MOD2 (MANOR) PCOG Flashcards
- A test to determine the presence of cyanogenic glycosides:
a. Bomtrager test b. Lieberman-Burchard test c. Moore’s test d. Guignard test
- The purified mixture of simple protein principles obtained from the sperm or testes of suitable species of
fish, usually those belonging to the genera Oncorhyncus Suckley:
a. penicillamine c. protamine sulfate .
b. heparin sodium d. none of the above
- Is the common medicinal use of volatile oil:
a. carminative b. bacteriostatic c. antimicrobial d. all of these
- The first of the broad spectrum antibiotics:
a. Chloromycetin b. terramycin c. aureomycin d. penicillin
- A German pharmacist who isolated hyoscyamine in 1819 and with fellow pharmacist, Philip Geiger,
collaborated in research to discover atropine in 1835: .
a. Rudolf Brandes b. Emil von Behring c. Frederick Serturner d. Pelletier
- The wax present in beeswax is:
a. ceryl stearate b. myricyl cerotate c. myricyl palmitate d. ceryl palmitate
- Animals used to determine the phenol coefficient or antiseptic value of certain drug
a. mice b. rabbits c. pigeons d. guinea pigs
- The following are tests for saponin glycosides except:
a. Barfoed’s b. hemolysis test c. capillary test d. froth test
- Attacks protopectin yielding soluble pectin:
a. protopectase b. pectose c. pectinase d: pectase
- It contains ocimene, eugenol and pinene and a decoction of this herb is for treatment of cough,
a. foeniculum vulgare b. bixa orellana c. ocimum basilicum d. none
- Gotu Kola obtained from the leaves and stems of Centella asiatica used as diuretic, blood purifier, treats
leprosy, body strengthener and revilaizer is locally known as:
a. takip-kuhol b. sulasi c. Iagundi . d. mahogany
- It serves as a commercial source of strychnine and brucine:
a. nux vomica b. calabanbean c. hydrastis d. sanguinaria
- The following are differences of hydrolyzable from non-hydrolyzable tannins except
a. hydrolyzable tannins form blue-black precipitates with ferric chloride
b. non-hydrolyzable tannins decolorize potassium permanganate
c. hydrolyzable tannins show no visible result with bromine water
d. none of the above choices
- The following is/are the properties of nonhydrolyzable tannins except:
a. they give a bluish to black color with ferric chloride
b. they usually contain phloroglucinol nucleus in part
c. they are usually precipitated by bromine water TS
d. they yield catechol when heated
- The usual source of fixed oils
A. Flowers
B. Seeds
- It is known as Ringworm bush or shrub, used to treat ringworm by using its leaves:
a. akapulko b. abutra c. ambal d. none
- Drugs, classified according to the natural relationship among plants and animals:
a. zoological arrangement c. morphological classification
b. chemical classification d. taxonomic classification
- A specially prepared gelatin product used in neurosurgery and in thoracic and ocular surgery:
a. heparin sodium b. gelatin c. absorbable gelatin sponge d. absorbable gelatin film
- A French pharmacist collaborated with Pelletier in the discovery of Quinine which has become a
. worldwide treatment of malaria:
a: Joseph Caventou b. Pierre Robiquet c. Frederick Serturner d. Rudolf Brandes
- It is a liquid animal fat
a. coconut oil b. peanut oil c. theobroma d. cod liver oil e. almond oil
- The root of Rauwolfia serpentina is used as:
a. sedative b. antihypertensive c. depressant d. stimulant
- These are esters consisting of glycerol in combination with fatty acids, phosphoric acid and certain
nitrogenous compounds: . .
a. phospholipids b. waxes . c. glycolipids d. sterols
- Contact insecticide:
a. rotenone b. pyrethrin c. nicotine d. all of the above
- The polyglucan used as a plasma expander and is formed from sucrose by the action of the enzyme
a. inulin b. dextran c. gelatin d. hetastarch
- Oil tubes found in plants under Apiaceae family that contain the volatile oil:
a. parenchyma cells b. glandular cells c. vittae d. schizogenous passages
- Ascaridol, a volatile oil constituent obtained from the chenopodium oil is a/an:
a. oxide b fur an derivative c. alcohol d. phenol
- Most important monosaccharides found in plants:
a. trioses b. levulose c. pentoses d. hexoses
- Pigment of flowers which is of glycosidic character:
a. xanthophyil b. cytochrome c. anthocyanins d. lutein
- The alkaloid obtained from ergot which is used to relieve or treat migraine is:
a. ergometrine b. vinblastine . c, ergotamine d. solanine
- Free vitamin A does not occur in plants, but in its place are compounds that are converted into vitamin
A in the small animal body. These precursors of vitamin A are called:
a. provitamin B b. neovitamin A c. B-carotene d. b and c
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae is:
a. Brewer s yeast b. Torula yeast c. both a and b d. neither a and b
- One of the following does not belong to the group; the volatile oils present in Vick’s vaporub
a. menthol b. camphor c. thymol d. eugenol e. cineole
- Animal used in the biological assay of digitalis for its potency: -
a. pigeon b. horse c. rabbit d. cat
- Dried stalks of seaweed which is used in dilating the cavities such as cervix in labor or abortion induction
due to its swelling chracteristic:
a. Kelp b. Agar c. Laminaria d. Lappa
- If Indian hemp is marijuana, then black Indian hemp is:
a hashish b apocynum c. shabu d. pot
- Which of the following yield a phenolic compound as one of its products of hydrolysis:
a. arbutin . b. salicin c. glucovanillin d. none of the above
- The solid resin from turpentine: .
