Mod 5-6 Flashcards
Associated Risk Factors for \_\_\_\_\_: Preeclampsia Macrosomia Chronic Type II GDM Stillbirth Shoulder Dystocia Neonatal Hypoglycemia
Always check these things in GDM patient
fundal height + kick counts
If 1 hr screen is >_____, do not do 3 hr GTT because patient is diagnosed with GDM.
number of times to tell GDM patient to check blood sugar
4x- fasting and 2 hrs after each meal
If no _________ are present, the patient may decline GDM screening.
risk factors
In the 3 hour GTT, ___ results must be elevated in order to diagnose GDM
two (2)
If GDM is diagnosed, the first step is:
diet and lifestyle modifications
EARLY 1 hr GDM screen:
GDM diagnosis is made if result is >_____
If early screen is normal, still order ________ @ _____ weeks
1 hr GTT @ 24-28 weeks
first line treatment for GDM management when diet therapy alone has not worked
Does insulin cross the placenta?
reasonable alternative for GDM patients who cannot take insulin or decline it
gestational age of diagnosis that means diabetes is gestational and NOT pregestational
If EARLY GDM screen is elevated (>140), midwife should:
order 3 hr GTT
With diet-controlled GDM, recommendation for delivery is expectant management until:
40.6 weeks
With insulin-dependent GDM, recommendation for delivery is induction at:
39.0-39.6 weeks
If 1 hr and 3 hr GTT are all abnormal, the midwife should:
screen for Type II DM in the PP period
for PP GDM screening, use:
75 gm, 2 hr GTT
study algorithm for glucose in neonates!
put in the cards
hydatidiform mole, gestational trophoblastic disease
molar pregnancy
Treatment for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: check dates maybe repeat US check for rising hCG wait for miscarriage vs D&C or aspiration
blighted ovum
Treatment for ___________:
follow hCG for until level is 0 (may take 6 mo-1 year)
delay subsequent pregnancy for at least 6 months after hCG is 0
molar pregnancy
anembryonic pregnancy (empty sac)
blighted ovum
poor quality sperm or egg, wrong # of chromosomes causes this:
blighted ovum
sometimes called a “chemical pregnancy”
blighted ovum
causes hCG rises slowly and stay low (patient may have no symptoms and may miscarry without knowing it)
blighted ovum
chromosomal error- all from father or 2 sets from father and only 1 from mother (too many chromosomes from father)
molar pregnancy
Symptoms of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: bleeding/spotting usually size>dates on US extra pregnancy symptoms hyperemesis severe
molar pregnancy
fetus size for which clinical palpation is most accurate for estimating fetal weight
2500-4000 gm
SGA is diagnosed by:
a weight scale
fundal height
IUGR is diagnosed by:
normal deepest vertical pocket for amniotic fluid
> 2 cm
normal AFI
5-20 cm
complete loss of flow in the umbilical artery (from fetus to placenta) during diatole = abnormal flow = ill baby
absent end diastole flow
blood flows backwards from placenta to umbilical artery = very ill baby = needs to be delivered NOW
reversed end diastolic flow
diet-controlled GDM
medication-dependent GDM
before ___ weeks, cells are MORE responsive to insulin so blood sugar may be lower than normal
As placenta grows, human placental lactogen (hPL) and other diabetogenic hormones ______________ which creates cellular resistance to insulin causing BG to rise
peak effect of hPL is at ___-___ weeks, which is why we screen for GDM at this gestation
incidence of GDM in U.S. ___-___%
Higher incidence of GDM in these populations
Hispanic, African American, Native American, Asian, and Pacific Islander
Risk Factors for _____________:
Increased age, >/=40
