Mod5 Flashcards
One author cautions that carrot seed oil may interfere with what therapy?
Anti hypertensive
Which of the following cautions and contra indications are relevant for carrot seed essential oil if it is used above the RDD when administered X ternal he
None of the above
Daucus carrots Seed essential oil’s aroma is a bass note and is
Dry warm and earthy like
Which of the following is the correct light and by no meal name of carrot seed essential oil
Daucus carota
Daucus carota Essential oil is from the apiaceae formally umbelliferae family.
Wild carrot closely resembles Conium maculatum And can be used as a replacement
Which of the following therapeutic actions indicates that Daucus carota are essential oil is effective against food poisoning
Which of the following therapeutic actions indicates that Daucus carota are essential oil is effective against ringworm
Which of the following constituents is found in the highest quantity in the carrot seed oil
Which oil is frequently adulterated with synthetic anethole, fenchone, snd phellandrene.
Foeniculum vulgate has a limited duration Recommendation. What is the recommended maximum duration?
3 weeks
Madame a margarita Maury is an Australian bio chemist frequently mentioned in the therapeutic benefits of fennel for which system of the
Foeniculum vulgate Is known as an affective upper respiratory tract expectorant. This is thought to be due to the presence of what active constituent?
All of the above
Foeniculum vulgate Belongs to the botanical family known as a apiaceae. Choose one other essential oil that belongs to this family from the list below
Pimpinells anisum
Which of the following describes the contraindications for fennel
Both b and c