a. benzoin b. styrax c. tolu d. rosin
- It is used in the treatment of asthma by using the leaves and flowers as cigarettes:
a. talumpunay b. tanglad c. mais d. None
- These are major carotenoids in plants, except:
a. b-carotene b. lycopene c. a-carotene d. gossypol
- Limonene has the configuration:
a. three double bonds and no cycle c. one double bond and two cycles
b. tw o double bonds and one cycle d. three cycles
- Glycosidic volatile oils are obtained by:
a. expression b. ecuelle method c. enzymatic hydrolysis d. destructive distillation
- Are unicellular organisms that are well known for their ability to metabolize sugar into alcohol and
carbon dioxide:
a. yeast b. dried yeast c. baker’s yeast d. brewer’s yeast
- Confirmatory test for glucose: c. Iodine test d. Moore’s test
a. Fehling’s test b. Biuret’s test
- Unicellular organisms that are well-known for their ability to metabolize sugar into alcohol
a. yeast b. bacteria c. molds d. fungus
- The alkaloid which continues to be the drug of choice against malaria:
a. cincholine b. quinine c. papaverine d. ergonovine
- A plant pigment of therapeutic importance in preventing xerophthalmia is:
a. xanthophyll b. fucoxanthine c. carotene d. chloroophyll
- The paste forming properties of starch are due to this constituent:
a. inulin b. starches. c. amylose d. amylopectin
- Rutin and hesperidin combination is also known as:
a. vitamin F b. vitamin P c. vitamin H d. vitamin K
- The plant material is treated with ammonium hydroxide in order to:
a. convert alkaloidal salts into free base c. a and b
b. convert free bases into alkaloidal salts d. none of the above
- The botanical origin of motherwort or damong maria which can be used as insect repellant
a. Alslonia macrophyUa b. Artemisia vulgaris c. Citrus aurantium d. none
- Which of the following terms best describes a cofactor that is firmly bound to an apoenzyme:
a. holoenzymes b. nucleosides c. monosaccharides d. heteropolysaccharides e. transferase
- These are resinous mixtures that contain cinnamic acid, benzoic acid or both or esters of these acids:
a balsams b. rosin c. resins d. resenes e. none of these
- Chemical classes of sapogenin include/s the following:
a. steroid b. triterpenoid c. A and b d. none of the above
- Which o f the following belongs to anthraquinone glycosides:
a. vanilla b. glycyrrhiza c. mustard d. senna
- Blue-black color may indicate the presence of
a. condensed tannins b. hydrolysable tannins c. saponin d all of these e. none of these
- A true from of adulteration:
a. admixture b. sophistication c. substitution d. deterioration
- This regulates the threshold for resorption of water by the epithelium of the renal tubules
a liotrix b. oxytocin c. sodium dextrothyroxine d. vasopressin e. none of these
- Hallucinogenic agent derived from Cannabis sativa includes:
d. all of the above
a. tetrahydrocannabinol b.scopolamine c. Emetine
- the following employs expression as a method of volatile oil extraction except:
a. sponge process b. ecuelle method c. machine process d. enfleurage
- It is one of the ingredients of the embalming material of the Egyptians:
a. benzoin b. tolu balsam c. myrrh d. None
- Citrus volatile oils whose aroma is injuriously affected by heat is best obtained by:
a. expression b. maceration c. enfleurage d. percolation
- An amorphous mixture of glucosides obtained from the leaf of Digitalis purpurea
a. Digitoxin
b. Digitonin
c. Digitalis
d. Gitalin
- The alkaloid in the form of syrup is used in the treatment of drug overdose in certain poisonings
a. hydrates b. ipecac c. quinine d. ergotamine e. morphine
- This is the solvent most commonly used for the extraction of chlorophyll from leaves:
a. acetone b. ethanol c. dimethylformamide d. dimethylsulfoxide
- In the enfleurage method, the fatty product impregnated with the floral odor is called:
a. absolutes b. terpenes c. concretes d. pomade
- Which of the following vitamins is a precursor of coenzyme A?
a. cobamide b. panthothenate c. thiamine d. riboflavin
- A test for carbohydrates containing protein producing a red-blue or purple ring between the two layers:
a. molischtest b. xanthoproteic test c. ninhydrin test d. biuret test
- The hallucinogen derived from ergot:
a. THC w b. ETO c. EDTA d. LSD
- The local name of Quisqualis indica:
a. niyog b. niyog-niyogan c. moras d. none
- This test is used to determine the presence of proteins and involves the reaction of the benzene nucleus
in the protein molecules yielding a deep yellow ppt as positive result.
a. Biuret test c. Xanthoproteic test e. none of these
b. Ninhydrin test d. Millon’stest
- Takip-kuhol contains bitter principle vellarin used as counter-irritant. Its scientific name is:
a. Datura metel b. hyptis suaveolens c. Centella asiatica d. none
- Active constituent of wintergreen oil:
a. eucalyptus oil b. olive oil . c. methol oil d. gaultheria oil
- A muccopolysaccahride obtained from saliva which is active against Gram (+) bacteria, by transforming
the insoluble polysaccharides . .
