Mod 9 + 10 Flashcards
39 0/7 through 40 6/7 weeks
Full Term
41 0/7 through 41 6/7 weeks
Late Term
42 0/7 weeks and beyond
Post Term
Normal physiologic weakening of membranes combined w/ shearing forces created by contractions
–Associated w/ intraamniotic infection, esp w/ earlier gestation
Risk Factors for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Hx of pPROM Short cervix 2nd and 3rd trimester bleeding Low BMI Low socioeconomic status Smoking Drug use
May cause false \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in Nitrazine test: Blood Semen Alkaline antiseptics BV
most common sign of uterine rupture
fetal bradycardia
May cause false ___________ in Nitrazine test:
Prolonged rupture
Minimal residual fluid
FFN test has high ___________ and low __________
high sensitivity ; low specificity
Maternal Risks of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Most significant: intrauterine infection (increases w/ increased ROM duration) C-section Abruption Umbilical cord accident Antepartum hemorrhage PP endometritis Thromboembolic complications PPH Maternal death
Fetal Risks of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Non-reassuring FHT Infection If Pre-term: Prematurity complications Respiratory distress most common Sepsis Intraventricular hemorrhage Necrotizing enterocolitis w/ intrauterine inflammation → Increased risk of neurodevelopmental impairment White matter damage
During induction w/ oxytocin for PROM, a sufficient period of adequate contractions, at least __-__ hours, should be allowed for the latent phase to progress before diagnosing failed induction and moving to C/S
PPROM @ 24 0/7 – 33 6/7 weeks:
_________ recommended to prolong latency if no contraindications
type of breech in which fetal legs are flexed at the hips and extended at the knee
Frank Breech
type of breech in which fetal legs are flexed at the hips and flexed at the knee
Complete Breech
ACNM recommends against offering ___________ in PROM to GBS+ patients
expectant management
Avoid baseline __________ in PROM
infant head swelling that does NOT cross suture lines
infant head edema that DOES cross suture lines
Subgaleal Hemorrhage
infant head edema that resolves in a few weeks or months
infant head edema that resolves in a few days after delivery
infant head edema that is usually located on the parietal and occipital bones
infant head edema that is usually located on the scalp, periorbital, periauricular areas
Subgaleal Hemorrhage
Symptoms of _____________:
Decreased or absent movements of the arm on the affected side
Tenderness, deformity, and crepitus may be elicited at the site of injury
Incomplete Moro on the affected side
Nonrespiratory tachypnea caused by discomfort
Fractured Clavicle
Symptoms of _____________:
mass caused by hematoma formation or signs of pain during palpation
Fractured Humerus
Symptoms of ____________:
Erb’s Palsy
Symptoms of ____________:
volves C8-T1
Weakness of the wrist and fingers flexors and of the small muscles of the hand
“good shoulder, bad hand” scenario
Complete or partial paralysis of the forearm and hand muscles
Klumpke Palsy
TERMPROM study found higher risk for infection with _____________ than with _____________
higher risk with expectant management
than with IOL
Sharp increase in risk of complications after ____ hours of PROM
ACOG Criteria for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: 1 or 2 previous low-transverse C/S Clinically adequate pelvis No other uterine scars No Hx of uterine rupture Physician immediately available throughout active labor Physician capable of monitoring labor Physician able to perform 911 C/S Anesthesia/personnel available for 911 C/S
ACOG Criteria against attempting \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Prior classical or T-shaped C/S incision Other transfundal surgery Contracted pelvis Medical/Obstetric complication Inability to perform 911 C/S
Risks to Consider but do not Preclude __________:
Multiple previous c/s
> 40 week gestation
Unknown type of prior uterine incision - unless highly suspicious of previous classical incision, may still be candidates
Twin gestation - may be considered w/otherwise appropriate candidates
Obesity - high BMI alone is not an absolute contraindication
