Dualism and its Discontents Flashcards
Universe is made up of physical and mental stuff
Physical stuff (3)
A) Described and explained by physics
B) Tied to space & time
C) Publicly accessible & objectively researchable
Mental stuff (3)
A) No place in physics
B) Is not tied to space & time
C) Privately accessible & subjectively researchable
Property dualism
Our mental properties arise from physical properties
Substance dualism (2)
We are our minds (mind = substance, body = property)
1) If we can exist without a body, we cannot be a body
2) We can exist without a body
Therefore: We cannot be our body
Occasionalism (2)
A) God occasions every interaction between mind & body
B) Problem: Is God responsible for evil acts?
God synchronizes mind & body at birth
Arguments for dualism (3)
A) Accommodates common sense (we naturally distinguish between physical & mental)
B) Principle of identity:
If x & y have the same features, they are identical, if not they are not identical (mind is indubitable & indivisible, body not)
(Wbu multiple personalities and CS & UCS?)
C) Conceivability
But: conceivability does not necessarily lead to possibility
Arguments against dualism (3)
A) Interaction:
How do body & mind affect eachother?
But: pineal gland, non-deterministic quantum physics & physics as a mere paradigm
B) Simplicity:
Dualism is ontologically extravagant
C) Category mistake:
Mind is mistaken with behavior