a. muramidase b. lysozyme , c. a and b d. none
- It reacts with iodine to form a deep blue complex:
a. insulin b. starches c. amylopectin d. amylose
- Antidote for alkaloidal poisoning
A. Lactic acid
B. Tannic acid
- After separating the waxes from the volatile oil, the resulting product is known as:
a. absolutes b. terpenes c. concretes d. pomade
- The most widely used alkaloid is
A. Heroin
B. Codeine
- An acid present in apples and pears which is used as a sialogogue and combines with salicylic acid and
benzoic acid for desloughening effects:
a. lactic acid b. pyruvic acid c. malic acid d. oxalic acid
- Mercuric Iodide, Potassium Iodide and water are the composition of:
a. M ayers Reagent c. Wagner’s Reagent e. none of these
b. Dragendorffs Reagent d. all of these
- Alkaloid obtained from Sarothammns scorparivs which was formerly used fro cardiac arrythmias:
a. sparteine b. connine c, thebaine d. levuline
- This gum has pseudoplastic property to enable ointments to hold their shape and spread readily.
A. Karaya
B. Xanthan
54. The blue color of the oil of chamomile, an inherent property of the oil when freshly distilled is due to A. chamazulene B. C15H18 C. A&B D. NOTA
- Glycosidic principle obtained from fish berries, Coccuhts indicm formerly used as an analeptic:
a. quassin . b. humulin c. picrotoxin d. gentisin .
- The study of the used of themical agents which are more selectively toxic to the invading organism than to
a. physiology b. chemotherapy c. immunology d. pharmacology
- Which of the following glycosides yield allyl isothiocyanate as one of the products of hydrolysis:
a. amyglandin b. prunasin c. sinigrin d. sinalbin
- Constituent of Claviceps purpurea employed as a uterine muscle relaxant
a. Pilocarpine b. Ergotoxine c. Ergotamine tartarate . d. Ergonovine maleate
- Volatile oil plays a vital role in plants as:
a. astringents . c. insect repellants/attractants
b. protein synthesizer d. cellular processes
- Source of arbutin, a phenol containing glycoside:
a. buckwheat b. checkerberry c. bear berry d. dragonfruit
- The red-colored product formed when tannins are treated with hydrolytic agents known as
C. Phlobaphenes
D. Cathechin
- The chief component of Melissa officinalis, is commonly known as lemon balm:
a. geraniol b. decanal c. citral d. limonene
- These are acetal in which the hydroxyl of the sugar is condensed with a hydroxyl group ofthe
non sugar component:
a. tannins b. carbohydrates c. resins d. glycosides
- The first immunoglobulin to appear when a newly born infant begins its own antibody production:
a igD b, IgA c, IgM d. IgE
- Anti-acne principle synthesized from castor oil:
a. ricinoleic acid b. prussic acid c. azeleic acid d. safffic acid
- An imidazole alkaloid obtained from pilocarpus jaborandi is used to treat:
a. gouty arthritis b. glaucoma c. cardiac stimulation d oxytoxic
- Parts of this plant are used as condiments, except:
a. bawang b. makabuhay c. siling labuyo d. luya
- Fermenting enzymes that converts monosaccharides to ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide:
a, rennin b. zymase c, urease d. sutilains
- These are derivatives of manelonitrile:
a. cyanophophore glycosides b. glucosinolates c. aandb d. none of the above
- The element responsible for the basic pharmacological properties of alkaloids:
a. sulfur b. nitrogen c. oxygen d. phosphorus
- Ethanol and citric acid are produced by the cellular respiration of carbohydrates, esp
A. Glucose
B. Sucrose
- A resin which is used as a diaphoretic:
c. hashish d. pistachia
a. ginger b. capsicum
- Plant acid isolated in crystal form from lemon by Scheele in 1784:
a. tartaric acid b. lactic acid c. citric acid d. nitric acid
- The following is/are the properties of the hydrolysable tannins except:
a. they give a dark green color with ferric chloride TS
b. gallic acid when heated result to formation or pyrogallol
c. they yield no precipitate with bromine water TS
d. pyrogallol give soluble compounds with lead acetate
- Alkaloid obtained from wolfsbane root or monkshood:
a. coniine b. aconitine c. Viburnine d. Selegiline
- A ketone volatile oil that is used as antipruritus:
a. eucalyptol b. spearmint c. camphor d. inositol
- Aromatic water prepared from its flowers has been used as vehicles for eye and skin lotions:
a. sage b, thyme c. oregano d. elder flower
- If Indian hemp is cannabis; then black Indian hemp is:
a. convallaria b. podophyllum c. benzoin d. apocynum e. red squill
- Each of the following volatile oils has a hydrocarbon as major constituent except:
a. turpentine oil b. lemon oil c. pepper oil d. rose oil
- Odorous principle found in tonka beans which is used as a fixative in perfumery, flavor and as precursor of
anti- coagulants:
a. psoralens b. monobenzone c. coumarine d. phenytioin
- The pathologic product of sperm whale is
a. copaiba b. ambergris c. bayberry d. carnauba e. teaberry
- Which of the following is an anti-hypertensive and psychotherapeutic alkaloid:
a. physostigmine b. quinie c. papaverine d. reserpine
- This does not possess narcotic properties and is therefore sometimes called anarcotine
a. noscapin e c. papaverine HCl e. none of these
b hydrocodone d. hydromorphone
- Source of castor oil:
a. Jatropha curas b. Michelia champaca c. Ricinus communis d. Croton tiglium
- These are official tests done on living animals as well as on intact or excised organs and which often
indicate the strength of a particular drug or its preparation:
a . bioassays c. microscopic test e. chemical assay
b. histochemical test d. microbiological test
- It is a purified carbohydrate product obtained from the inner rind of citrus fruits:
a. lactic acid b. pectin c. tartaric acid d. citric acid
- Purified carbohydrate product obtained from the dilute acid extract of the inner portion of the rind fruits or from apple pomace:
a. pectin
b. dextran
c. xanthan gun
d. agar
- An opium alkaloid known as narcotine isolated by Robiquet is now officially called as:
a. morphine b. codeines c. noscapine d. thebaine
- These are esters of long chain fatty acids and alcohol
a. fixed oils b. fats c. lipids d. waxes
- Neroli oil:
a. Orange oil b. Orange peel oil c. Orange flower oil d. All of the above
- This is a solid vegetable oil
a. coconut oil b. peanut oil c. theobroma d. cod liver oil e. almond oil
- The product formed by the action of nitric acid on rectified turpentine oil in the presence of alcohol is
a. cineole b. eugenol c. terpinol d. borneol e. linalool
- The enzyme in black mustard seed that hydrolyzes the glycoside:
a. emulsin b. amygdalase c. myrosin d. papain
- The scientific name of mansanilya:
a. quassia indica . b. coleus scutellarodes c. chrysanthemum indicum d. None
- The new name of the family Palmae:
a. poaceae b. asteraceae c, caesalpinaceae d. arecaceae
- The technical term for solvent used during extraction:
a. menstrual b. menstruum c.. extract d. marc
- Menstruum used to extract solanine from potatoes:
a. water b. acetic acid c. alcohol d. benzene
- The official test animal employed in the standardization of mydriatic drugs such as atropine:
a. cat b. dog c. horses d. rabbit
294. Tragacanth is a dried gummy exudates from A. Astragalus gummifer B. Astragalus gumnifer C. Acacia senegal D. a and b
- The primary function of plants not present in animals but on which.animal and man depend greatly:
a. respiration b. glycolysis c. photosynthesis d. metabolism
- The following is not a polysaccharide:
a. dextran b. cellulose . c. sucrose d. insulin
- The alkaloid used as a means of doubling chromosomes in the study of plant genetics:
a. ephedrine b. colchicines c. atropine d. eserine
- Plant part collected when vegetative processes have ceased: ,
a. roots and rhizome b, flowers c. leaves d. seeds
- The official test animal employed to assay Curare alkaloids, since these animal manifest the head drop,
indicative of muscle relaxation:
a. rabbit b. cat c. monkey d. dog
- These are natural or induced solid or semisolid exudations from plants or from insects feeding
a. resins b. oleoresins c. gum resins d. balsams
- This is the most widely used opium alkaloid which are narcotic analgesics and antitussives and are used as
sedatives, especially in allaying coughs.
a. Morphine b. Papaverine c. Codeine d. Heroine e. None
- Ideal temperature for storage of volatile oils:
a. 8-50° C b. 15-20°C c. 25-40°C d. 2-8°C
- These are esters of high molecular, monohydric alcohols and high molecular fatty acid:
a. waxes b. phospholipids c. glycolipids d. sphingomyelins
- The undissolved portion of the drug that remains after extraction:
a. solute b. marc c. solvent d. active drug
- End product of acid formation in the plant and occurs as insoluble calcium salt or raphides.
a. calcium acetate b. calcium citrate c. calcium tartrate d. calcium oxalate
- The usual source of tannins from plants are from the
A. Barks/stems
B. Seeds
- The following is/are true for chlorophyll A, except:
a. chlorophyll A has a methyl substituent attached to the top right-hand pyrrole ring
b. chlorophyll A occur in ferns, mosses and algae
c. the ratio of chlorophyll A to B is usually about 3 : 1 and there is no ready interconversion between them
d. none of the above
- It is known as Indian hemp or hashish:
a. myrrh b. cannabis c. copaiba d. none
- A local source of cyanogenic glycosides is: .
a. Cyanogenum esculenta b. Manihot esculentum c. Mcmihot cympogon d. Manihot esculenta
- Medicinal effects and potencies of cardio-active glycosides depend on.
a digitalase b. glucose c. genin structure and glycone component d. cardiac/cardiotonic effect
- Sodium morrhuate is the sodium salt of the fatty acid of:
a. shark b. whale c. cow d. pig e. cod
- This is also known as 4-hydroxy-3-methoxy benzaldehyde popularly used as flavoring agent
a. eugenol b. glycyrrhizin c. couraarin d. vanillin
- Caffeine belongs to this class of alkaloids:
a. cinchona b. ergot c. xanthine . d. vinca
- The non-sugar portion of a glycoside is known as:
a. glycone b, genin c, inactive portion d. active
- is a flavor used to disguise the bitterness of certain preparation, such as those containing quinine:
a. eriodictyon b. podophyllum c. jalap d. kava
- Flavonoid found in yellow flower pigments:
a. flavonols b. chalcones c. anthocyanins d. biflavonols
- The principal sterol in fungi
a. cholesterol b. ergosterol c. B-sitosterol d. all of these e. none of these
- Yeast is rich source of:
a. riboflavin b. folic acid c. ascorbic acid d. thiamine
- The new name of the family Graminea:
a. Poaceae b. Asteraceae c. Caesalpinaceae d. Arecaceae
- The general test for carbohydrate based on the dehydration o f sugar to furfural derivatives when the
sugar is treated with concentrated, sulfuric acid producing a violet ring between two layers:
a Fehling’s test b. Hainse’stest c. Benedict test d. Molisch
- Contracts the gall bladder stimulating the flow of bile:
a. enterokinin b. secretin c. gastrin d. cholecystokinin
- Colloidal substance obtained from Gelidium cartilagineum also known as:
a. gelatin b. glandular cells c. tragacanth d. alginic acid
- This plant is used to wrap cooked rice for fragrance:
a. pandan-mabango b. romero c. palo maria d. None
- The following fixed oils are used as solvent for IM injections, except:
a. Sesame oil
b. Peanut oil
c. Corn oil
d. All of these
- Codeine which is used as an analgesic and depressant to. the cough reflex is a derivative of:
a. benzoic acid b. cocaine c. salicylic acid d. morphine
- The alkaloid formed by the acetylation of morphine is;
a heroin b. codeine c. morphine d. cocaine e. papaverine
- When nonhydolyzable tannins were boiled with hydrochloric acid, an insoluble compound known as
is formed.