Signs of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Loss of station Fetal stress - *Bradycardia* Palpable parts in the abdomen Continuous abdominal pain - tends to refer to scapular/ shoulder area Increased vaginal bleeding Hypertonic or fewer contractions Lower amplitude Prolonged, late, or variable decels (Contraction pattern unreliable and often normal) (Can mirror s/s of abruption) Often remarkably little appreciable pain or tenderness
Uterine Rupture
Causes of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Before delivery: Persistent, intense, spontaneous contraction IOL w/ oxytocin or prostaglandins Intraamniotic installation w/ saline or prostaglandins Perforation by IUPC External trauma External version Uterine overdistention due to hydramnios Multifetal pregnancy During delivery: Internal version of second twin Difficult forceps delivery Breech extraction Fetal anomaly distending lower segment Vigorous uterine pressure during delivery Difficult manual removal of placenta Acquired: Placenta accrete syndromes Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia Adenomyosis Sacculation of entrapped retroverted uterus
Uterine Rupture
Risk of ____________ with history of one low transverse cesarean section:
0.2 - 1.5%
Average 0.6% 1 in 170 women
Uterine Rupture
Risk of ____________ with history of 2 low transverse cesarean sections:
3.9% 1 in 26 women
3-5 fold higher than in women with only 1 prior C/S
Uterine Rupture
Management of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Urgent delivery - often C/S (Decision to incision time of <18 minutes associated with best outcomes) Adequate IV access Ready for blood transfusion Call for NICU/Neonatal team Hysterectomy may be required
Uterine Rupture
Fetal Risks of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Neonatal convulsions Meconium Aspiration Syndrome 5-minute APGAR < 4 NICU admission Postmaturity syndrome** Oligohydramnios** Stillbirth
Post Term Pregnancy >/= 42+0/7 Weeks
Fetal Risks of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Perinatal morbidity and mortality Macrosomia (double risk) which can lead to: Operative vaginal delivery C/S Shoulder dystocia
Late Term Pregnancy 41+0/7 - 41+6/7 Weeks
Post Term Pregnancy >/= 42+0/7 Weeks
Maternal Risks of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Severe perineal laceration Infection PP Hemorrhage C/S Anxiety
Late Term Pregnancy 41+0/7 - 41+6/7 Weeks
Post Term Pregnancy >/= 42+0/7 Weeks
Symptoms of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: decreased subcutaneous fat Lack of vernix Lack of lanugo Often MSAF Often Meconium-stained skin, membranes and umbilical cord
Postmaturity Syndrome
Membrane sweeping decreases risk of:
late and post term pregnancies
Fetal Surveillance for ____________:
Initiate @ 41-42 wks
Twice weekly NST, BPP, modified BPP, AFV
late and post term pregnancies
Indications for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Gestational hypertension Preeclampsia and eclampsia Fetal growth restriction Cholestasis of pregnancy Diabetes mellitus Fetal demise Intraamniotic infection Oligohydramnios Nonreassuring fetal status Other medical indications Prelabor ROM Postterm pregnancy
Contraindications for _______:
Elective before 39 weeks
Any situation that precludes vaginal birth
Placenta or vasa previa
Transverse lie
Umbilical cord prolapse
Previous myomectomy entering the endometrial cavity
Previous classical uterine incision
Active genital herpes infection
Presence of Category III fetal heart tracing
Nulliparous Ripe Cervix Bishop Score
Multiparous Ripe Cervix Bishop Score
Late-term and post-term pregnancies and PROM are not associated with increased risk of:
Nulliparous IOL are at double risk of:
should occur prior to initiation of cervical ripening or pitocin IOL
consultation or collaboration w/ physician
Documentation for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Gestational age w/ criteria used to establish EDD Bishop score Indications No contraindications Clinical pelvimetry Confirmation of cephalic presentation Category I FHT
IOL or Cervical Ripening
Water immersion may be considered during:
IOL w/ pitocin
Stimulates the myometrium of the uterus to contract similar to labor, resulting in the evacuation of the products of conception from the uterus
- Exerts it’s uterine effects via direct myometrial stimulation, but the exact MOA is unknown.
