Casual Models Flashcards
- If x causes y then changes in x produce changes in y
- Causes must happen before effect
- Time it takes for x to change y is irrelevant
- Effects of x on y may vary in context, x changes y in some situations but not others
- Cause and effect must happen in spatial context or through chain of events
Bidirectional/Reciprocal Relationship
Two variables influence one another
Complete Mediation
The only way for X to influence Y is through Z
Only used when you are not able to clearly identify another mediator other than Z.
Direct Causal Relationship
A cause has direct effect/impact on an outcome variable.
x -> y
First-Order Moderated Variable
Directly moderating effects of X on Y
Mediated Moderation
Adding a mediator to a moderated relationship (asses for partial or complete).
- Taking a philosophy course (x) and improving logical reasoning (y)
- Moderator: someone desires to be there and therefore pays more attention and learns more
- Mediator: attendance, desire to take course also effects attendance which then also effects ability to learn
- Partial mediation: desire to take course may not always impact attendance but will still impact learning
Indirect Causal Relationship
Variable influences another indirectly though it’s impact on a third variable.
x -> z -> y
Mediator Variable
the intermediating variable (z) the determinant (x) works through to cause change in outcome variable (y).
x -> Z -> y
Moderated Casual Relationship
Casual relationship is dependent on a third variable (z).
Moderator variable impacts the casual relationship, so when visually shown can only even point to the arrow connecting two variables.
Moderated Mediation
Strength of (casual) path signifying mediation varies due to third variable.
When visually shown the moderator impacts the relationship between a determinate and a moderated variable.
Can be applied to both complete and partial mediation.
Moderated Moderation
Amount at which the moderated variable impacts the effect of one variable onto another is also determined by a fourth variable.
When visually shown moderated moderator points towards arrow of first moderator.
Moderator Variable
differing Z variable (male or female) produces different causal relationship between x (wearing revealing clothes) and y (likelihood to receive harassment of some kind).
Partial Mediation
In addition to the mediated effects through Z, X also has an independent effect on Y.
When used you are saying there is some other effect other than Z that also influences Y. If you can articulate it then it is partial, but you do not always want to indicate it due to overcomplication.
Second-Order Moderated Variable
Moderating effects of the first moderator
Spurious Relationship
Variables are related because they share a common cause, not because they are casually related to one another.
x y
Unanalysed Relationships
Two variables are related (casual connection or spurious) but theorist won’t specify why due to overcomplication drawing away from main purpose of what is actually being discussed.
Relationships could be infinite but one must ignore some for clear understanding to he had.
Every single possible relationship does not need to be listed.
Predictive Models
Is variable A related to variation in variable B?
Does not care how A may cause B, only that it can’t predict B.
- certain personality traits (A) can predict mental disorders (B)