a, Phlobaphenes b. Cathecol c, Gallic acid d, Ellagic acid
- Devil’s dung used as a carminative and antispasmodic
a. jalap
b. Gamboges
c. Asafetida
d. Witch hazel
- It destroys red blood corpuscles by hemolysis and are toxic especially to cold-blooded animals:
a. saponin glycosides c. cyanogenic glycosides
b. anthraquinone glycosides d. favonol glycosides
- It is a uterine stimulating fraction and it is relatively free from action on other smooth muscle
a liotrix c. sodium dextrothyroxine e. none of these
b. oxytocin d. vasopressin
- A medicinally important lipid which is used as a sclerosing agent:
a. Jojoba oil b. chaulmoogra oil c. licopodium d. sodium morrhuate
- Which of the following is a rare type of alkaloid?
a. primary b. secondary c. tertiary d. quaternary
- The scientific name of makahiya or sensitive plant:
a . Moringa oleifera b. Mimosapudica c. Tinospora rumphii ‘ d. none
- The main therapeutic use of methosalen, a lactone glycoside:
a. anti-coagulant b. aphrodisiac c. anthelmintic d, repigmentation
- A descriptive material pertaining to any drugs or preparation in the USP/NF:
a. material medica b. official description c. all of these d. official monograph
- Milky white viscid secretion from the salivary glands of the worker hive bee, Apis imllijmi, and is used
a general tonic, toward the effects of old age:
a, lac b. royal jelly c, ginseng d, propolis
- These are lipid metabolites formed in the body of animals from unsaturated fatty acids of the diet
a. carnauba b. bayberry c. copaiba balsam d. prostaglandin e. lanolin
- Menthol is the active constituent present in:
a. cinnamon b. coriander c. peppermint d. citronella e. spearmint
- Vinca rosea yields this antineoplastic alkaloid:
a. reserpine b. stiychnine c. vincristine d. quinine
- These yield fixed oils except:
a. coconut b. lemon grass c. peanut d. corn
- The following are alkaloidal reagents except:
a. Millon’s reagent b. Mayer’s reagent c. Dragendorff’s reagent d. Wagner’s reagent
- Ethiodized oil is an iodine addition product of ethyl ester of the fatty acid of:
a. corn b. peanut c almond d. soybean e. poppy seed
- Which of the following is classified as alcohol glycosides:
a. salicin b. glucovanillin c. prunasin d. arbutin
- The most notable property of tannins utilized in the leather industry.
a. denature proteins b. precipitate protein c. denature proteins and ppt protein d. none of these
- Paregoric is also known as:
a. opium tincture c. camphorated opium tincture e. none of these
b. dover’s powder d. laudanum
- The alkaloid found in calabar bean:
a. physostigmme b. cocaine c. colchicines d. emetine
- A phyioehemical screening for saponin glycosides which measures the rate of fluidity of the extract:
a viscosity method b. capillary method c. Liebermann Burchard method d. all of these
- High molecular weight polysaccharide gum produced by a pure culture fermentation of a carbohydrate with
Xanthomonas campestris then purified by recovery with isopropyl alcohol, dried and milled:
a. dextran b. keltrol c. goat’s thorn d. gum Arabic
- A class of proteins which are characterized by solubility in water and in diluted aqueous salt solutions
a. albumins b. globulins c. alutelins d. all of these e. none of these
- Glycoside found in cassava:
a. mandeionitrile b. cyanohydrine c. mannihoxotin d. hydrocyanic acid
- The botanical origin of bitter gourd:
a. Momordica charantia b. Orenma odorata c. Anoma reticulata d. None
- Glycosides are also known as: .
a. sugar-ether b. sugar-ester c. sugar-acids d. none of the above
- A drying agent used to purify essential oils:
a. anhydrous calcium carbonate c. anhydrous calcium sulfate
b. calcium chloride d. all of these
- The most important of the opium alkaloids is
C. Morphine
D. Narcotine
- Contain about a dozen cardioactive glycosides, the principle of which is scillaren A
a. Red squill
b. Ouabain
c. Squill
d. Deslanoside
- Known as the first broad-spectrum antibiotic discovered:
a. chloramphenicol b. erythromycin c. penicillin d. streptomycin
- A phytochemist who made a number of significant discoveries including codeine in 1832 and the isolation
of narcotine:
a. Pierre Robiquet b. Frederick Serturner c. Joseph Caventou d. Emil von Behring
- The conversion of morphine into apomorphine is a _____ type of reaction
a. dehydration’ b. demethylation, c. hydrolysis d. oxidation
- Citral is an: ,
a. alcohol volatile oil b. ketone volatile oil c. hydrocarbon volatile oil d. aldehyde volatile oil
- The process of removing sufficient moisture to ensure good keeping qualities.