- Other suggested mechanisms include the regulation of cellular membrane calcium transport and of intracellular concentrations of cyclic 3’,5’-adenosine monophosphate
- Produces local cervical effects including softening, effacement, and dilation
- Exact MOA for this effect is also unknown, but it has been suggested that it may be associated with collagen degradation caused by secretion of the enzyme collagenase as a partial response to locally administered drug
MOA of Cervidil and Prepidil
onset of Cervidil and Prepidil
drug that is equal to Prepidil effectiveness for IOL
Benefits of ___________:
- Fewer vaginal exams (greater patient satisfaction)
- Uterine hyperstimulation w/ FHR changes resolve within 15 minutes of removal and do not lead to operative birth secondary to fetal distress
- Ability to remove drug quickly and easily
SE of _____________:
Adverse: Uterine Hyperstimulation
Cervidil and Prepidil
Key Notes on _____________:
- Requires refrigeration (frozen and does not require thawing before vaginal insertion)
- 10mg, 0.3mg/hr, vaginal posterior fornix insert
- FHR and uterine activity (UA) monitoring required after placement AND 15 minutes after removal
- Remains in place for 12 hours or to onset of active labor
- May start oxytocin 30-60 minutes after removal of insert
- Remove if contractions > 5 in 10 minutes
Benefits of ___________:
Not associated w/ risk for hyperstimulation w/ FHR changes
Key Notes on ____________:
- Requires refrigeration
- 0.5mg in 2.5mL syringe endocervical gel
- Lie recumbent 30 minutes after insertion
- EFM and uterine activity monitoring 2 hr before and after insertion (may be outpatient for selected patient)
- May start oxytocin in 6-12 hours for max dose of 3 doses in 24 hours
Synthetic prostaglandin E1 analog that stimulates prostaglandin E1 receptors on parietal cells in the stomach to reduce gastric acid secretion
- Mucus and bicarbonate secretion also increased along with thickening of the mucosal bilayer so the mucosa can generate new cells
- Binds to smooth muscle cells in the uterine lining to increase the strength and frequency of contractions as well as degrade collagen and reduce cervical tone
- Ripens cervix and induces contractions
Benefits of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Inexpensive Overall safe and easy to use Stable at room temperature Few systemic side effects No known drug interaction Vaginal - fewer failures of birth w/in 24 hours of administration Less epidural and oxytocin use than dinoprostone or oxytocin
SE of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Diarrhea Shivering Headache Cramps Nausea/Vomiting Indigestion Constipation Flatulence Chills Fever (Systemic reactions less common w/ vaginal)
Cytotec routes that have less risk of C/S than vaginal route
PO, buccal, SL
Cytotec route with more sustained plasma level, longer exposure, and longer onset of action
EFM and UA monitoring 20-30 min before placement and continuously after administration of:
PO Cytotec
EFM and UA monitoingr 30 min before administration and after for 2-4 hours
Vaginal Cytotec
Cytotec route: 25-50 mcg q 3-6hours, max of 8 doses
Cytotec route: 25mcg q 3-6 hours or 50 mcg q 6 hrs
May start pitocin ___ hours after last dose of Cytotec
Do not use cytotec if > ___ contractions in 10 min
cytotec route that is more effective than placebo and results in fewer cesarean sections than dinoprostone or oxytocin
PO and vaginal cytotec have same
effectiveness of achieving vaginal birth
Perinatal outcomes revealed higher APGAR scores and fewer PP hemorrhages but increased MSAF among those using ____ cytotec
insertion most likely triggers a local immune and inflammatory process that triggers cervical remodeling that leads to dilation and cervix softening
Foley bulb
Use ___ mL of sterile water in foley bulb
foley bulb typically falls out in ___-___ hours
there is no difference in C/S rate with ____________ than pharmocological methods
foley bulb
foley bulb causes minimal cervical:
Benefits of ___________:
No increase in infectious morbidity
Lower rate of uterine hyperstimulation w/ and w/o FHR changes vs prostaglandins
Can be used for TOLAC/VBAC with unfavorable cervix
Broadly available
Low cost
foley bulb
Risks of ____________:
May cause discomfort and persistent lower abdominal cramping
Accidental ROM
Lower rate of achieving vaginal delivery w/in 24 hours – often explained by AROM or Pit delayed while awaiting expulsion
foley bulb
Hygroscopic dilator- also called osmotic dilators which draw water from surrounding tissues and expand to gradually dilate the endocervical canal.