Race/Ethnicity - Hispanic, African American, Native American, Asian, and Pacific Islander
Medical Hx of GDM, impaired glucose metabolism, glycosuria, PCOS, HTN, CVD, A1C >/= 5.7%, Lipids - HDL < 35, triglyceride > 250, acanthosis nigricans
Meds that increase BG
Family Hx of Type 2 DM- especially 1st degree relatives
Obstetric Hx - previous GDM, infant >/= 4000g, stillbirth, congenital anomalies
Weight gain - pre-pregnancy, early adulthood, gestational, between pregnancies
Obesity - higher BMI, prepreg BMI >40
Sedentary lifestyle
Factors that lower risk for _________:
No known diabetes in 1st degree relatives
Age < 25
Weight normal before pregnancy, at birth
No hx of abnormal glucose metabolism
No hx of poor obstetrical outcome
Ethnicity with lower prevalence of GDM - caucasian
Increase of risk for _______ after pregnancy:
10% in the first months postpartum
50% by 5 years
70% by 10+ years
Fetal Implications of _________:
**Increased risk w/ poor glycemic control
Anomalies - If DM predates pregnancy and was undiagnosed/not controlled– significant risk
shoulder dystocia
Birth trauma- body changes can change hip/waist ratio “football shoulders”
Neonatal Implications of \_\_\_\_\_\_: NICU admission Long-term-- risk for developing childhood obesity type 2 diabetes metabolic syndrome Short-term-- respiratory distress syndrome metabolic complications hypoglycemia
________ Screening Approaches for women with GDM Risk Factors:
Fasting glucose
75 gram glucose load w/ 2 hr postprandial
1st Trimester
__________ Approach for GDM Testing:
- Screen w/ 50 gram 1 hr glucose challenge (w/o fasting)
- -If blood glucose elevated beyond practices/guidelines values… - Diagnosis made by 3 hr GTT
Glucose load of 50 grams (w/o fasting)
Results >/= ______-______ @ 1 hr
Move to diagnostic 3 hr GTT
Carpenter/Coustan Threshold Values 100 gm glucose load Fasting >/= \_\_\_\_ @ 1 hr >/= \_\_\_\_ @ 2 hr >/= \_\_\_\_ @ 3 hr >/= \_\_\_\_
GDM is diagnosed in the 3 hr GTT with ____ or more abnormal values
two or more
NDDG Threshold Values 100 gm glucose load Fasting >/= \_\_\_\_ @ 1hr >/= \_\_\_\_ @ 2 hr >/= \_\_\_\_ @ 3 hr >/= \_\_\_\_
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Approach for GDM Testing: 75 gm glucose load Fasting >/= 92 @ 1hr >/= 180 @ 2 hr >/= 153
One-Step Approach for GDM Testing: 75 gm glucose load Fasting >/= \_\_\_\_ @ 1hr >/= \_\_\_\_ @ 2 hr >/= \_\_\_\_
GDM is diagnosed in the One-Step approach with ____ or more abnormal values
one or more
Reasons for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: BMI > 25 Asian + BMI >23 AND one additional risk factor: HTN PCOS Hx GDM Hx macrosomic infant 1st degree relative w/ DM
1st Trimester GDM Screening
_____________ Screen for GDM:
50 gm glucose (fasting)
BG tested @ 1 hr
24-28 Week
Patient is at risk for GDM if 24-28 Weeks Screen 1 hr value is >/= ____-____
140 (13-18% of positive tests capture 80% of GDM)
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Screening for GDM: Do not screen: Age < 25 If NOT Hispanic, AA, Native American, East Asian, Pacific Islander BMI < 25 Negative abnormal glucose intolerance Negative Hx adverse OB outcomes Negative 1st degree relative w/ DM (Sensitivity 84%, Specificity 72%)
Diagnostic for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: 1st PNV: FBG (fasting BG) >/= 126 RPG (random BG) >/= 200 with HbA1c confirmation HbA1c >/= 6.5
Overt DM
Diagnostic for ________:
1st PNV:
FBG (fasting BG) >/= 92 but < 126
If 1st PNV GDM screen is normal, midwife should:
screen again at 24-28 weeks
75 gm 2-hr GTT
FBG (fasting BG) >/= ____
@ 1 hr >/= _____
@ 2 hr >/= _____
Why does ACOG support a 2-step testing vs. 1-step?