a. harvesting b. drying c. collection d. garbling e. none of these
- A type of extraction used in the preparation of tincture or fluidextracts:
a. percolation b. digestion c. infusion d. maceration
- The most important contributor to lemon oil flavor:
a citral b. neural c. limonene d. Geraniol
- Alkaloids as salts may be liberated from plant components using:
a. acidulated water b. sodium carbonate c. methanol d. ether
- Method of extracting volatile oils with the use of cold fat:
a. enfleurage b. digestion c. percolation d. Maceration
233. Fixed oils are frequently extracted from their sources by A. expression B. steam distillation C. filtration D. none of these
- The terpenes found in volatile oils, as well as other plant products, like steroids, carotenoids, amyrins
and rubber are collectively known as:
a. isoprenoids c. sesquiterpenes e. none of these
b. unoxygenated terpenes d. all of these
- Which of the following glycosides represent the group of bound poisons?
a. glucosinolates b. cyanophore c. A and b d. none of the above
- Use of bornyl acetate, a volatile oil constituents:
a. Increase capillary permeability
b. expectorant
c. vasodilation
d. none
- A glucosan yield glucose units on hydrolysis while inulin is a
A. Fructosan
B. Hexosan
- Used for the treatment of cystitis:
a. Blumea balsamifera b. Zea mays c. Sorbus aucuparia d. Saccharum officinarum
- One of the following is a sugar alcohol found in plants
a. Danthron b.Dulcitol c. Mannitol d. Sorbitol e. Tartaric acid
- Active principle in ginseng is calssified as a_______ glycoside:
a. anthraquinone b. flavanoid c. saponin d. alcohol
- A structural polysaccharide found I primary cell walls and functions as intercellular cement
a. cellulose b. pectins c. lichen starch d. starch . e. alginic acid
- A drug which disguises the bitter taste of quinine by paralyzing the taste buds is:
a. glycyrrhiza b. yerba soldado c. buchu d. yerba santa
- The purified fatlike substance obtained from the wool of sheep:
a. lanolin b. cetyl esters wax c. cysteine d. spermaceti
- Plant sourses of purine bases alkaloids
a. Kola
b. tea
c. cacao
d. all of these
- Forms colloidal solutions in water that foam upon shaking, and destroys the RBC by hemolysis’
a. tannins b. alkaloiuds c. saponins ‘ d. fats
234. A purified carbohydrateproduct extracted from the brown seaweeds Macrosystis pyrifera by the use of dilute alkali A. Karaya gum B. gelatin C. algin D. carrageenan
- Oleandrin, the active component present in Rose bay, Nerium oleander, is classified as:
a. phenolic b, alkaloid c. glycoside d. peptide
- The principal cinchona alkaloid employed therapeutically as anti-protozoal dmg
a. quinine b. chloroquine c. quinacrine d. quinidine . e. eserine salicylate
- Which ol these lipids are used to control the consistency of creams and ointments?
a. cholesterol - b. waxes c. stearic acid d. lecithin
- Component of lecithin and a precursor of acetylcholine:
a. choline b. biotin c. yeast d. PABA’
- Resin component devoid of chemical properties:
a. hydrocarbons b. resinotannols c. resenes d. balsam
- In general, alkaloids may be identified by:
a specific rotation c. color reactions with specified reagents
b solubility in various solvents d. all of the above
- 1,3, 7-trimethyl xanthine is the chemical name of: ,
a. caffeine b. theophylline c. theobromine d. Thebaine
- An alkaloid which does not react with or precipitate with alkaloidal reagent is:
a. caffeine b. quinine c. hyoscyamine d. emitine
- These are the common red to blue pigments of flower petals:
a. flavonoids b. anthracene c. anthocyanins d. benzoquinone
- One of the following is not a medicinal balsam:
a. storax b. benzoin c. styrax d. tolu e. methyl salicylate
- Plastid pigments are commonly extracted by which of the following solvents?
a. alcohol b. acetone c. chloroform d. Ether
295. All of these are volatile oils that are used condiments except A. anise B. clove oil C. nutmeg D. eucalyptus oil
- Glycoside found in garlic which possesses anti-platelet, anti-microbial and anti-rheumatic properties;
a. allicin b. berberine c. cantharmin d. Sanguinarine
- The step in the preparation of crude drug which consists of the removal of the extraneous matter prior
to packaging;
a. selection b. all of these c. collection d. garbling
- The following are plant acids except: .
a. citric acid b. palmitic acid c. lactic acid d. tartaric acid
- USP official alkaloid(s) with oncolytic action is/are the following:
a. leucristine b. vinblastine c. vinca luekoblastin d. all three
- The following are characteristic of volatile oils except:
a. miscible with water c. they are optically active
b. they have odorous principles d. they resinify
- The following alkaloid are present in Datura metel except:
a. atropine b. caffeine c. hyoscyamine d. scopolamine
- Scientific name of Neem, used as an insecticide and bitter:
a. Avena sativa b. Arnica montana c. llicium verum d. Azadirachta indica
- This alkaloid is used as a skeletal muscle relaxant:
a. cocaine b. papaverine c. berberine d. tubocurarine
- The coloring matter in plants
a. flavones b. anthraquinones c. apigenin d. plant pigments e. none of these
- Which.of the following glycosides yield HCN as one of the products of hydrolysis:
a. amyglandin b. sinigrin c. sinalbin d. none of the above
- Which vitamin is formed in the body by exposure to ultraviolet irradiation or sunlight?