Derived from various species of Laminaria algae that are harvested from the ocean floor.
Made from dried and sterilized seaweed stems
Cause slightly higher dilation than misoprostol
Works over the course of 12-24 hours
Left in place for 6-12 hours
Benefits of ____________:
Patients can void, ambulate or stool without limitations
Risks of ____________:
May be uncomfortable
Device fragmentation with the need to have removal
Synthetic osmotic dilator compressed polyacrylonitrile and is entirely synthetic.
Achieve cervical ripening through absorption of water from surrounding tissues without the aide of exogenous pharmaceutical agents-
Commonly used for induced abortion in the late first and early second trimesters- also for cervical stenosis in nonpregnant women before gyn procedures
Several studies showed some efficacy without maternal or neonatal morbidity of:
Benefits of __________:
Clinical effects in 2 to 4 hours
Left in place for 6-12 hours
Risks of ____________:
No data regarding potential harms
Not approved beyond 23+6 weeks
Device fragmentation with the need to have removal
Absorbent compressed polyvinyl acetal sponge containing up to 500 mg of magnesium
MOA is theorized to be both mechanical through hygroscopic dilation, and chemical through magnesium- induced cervical stroma collagenolysis
Developed for 1st or 2nd trimester pregnancy termination
Proposed to be used for cervical ripening
Not approved beyond 23+6 weeks
Hormone primarily produced by hypothalamus (also synthesized and secreted by placenta and fetus) and secreted from the posterior pituitary that is similar to vasopressin and has a direct antidiuretic effect on kidneys
Onset: __-__ minutes
Half-life: ___ minutes
Steady-state uterine response: __-__ minutes
Onset - 3-4 minutes
Half-life 15 minutes
Steady-state uterine response 30-40 minutes
Possible reason for marked interindividual variability in response to oxytocin
receptor dysfunction
Risks of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Increased risk for PPH (with long duration use) Pulmonary edema (fluid restricted patients) Hypotension Tachycardia Transient MI (EKG changes w/ bolus dose) Uterine tachysystole Uterine rupture
High Dose Oxytocin Regimen:
Start @ ___ mu/min
Increase by __-__ mu/min every ___-___ minutes
start @ 6
increase 3-6 q 15-40 min
Low Dose Oxytocin Regimen:
Start @ __-__ mu/min
Increase every ____ minutes
start @ 0.4- 2
increase q 40 min
Natural induction method that induces the release of endogenous oxytocin from the pituitary gland which causes uterine contractions similar to administration of synthetic oxytocin
- Low risk women with a favorable cervix are likely to be in labor within 72 hours using this method
- Decreases risk of PP Hemorrhage
- Because existing evidence has not examined this method for women at risk for fetal acidemia, it is discouraged in this instance
Nipple Stim
Natural method of induction that releases prostaglandins
- No studies that show harm or increased risk, so use w/ SDM
- Waiting until 40 weeks and a thinning cervix helps to increase effectiveness
- Can shorten pregnancy by 1-4 days.
