Exam 3 terminology Flashcards
Alignment of central ray of x-ray beam in horizontal and vertical planes
Imaginary line that divides the patient’s face into equal right and left sides.
Midsaggital plane
Area of the mesial or distal surface of a tooth that touches the adjacent tooth in the same arch.
Contact area
Intraoral technique of exposing periapical films.
bisecting technique
Imaginary plane that passes through the top of the ear canal and the bottom of the eye socket.
Frankfort plane
Impairment of a certain function(s) of the body, such as vision, hearing, or mobility.
physical disability
X-ray at center of beam.
central ray
Joint on each side of the head that allows for movement of the mandible.
Impairment of mental or physical functioning that usually occurs before adulthood and lasts indefinitely.
developmental disability
Intraoral technique of exposing periapical and bitewing radiographs.
paralleling technique
Image view showing the crowns of both arches on one film. Type of image used for interproximal examination.
Images taken when large areas of the skull or jaw must be examined.
extraoral images
Feature that allows the operator to adjust the milliamperage and kilovoltage settings
exposure control
Angle of 90 degrees formed by two lines perpendicular to each other.
right angle
Intersecting at or forming a right angle.