Modelling Basics Flashcards
a process where a source (you) communicates information by some medium (verbally, text) to one or more receivers. the receiver must then decide and extract meaning from it.
internal mental representations
the building blocks of reality
Conceptual Definitions
Clear and concise definitions of ones concepts
Define do not provide examples
Conceptual Systems
when two or more concepts are connected to show a relationship (the shirt lies on the table) it forms a conceptual system, allowing us to reach a deeper level of understanding than the simple concepts on their own
Consensual Validation
Conceptualization is judge based on how well it is accepted by others.
concepts clustered together under broader constructs. Broader to understand larger portions of reality simply.
Animals -> reptiles -> frogs -> tree frogs -> etc
Criteria of a Good Model
- Recognising ignorance and testing for assumptions in order to gain full scope of understanding in potential predictions
- Keeping it simple due to unknowns involved
- Being transparent about potential biases, taking differing perspectives into account, being honest with the validity of the outcomes
- Beinf transparent about lack of absolute answers to come from models
- Models do not give answers, they guide further questions
Expert Validation
Judged by whether people seem as experts determine if it’s right or wrong
How Models are Developed
- Observation and generation of ideas
- Identifying, organizing, and differentiating concepts, constructs, and causal relationships
- (Thought) experiments, reasoning, and argumentation
The focal problem statement
- derived from a theoretical Expression
- more concrete than original expression
- result of instantaion: limited in scope and more specific
- tied to empirical reply to allow for testing
we are able to understand something when we can identify it
Meaning Structure
term to designate concepts in the mind of the individual
helps ensure theories are testable and not to broad
specifying instances of abstract concepts in order to clarify meaning
Internal Validation
judged by formal rules of logic
process of developing representational descriptions by means of examples like graphs, tables, equations, casual models, and flow charts
Modelling and Understanding
models help us understand by DESCRIBING, EXPLAINING, and/or PREDICTING phenomenon they represent
Simplified representations of the real world.
concepts and relationships between concepts
Models are Compared by Checking…
- Parsimomy
- Relevence
- Generalizability
- Transferability
- Reusability
makes the least assumptions, stays close to current body of knowledge, and explain phenomena at least as adequately as others before
Sensitivity Analysis
how substantial are the changes by altering a specific variable
Shared Meaning
a general consensus agreeing on the core meaning of a concept
ex. round
Surface Structure
term to designate symbols that are external representations of thoughts (meaning structure)
external expressions used to represent and communicate internal concepts to others
Surplus Meaning
there is a larger quantity of differing definitions of a concept
(ex. differing definitions of what exactly constitutes a shirt)
Systematic Empirical Validation
repeated empirical testing
Theoretical Expression
Any external symbolic relationship of an internal conceptual system.
- regardless is properly understood as a theory/model by others
- regardless of how it is symbolically represented
- regardless if tested empirically or not
Uncertainty Analysis
how certain is the variable
a concept conceptualized by specific categories or levels
Quantitative Variables
Assigned numerical values to place in different categories
ex. number of children, population, numbers or slices in a pizza
Nominal Variables
Different categories with no specific ordering.
Qualitative: gender, hair colour, ethnicity