- *Not endorsed by ACOG or ACNM if woman is GBS+
Membrane Stripping
2 tsp of castor oil, 1 tbsp of almond butter- apricot juice and 5 drops of essential oil Verbena (obtained from Germany).
Canadian Verbena Cocktail
Natural induction method that causes shorter labors
and cervical ripening
AVOID this natural induction method due to adverse outcomes
blue and black cohosh
Limited research on these for natural induction
Red raspberry leaf tea
evening primrose oil
ECV eligible after ___ weeks
Increases success of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Multiparous BMI normal (=25?) Normal AFI Posterior placenta Weight 2500-3000g (also saw 2500-4000g)
Contraindications of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Placenta previa Multifetal gestation Early labor Oligohydramnios Ruptured membranes Known nuchal cord Structural uterine abnormalities FGR Prior abruption Abruption risk Prior C/S
Complications of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Uterine rupture Placental abruption Preterm labor Fetal compromise Fetomaternal hemorrhage Alloimmunization Amniotic fluid embolism Fetal death (rare)
Considerations for ___________:
Location must have ability to do 911 C/S
IV access required
Patient NPO for 6 hours or more
US exam is performed to confirm presentation, AFI, placental location and fetal spine
Pre-procedure NST
Anti D immune globulin is given to Rh-D negative women
Tocolysis and regional analgesia may be elected
Position in left lateral tilt to aid uteroplacental perfusion and Trendelenburg positioning helps during evaluation of the breech.
Monitor FHR
Forward roll of the fetus is usually attempted first
One hand grasps the head, the fetal buttocks are then elevated from the maternal pelvis and displaced laterally. The buttocks are then guided toward the fundus while the head is directed toward the pelvis.
If the forward roll is unsuccessful a backward flip is attempted.
Discontinue in excessive discomfort, persistently abnormal FHR, or after multiple failed attempts
If successful, NST is repeated until a normal test result is obtained
Breech Hand Maneuver: Hand up along leg and keep leg flexed. Follow to behind knee, press knee away from midline, spontaneous flexion follows, sweep flexed leg across abdomen to deliver and repeat on other side if needed.
Breech Hand Maneuver: Hand up along leg and keep leg flexed. Follow to behind knee, press knee away from midline, spontaneous flexion follows, sweep flexed leg across abdomen to deliver and repeat on other side if needed.
Breech Hand Maneuver: hands over hard portion of pelvis and rotate baby to RST and use downward and outward traction to deliver anterior arm, rotate to do with posterior arm
Shoulders rotate to oblique
Breech Hand Maneuver: allow body to rest on arm. Insert arm into vagina and ring and middle finger press on maxilla to encourage flexion of head while other arm is slid on top of scapula and middle finger is placed along baby’s neck and gentle pressure applied to encourage head flexion (assistant is helping with suprapubic pressure)
Mauriceau- Smellie- Veit maneuver
Face presentation where chin is __________, vaginal delivery is possible
Face presentation where chin is ____________, C/S delivery is needed
85% of \_\_\_\_\_ due to: Prior cesarean delivery Dystocia Fetal jeopardy Abnormal fetal presentation
causes higher rates of facial nerve injury, brachial plexus injury, depressed skull fracture, and corneal abrasion
causes higher rates of intracranial hemorrhage
Risk Factors for ____________:
Fetal Risks of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: IUFD Spontaneous abortion Preterm birth FGR Neonatal toxicity Structural malformations GI problems Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the NB (PPHN) Cardiac malformations Long-term effects on infant neurocognitive development
Antidepressants in Pregnancy
Fetal Symptoms of ___________:
15-30% of neonates may experience symptoms of: Tachypnea
Temp instability
Weak cry
Seizures within 2 weeks after birth if exposed to SSRI during pregnancy
Antidepressant Use in Pregnancy
Overlapping of fetal cranial bones seen on US in IUFD
Spalding’s Sign
Presence of gas in fetal abdomen seen on US in IUFD
Robert’s Sign