Models Flashcards
arithmetic density.
The concept of density is most often calculated by the number of things per square unit of distance.
physiologic density
measures the number of people per square unit Of arable land, meaning both the land that is farmed and the land that has the potential to be farmed but is not active.
n, physiologic densityia
ty measures the number of people per square unit Of arable land, meaning both the land that is farmed and the land that has the potential to be farmed but is not active.
a hearth
point of origin
Expansion Diffusion
The pattern originates in a central place and then expands outward in all directions to other loca- tions. Note that the distance does not have to be equal in all drections.
Hierarchical Diffusion
Jute pattern originates in a first-order location dzen moves down to second-order locations and from each of these to subordinate locations at increasingly local scales.
Relocation Diffusion
The pattern beats at a point of origin and then crosses a significant physical barrier, such as an ocean, mountain range, or desert, then relocates on the other side. Often the journey can influence and modify the items being diffused.
Contagious Diffusion
The pattern begins at a point of origin and then moves outward to nearby locations, especially those on adjoining transportation lines. Ibis could be used to describe a disease but can also describe the movement of other things, such as me news m rural regions.
The gravity model
s a mathematical model that is used in a number of different types of s spacial analysis.
Gravity models are used to calculate transportation flow between two points, determine the area of influence of a city’s businesses, and estimate the flow of migrants to a particular place.
gravity model multiples the quantitative size of tho places and divides that by the distance between them, squared.
The gravity model
s a mathematical model that is used in a number of different types of s spacial analysis.
s. Gravity models are used to calculate transportation flow between two points, determine the area of inhuence of a city’s businesses, and estimate the flow of migrants to a parbcular place.
Agricultural density
refers to the number of people per square unit of land actively under cultivation.
n, physiologic densityia
ty measures the number of people per square unit Of arable land, meaning both the land that is farmed and the land that has the potential to be farmed but is not active.
a hearth
point of origin
Birth Rate’s- Deceasing (12-30) Death rates. Lowering (5-18) Life Expectancy Increasing (
Hierarchical Diffusion
Jute pattern originates in a first-order location dzen moves down to second-order locations and from each of these to subordinate locations at increasingly local scales.