modelling and simulation Flashcards
target system has no clear boundary → model is well defined (only part of target system) → simulation → purpose
models of systems
represent a selected part of the world
- models of phenomena: represent all general feautres of the world
- models of data: corrected and idealised raw data
models of theory
represent a theory
- interprets law of a theory
model types
no accepted categorization of models & broad range of applications
- physical models
- mathematical models: described and solved analytically
- computational models: algorithmic and implemented into computer
- solve equations for which it is not possible to derive results or solve them analytically
→ bone stiffness, blood flow velocity - used in connection with dynamic models
- aim: solve equation of motion to represent time-evolution of target system
purposes of simulations
heuristic purposes - represent information to ourselves & communicate knowledge to others predicting purposes - behaviour of systems under particular set of circumstances - used for prediction understanding purposes - understand systems and their behaviour - use existing data, to answer questions
computer models
similar to physical models
computer simulation definitions
narrow definition: run on a computer, step-by-step methods to explore approximate behaviour of mathematical model
broad definition: comprehensive method to study systems
- choose a model → implementation → calculation output → visualizing; analysing results
alternative definition: any system that is believed or hoped to have dynamical behaviour that is similar enough to some other system, also performed using real physical models
equation-based simulation
- based on mathematical model → global differnetial equations describe the system’s behaviour
- most common in physical and other sciences
- associated with physical theories
- can be particle-based (interaction of n-discrete bodies) or field-based (time evolution of a continous medium/field)
agent-based simulation
- represent behaviour of discrete agents
- most common in social and behavioural sciences
multiscale simualtion
- hybrids of different kinds of modelling methods
- couple together modelling element form different scales of description
→ bone remoddling
monte carlo simulation
- use randomness to calculate properties of mathematical model
- random sampling to obtain results
- useful where underlying mechanism are not well understood
Verification and Validation definition
addresses correctness of numerical solution → solving chosen equations correctly
- determining wheter output of simulation approximates true solution
principle strategy: compare equations and results
solution verification
- verifies that output approximates true solution
- code verification: code carries out intended algorithm
→ comparison of computed output with analytical solutions
→ inadequate: bc simualtions often used where no analytical solution exists - indirect techniques available: checking discretisation dependency
- detemining whether chosen model is good enough to represent real word system
- comparing model output with observable data
→ difficult: data are typically spare - testing subsystems and comparing results to experiments
→ use simulation to generate missing data
simulation and experiments
- accurately mimicking complex phenomenon → what-if experiments = in silico experiments
clinically relevant computer simulation
- spatial and temporal resolution very limited in patients
- computer models require input data that is not available
- time-lapse imaging: might be used to at least derive some of these missing model inputs
→ principle: several images taken over time
equation-based simulation
example of particle-based and field-based simulation
- particle-based: n discrete elements and a set of differential equations governing their interaction.
- field-based: set of equations governing the time evolution of a continuous medium or field.
spatial and temporal limitations
spatial limitations: targeted structures are far away
temporal limitation: measurement with i.e. radiation is not always possible