a. vitamin E b. vitamin D c. vitamin A d. vitamin C
271. Expensive substance used in perfumery which is a pathological product found in intestines of sperm whales or cast by them into the sea as a response to injury by squid beaks on which the sperm whale feeds A. Ambergris B. Ichthyocolla C. Muskone D. Acipenser
- This refers to the evaluation by means of the organs of sense and includes macroscopic appearance of
a. microscopic b. organoleptic c. macroscopic d. all of these e. none of these
- The active constituent of Capsicum frutescens:
a. capsicin b. capsaicin c. capsin d. b and c only e. a and b only
70. Most of the glycosides are subject to hydrolysis, resulting in the cleavage of glycosidic linkages by A. acid or enzyme B. Alkali C. a and b D. NOTA
- Also known as Vitamin H which acts as a carboxyl-carrying.cofactor in several-carboxylase-..enzyme
a. choline b. biotin c. yeast d. PABA
- When the powder of this alkaloid is burned, the resultant vapor is inhaled for the relief ot asthma:
a. stramonium b. caffeine c. cinchona d. cocaine
- Lemon oil that has a _____odor must not be used or dispensed:
a rancid b. resinified c. calcified d. terebenthinate e. foul
- Known as alligator pear, its pulverized seeds can be used to treat rheumatism and neuralgia:
a. Persea americana b. Arcangelista flava c. Nerium oleander d. none
- The solid, oxidized hydrocarbon portion of volatile oils, d. stearic acid
a. stearoptene b. eleoptene c. none of these
- Classified as a alcohol glysoside:
a. salicin b. gentisin c. cantharidin d. entadin
- Component of volatile oil which is responsible for its antiseptic and germicidal action:
a. ethers b. phenols c. hydrocarbons d. esters
235. The principal component of essential oil A. terpenes B. aldehyde C. lactose D. esters
- These are colorless but yields intense red or violet color when tested with boiled acid
a flavanoids b. flavone c. cathechin d. leukan thocyanins
- Condensed tannins give the. specific colored precipitates with FeC13 test.
a. blue-black ppt b. green-black ppt c. blue-green ppt d. blue ppt
- It contains kuskus oil and is known as moras:
a. Cocos nucifera b. Vetiveria zizanioides c. Quisqualis indica d. none
- A test to distinguish tartrates from citrates makes use of this reagent:
a. deniges reagent b. bromine water c. mayer’s reagent d. dragendorfF s reagent
- To convert an alkaloid salt into a free base, the following should be added:
a. sodium carbonate b. tartaric acid solution c. pet ether d. none of the above
- Because mannitol is absorbed from the GIT and parenterally is not metabolized, then it is used as
A. Digestant
B. Osmotic diuretic
6. The following are general steps in the preparation of the crude drug for commercial market EXCEPT I. Harvesting II. Garbling III. Storage and drying C. AOTA D. NOTA
- A plant pigment of therapeutic importance in preventing xeropthalmia is:
a. carotene b. xanthophylls c. fucoxanthin d, chlorophyll
- Theophylline is classified as:
a. xanthine b. pyridine c. indole d. isoquinolone
- Among the anthraquinone glycosides, this is not employed as cathartic because it is too irritating to use
D. Senna
E. Chrysarobin
- It is known as lemon grass under the family Poaceae, used as diuretic, aromatic bath and scent of perfume:
a. tangan-tangan b. dayap c. tanglad d. none
- One of the following means 4 food of the gods:
a. coffee b. theobroma c. tea d. cassia
- Cocaine has a long duration of local anesthetic action because it is a:.
a. bronchoconstrictor b. bronchodilator c. vasodilator d. vasoconstrictor
- The plant part from where the refined corn oil is obtained:
a. fruit b. seed c. embryo d. hairy portion
- A type of distillation applied to plant material that is dried and not subject to injury by boiling: .
a. direct steam b. water distillation c. steam distillation d. water and stem distillation
- The scientific name of kintsay:
a. . Vitex negundi b. Lantan camara c. Apium graveolens d. none
- These are usually hard, transparent, or translucent and when heated, they soften and finally melt
a Alkaloids b Resins e. Gums d. Tannins
- Enzymes that hydrolyze a considerable number of glycosides:
a. invertase b. maltase c. emulsin and myrosin d. lactase
- Tannins is an effective antidote for_____ poisoning.
a Alkaloid b, Phosphorous c. Insecticide d. Lead
- Vinca rosea yields vinblastine which is: .
a. antispasmodic b. anticancer c. antimalarial d. anti-TB
- The organism used in the parasitic method of producing Ergot alkaloids:
a. Claviceps purpurea b. Claviceps paspali c. both a and b d. none of the given
- The alkaloidal reagent composed of iodine in potassium iodine solution is known as
a. Hager’s reagent
b. Mayer’s reagent
c. Dragendoff’s reagent
d. Wagner’s reagent
- The alkaloid present in Rauwolfia is
a. emetine b. reserpine c. physostigmine d. morphine e. scopolamine
- An oleoresin used externally as counterirritant:
a. white pine b. balsam of peru c. turpentine d. none
- A process of extraction which involve by macerating the drugs for a short period of time with
either hot or cold water.
