MOD E: Preventative dentistry midterm Flashcards
the surface film that contains microorganisms and other biologic substances.
foods and beverages that lower oral pH and are conducive to dental caries;
producing color or pigment.
dental biofilm that has been mineralized primarily with calcium and phosphorus and occurs on the teeth and prosthetic appliances worn in the mouth.
produced within or caused by factors within.
originating outside or caused by factors outside.
situated entirely within
derived from or situated on the outside; external
white or cream-colored “cheesy” mass that can collect over dental biofilm on unclean, neglected teeth; it is composed of food debris, mucin, and bacteria sloughed epithelial cells.
materia alba
incomplete development or underdevelopment of an organ or a tissue.
a surrounding framework, enabling development in a structured manner.
addition of mineral elements, such as calcium and phosphorus, to the body or a part thereof with resulting hardening of the tissue.
describes oral status by expressing clinical observations as numeric values.
dental index
the study of the relationships of various factors that determine the frequency and distribution of diseases in the human community; study of health and disease in populations.
the rate at which a certain event occurs, as the number of new cases of a specific disease occurring during a certain period of time.
the total number of cases of a specific disease or condition in existence in a given population at a certain time.
loss of tooth structure produced by a mechanical cause
a material composed of particles of sufficient hardness and sharpness to cut or scratch a softer material when drawn across its surface; available in various particle sizes.
air-powered device using air and water pressure to deliver a controlled stream of specially processed sodium bicarbonate slurry through the handpiece nozzle; also called air abrasive, airpolishing, air-powered abrasive, or airbrasive.
Air-powder polisher
round, flat nonabrasive particles that do not scratch surface materials.
Cleaning agent
polishing of the anatomic crowns of the teeth to remove dental biofilm and extrinsic stains; does not involve calculus removal.
Coronal polishing
with reference to abrasive agents, this is the particle size.
the production, especially by friction, of a smooth, glossy, mirror-like surface that reflects light.
an abrasive used to achieve a smooth, lustrous finish to a tooth surface.
Polishing agent
revolutions per minute