It increases the number diagnosed GDM w/o improvement in outcomes
ACOG Requirement for ________ GDM Screening:
Consider if overweight or obese w/ BMI > 25; Asian-Americans BMI > 23 PLUS 1 or more of following:
-Physical inactivity
-1st degree relative with DM
-High risk race/ethnicity - African/Asian/Native American, Latino, Pacific Islander
-Hx of infant >/= 4000gm (9 lbs)
-Hx of GDM
-HTN - 140/90 or hypertension therapy
-Lipids - HDL<35; triglyceride >250
-HbA1C >/= 5.7%
-impaired glucose tolerance
-impaired fasting glucose on previous testing
-Other conditions associated w/insulin resistance (i.e. pre-pregnancy BMI > 40, acanthosis nigricans)
May newly diagnosed GDM patients be cared for by midwife?
yes, if controlled with diet and exercise
GDM NOT controlled by diet/exercise and controlled Type 2 DM is within midwifery scope of practice along with:
collaboration w/ MD
Referral is indicated for ______ DM or Type ___ DM
overt; Type 1
Normal weight patients need _____ kcal/kg
Overweight patients need ____ kcal/kg
Diet should be ______% carbohydrates
_____% protein
_____% fat
33-40% carbs
20-30% protein
40% fats
GDM patient should keep ___________ for several weeks after dx to help assess dietary control - in conjunction w/ dietician
diet diary
GDM should check BG levels _______ and ___-___ hour postprandial levels daily
fasting; 1-2 hours postprandial
BG level check @ home should be:
Fasting = ____
Postprandial 1 hour = ____
Postprandial 2 hour (more commonly used) = ____
First/Best choice for GDM medication
These meds can be added to insulin if needed for GDM patients
Metformin (first), Glyburide
If medications are required for GDM patient, midwife needs to involve:
an MD
Does not cross placenta
Can achieve tight control
Physician managed - midwives can continue to collaborate for other areas of care
1st line PO med for GDM (due to better outcomes)
**Sometimes supplemental insulin still needed
Better compliance than insulin
Reasonable alternative if patient unable to safely administer/afford insulin
**Crosses placenta
Usually start at 500mg QHS for 1 week then increase to 500mg BID
Max dose 2500-3000mg/day in 2-3 divided doses
Contraindicated in chronic renal disease - check baseline creatinine
Adverse effects - abdominal pain, diarrhea
Studies \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ show maternal weight gain increase in PTB less severe neonatal hypoglycemia Less NICU admits
Metformin to Insulin
Some physicians prefer to start w/ this med - but generally agreed should not be first choice
Not FDA approved but ACOG SAYS OK
**Crosses placenta
Previously thought to increase macrosomia and hypoglycemia - now known only to increase hypoglycemia
Contraindicated with sulfa allergy
Usually 2.5-20mg daily in divided doses, up to 30mg/day may be necessary
If patient on Insulin or GDM PO meds:
NST ___x/week starting at ___ weeks
and daily ________
2x/week @ 32 weeks
daily fetal kick counts
this should be initiated at 32 weeks w/ pregestational diabetes, GDM and poor glycemic control or those w/ pharm therapies added to improve glycemic control (ACOG)
antenatal fetal surveillance
If GDM is diet controlled, no risk for stillbirth, so antenatal testing may not indicated until ____ weeks
GDM patients should have growth US @ ____ weeks
28-32 weeks
Diet/exercise controlled GDM - expectant management up to _____ weeks
40 + 6/7
Well-controlled medication-dependent GDM- induce at ____ - _____ weeks
39 0/7 - 39 6/7
symmetric fetal growth restriction occurs in _______ pregnancy
assymetric fetal growth typically occurs in _______ pregnancy
assymetric fetal growth typically occurs due to:
uteroplacental abnormalities (placental function, perfusion)
maternal drug use, infections, teratogens cause ____________ fetal growth restriction
oligohydramnios in early pregnancy is due to:
renal abnormality
oligohydramnios in late 3rd trimester pregnancy is due to:
placental insuffiency
for \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ at 34 weeks: physician communication encourage IV/PO hydration dopper flow studies fetal surveillance (NST and BPP)
hypERthyroidism is pregnancy is diagnosed by:
elevated free T4 levels
hypERthyroidism: low _____, elevated _____
low TSH, elevated free T4 levels
enlarged thyroid on exam without nodules/symptoms/hx of thyroid problems is: _________
What does midwife do?