a. infusion b. decoction c. maceration d. percolation
- Benne oil
a. flaxseed oil
b. sesame oil
c. almond oil
d. olive oil
- Although the prostaglandins are hormone-like, they more closely resemble which of the following chemically:
a. prophyrins b. lipids c. carbohydrates A. enzymes
- Specific glycoside obtained from Coccus cacti:
a. carminic acid b. tannic acid c. ratanhiaphenol d. bergapten
- This term is used to designate simple organic compounds containing not more than 6 carbon atoms and 2 or 3 carboxyl groups:
a. Plant acids b. Succinic acid c. Isocitric acid d. all of these e. None
- A mixture of protein-digesting and milk cloning enzymes obtained from the juice of the pineapple plant
a. chvmotrvpsm b. bromelain c. lactase d. sutilains e. none o f these
- Generally accepted medicinal use of tannins:
a. tanning of leather c. laboratory precipitant
b. astringent d. as ingredient in thepreparation of ink
- These are antigenic substances capable of sensitizing the body in such a way that unusual responses
occur in hypersensitive individuals:
a. antibodies b. allergens c. allergy d. all of these e. none of these
- Tannins have the ability to precipitate ___ which is utilized in vegetable tanning which converts animal hides to leather
C. Alkaloids
D. Proteins
- Class o f natural products with potent and diverse biological activities involved in platelet aggregation,
pain and inflammation:
a enzyme b. hormones c. prostaglandins d, tubocurarine
- Intrinsic factor in pernicious anemia:
a. cyanocobalarain b. hemoglobin c. ferrous d. all of the above
- An alkaloid which does not react with or form precipitate with akaloidal reagent
a. hyoscyamine . b. quinine c. atropine d. caffeine
- The following are stereoptenes, except:
a. menthol b. camphor c. thymol d. eugenol
- The following are tests for reducing sugars except:
a. Barfoed , b. Benedict c. Fehling d. none of the above
- Purified water soluble mixture of glycosides extracted from cascara:
a. cascaroside b. emodin c. casanthranol d. rhamin
- Japanese peppermint is solely employed as a source of:
a. terpinol b. menthol c. bomeol d. carvacrol
- Each of the following volatile oils has an aldehyde as a major constituent except:
a. Ceylon cinnamon oil b. lemon oil .. c. camphor oil . d. cassia cinnamon oil
- This alkaloid is employed in ophthalmology to treat glaucoma
a. eserine b. reserpine c. emetine d. morphine e. strychnine
- A plant causing dermatitis:
a. poison ivy b. amanita phalloides c. anise d. all of the above
- Pilocarpine, an imidazole alkaloid is employed for the treatment of
a. Bronchial asthma b. Hypertension c. Motion sickness d. Glaucoma
- The starting materials for the synthesis of fats in plants:
a. fatty acids and glycerol b. lipids c. carbohydrates d. sugars
- The characteristic bitter flavor of beer is due to:
a. burnt caramel b. lupulus c. barley d. mace
- The following are monosaccharides except:
a. fructose b. glucose c. mannose d. sucrose
- The residue left after distilling the volatile oil from the oleoresin obtained from the various species of Pinus
a. Colophony
b. Jalap
c. Mastic
d. Pinene
- The conversion of papaverine into papaveroline is a _____type of reaction
a. dehydration b. demethylation c. hydrolysis d. Oxidation
- Caffeine belongs to this class of alkaloids:
a. cinchona alkaloids b. ergot alkaloids c. xanthine alkaloids d. vinca alkaloids
- Plant sources of tropane alkaloids except:
a. belladonna. b. stramonium c. hyoscyamus d. senna
- All these drugs contain caffeine except:
a. coffee fe. cola c. tea d. coca
- Quinoline alkaloid employed for malaria:
a. Cinchonidine b. Cinchonine c. Quinidine d. Quinine
- First anti-fungal antibiotic:
a. bacitracin b. nystatin c. fulvicin d, griseofuivin
- It is incorporated in tablets and lozenges that intended to aid in breaking tobacco habit
a. Quinine S04 b. Lobeline S04 c. Atropine S04 d. Hyoscine HBr e. Cocaine HCl
- The enzyme that catalvze the hydrolysis of proteins.
a. trypsin
b. amylotrypsin
c. ptyalin
d. none of these
- A method of evaluating plants according to the type of constituent present
a. pharmacological b. pharmaceutical c. morphological d. chemical
- The most widely occurring sterol
a. sitosterol b. cholesterol c. ergosterol d. all of these e. none of these
- It contains the alkaloid called ditamine and is known as Australian quinine baik.
a. dilaw b. dita c. dawag d. none
- Active constituent of the volatile oil of tanglad which is a very good source of vitamin A
a. geraniol b. citral c. citronellal d. Citronellol
- A CNS stimulant obtained from Nux vomica
a. Venleurosine b. Ergotoxine c. Brucine d. Strychnine
- This is the parent nucleus of the chlorophylls:
a. bilan b. porphine . c. tetraporphinpyrrole d. magnesium
- In percolation with volatile solvents as a method of volatile oil extraction, the volatile solvent is
removed by vacuum distillation and the resulting product is known as:
a. absolutes b. terpenes c. concretes d. pomade