Mod11 Flashcards
Which oil is not recommended internally for children and is contraindicated if there is a history of epilepsy or hypertension?
Which essential oil is contraindicatedif there is a history of epilepsyor hypertension?
Which of the following constituents in cajuput is an expectorant:
Which of the following constituents in cajuput is antimicrobial:
Both B and C
Cajuput should be used at which dilution to avoid any skin irritation?
Cajuput contains the oxide 1,8 cineol also known as eucalyptol. When present in essential oils this constituent is said to be responsible for which of the following actions?
Which of the following is the RDD for cajuput for adults:
1-3-drops internally, three times daily for a maximum of two weeks
Which constituent in cajuput is antibacterial, antiseptic, and antifungal:
Which essential oil is pale yellow-green to colorless and has a camphoraceous, medicinal odor?
The Latin name of cajuput is
Melaleuca leucadendron var. cajuputi
Which of the following is the meaning of 80/85 NF when used to describe Eucalyptus?
the US National Formulary eucalyptol content
Eucalyptus is effective as an antibacterial, antifungal and expectorant. The constituent responsible for the expectorant action is known as:
All of the above
What is the botanical family of Eucalyptus globulus?
Which of the following describes the perfumery description for eucalyptus
penetrating, woody aroma
The RDD for Eucalyptus is:
1/2-1 drop, three times a day