normal; only order TSH if symptomatic
Associated with \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in pregnancy: Low birth weight Preterm birth Preeclampsia Fetal growth restriction Fetal thyrotoxicosis
thyroid disorder in pregnancy
at 14 weeks, patient reports hair loss and cold intolerance, what should midwife do?
order TSH, if abnormal- order further testing
What does maternal free T4 do in pregnancy?
aids in brain development during entire pregnancy
How does thyroid function change during pregnancy?
total T3 and T4 increases
TSH decreases
trimester in which TSH levels are the lowest
1st trimester
low TSH but normal free T4 =
subclinical hyperthyroidism
Treatment for _________ in pregnancy?
Levothyroxine 125 mcg PO daily
Treatment for _________ in pregnancy?
Proplthiouracil (PTU) 200 mg PO TID
Methimazole (MMI) 5 mg PO BID
After patient starts Levothyroxine for hypothyroidism, the midwife should:
Recheck TSH q4-6 weeks
Adjust dose until TSH is within lower limit of normal + 2.5 mu/L
Patient presenting with hypERthyroidism symptoms and low TSH, what should midwife do?
just order total T3 and T4
Check ACOG algorithms for hypo/hyperthyroidism
Associated with \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ gestation: PUPPS Preeclampsia Preterm birth Fetal growth restriction- Assymetric
twin-to-twin is common with __________ twins
Management of __________:
more frequent prenatal visits
growth US q3-4 weeks
collaborative physician care
Twin gestations
Management of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: provide breastfeeding anticipatory guidance screen for depression consult mental health resources consider serial growth US q3-4 weeks
opioid dependency
IP Management of ___________ patients:
consult anesthesia for epidural placement
opioid dependent
Women with a history of GDM have a ________-fold increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared to women without a history of GDM.
ACOG recommends that women with a GDM history have their glycemic status evaluated every __-__ years in addition to providing weight loss and physical activity counseling as needed.
1-3 years
polyhydramnios is diagnosed with AFI >/= ____ or DVP of >/= ____
24; 8
Risk Factors for ___________:
Age > 30
Family Hx thyroid dysfunction
Symptoms of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: cold intolerance hair loss muscle cramps edema prolonged relaxation of DTRs **common to pregnancy: fatigue constipation weight gain dry skin
Symptoms of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_: Heat intolerance excessive sweating tachycardia palpitations weight loss insomnia
high levels of hCG can decrease ____ levels to low-range normal
TSH levels progressively __________ with advancing gestational age
normal TSH level in 1st trimester
0.1 - 4.0
normal TSH level in 2nd trimester
0.2 - 4.0
normal TSH level in 3rd trimester
0.3 - 4.0
if TSH is abnormal, draw _____
Free T4
If TSH level > 2.5, order:
TPOAb antibody status
High TSH + Low Free T4 =
Overt HypOthyroidism
Untreated \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ in Pregnancy Sx: spontaneous abortions low birth weight placenta abruption preterm birth preeclampsia fetal death
How to take Levothyroxine
in the morning on empty stomach and delay eating for 30-60 min after
After therapy started for hypothyroidism, check TSH + Free T4 levels q___ weeks
q4 weeks
Levothyroxine should be adjusted by ___-___ mcg increments until TSH levels are at the lower half of the trimester-specific pregnancy ranges
ATA guidelines recommend drawing TSH q___ weeks until midgestation then at least once @ ____ weeks
q4 weeks
@ 30 weeks
Causes autonomic instability in neonate:
Risk Factors for ___________: