Biosignal processing and filtering Flashcards
Fourier Series Definition
A fourier series describes which frequencies are present in a signal and in which proportions
- a complex wave form can be approcimated to andy degree of accuracy with simpler functions
Fourier Series Basics
- an arbitrary periodic singal of period T can be represented as a sum of trigonometric functions
→ summing or mixing sinusoids while simulatneously adjusting their amplitudes and frequencies
Problem with Fourier Series
- Fourier Series gives the exact value of the function
- Problem: uses an infinite number of terms
- Solution: evaulate the partial sums of a Fourier Series by onyl evaluation a set of number of terms
Time and Frequency domain
- Fourier Series → representation of a periodic function in the time domain
- same information can be stored in the frequency domain
- filtering is easier in the frequency domain → mathematical benefits
fourier transform
fourier transform converts fourier series to the freqeundy domain
- can be used to decompose continuous aperiodic signal into its consituent frequency components
- directly derived from exponential fourier series with T → ∞
Inverse fourier transform
converts fourier series to the time domain
properties of Fourier Transforms
linearity: F {a1x1(t) + a2x2(t)} = a1X1(w) + a2X2(w)
time shifting/delay: F = {x(t-t0)} = X(w) exp(-jwt0)
frequency shifting: F^-1 {X(w-w0)} = x(t) exp(-jw0t)
Application of Fourier Transform
Variations in the frequency content of heart rate variability HRV
discrete fourier transform
- fourier transform applied to continous signals
- analysis of discrete signal in frequency domain require fourier transfrom equation
Fast Fourier Transform
efficient computer algorithm for calculate discrete fourier transform
linear systems
- biological systems can be approximated by linear system models
- characeristics: superposition (additivity) & scaling
the sum of two independent inputs produces an output that is the sum of the outputs for each individual input
the change in the size of the input produces a comparable change in the output
periodic signals
- expressed as a sum of cosine or complex functions with the fourier series
- is scaled by Bm/Am and shifted by θm-ϕm
- transfer function Hm describes how a linear system modifies the amplitue and phses of periodic input signals
Impulse response
definition: relationship between the input and output of a linear system can be described by studying its behaviour in the time domain
impulse response function
mathematical description of the linear system that fully characterizes its behaviour
convolution theroem
- mathematical operation between two functions producing a third function
- can be used to filter a signal through a linear system
Low- pass filter
removes high frequency noise → degrades resolution
high pass filter
removal of low frequency noise → obscuring of the desired informaiton
band-pass filter
remove both low an high pass frequency above or below a certain range (band)
signal averaging application
- reduce noise components of a biological signals, without removing potentially wanted parts
- measurement error contains influence of noise and approaches 0 as number of measurment trials approaches infinity
- if signal is measured several times, the signal parts tends to accumulate and the noise part tends to cancel itself