not encapsulated
Visual illusions (3)
A) Depend on age & culture
B) Therefore: not encapsulated & innate
C) But: synchronic vs diachronic
Holism (2)
A) Central systems must have access to modules, they require a flow of info
B) Therefore: modules cannot be encapsulated
Massive modularity
All mental systems are modular
Evolutionary psychology (3)
A) Human mind needs to solve adaptive problems to survive
B) Solving adaptive problems requires modularity: different problems require different solving mechanisms
C) Therefore: the mind is massively modular
Natural selection (4)
A) There is scarcity (some individuals die before reproduction)
B) There is variation (some variations are more successful at survival & reproduction)
C) Variation is hereditary
D) Therefore: adaptations arise (the more successful individuals pass on their adaptive advantages)
Poverty of stimulus (2)
A) Children learn to speak very quickly & with few stimuli
B) Therefore: they must have some innate language acquisition device
Frame problem (3)
A) Reacting rapidly & efficiently in dangerous situations requires very specialized info processing i.e. modularity
B) But: what if it favors only some mental capacities to be modular?
C) But: does not necessitate encapsulation