Mod 6 Flashcards
cephalic presentation
when baby appears head first
breech presentation
when butt or legs appear first
drug-patient interaction
when the body cannot clear medication as quickly as before
drug-drug interacion
when two drugs interact
severe complication that produces seizures and coma
terminal illness
progressive fatal diseases
ectopic pregnancy
when implantation of egg is not in the body of the uterus
spontaneous or induced termination of pregnancy
delivery of the placenta, amniotic sac, umbilical cord, and some tissues
placenta previa
condition where placenta is formed in an abnormal location that will not allow delivery, causes excessive prebirth bleeding
when sperm reaches ovum
fallopian tube
tube that connects the ovary to the uterus
abruptio placenta
condition in which the placenta is separated from the uterine wall, causes prebirth bleeding
baby from fertilization to 8 weeks
baby from 8 weeks to birth
when part of the baby is visible through the vaginal opening
meconium staining
amniotic fluid that is greenish or bronwnish-yellow rather than clear, indication of maternal or fetal distress during labor
mons pubis
soft tissues that covers pubic symphysis
the 3 stages of delivery starting with contractions of uterus and ending with the expulsion of the placenta
induced abortion
expulsion of the fetus as a result of deliberate actions to stop pregnancy
feeling of the fetus moving high in the abdomen to low in the birth canal
soft tissues that protect the opening to the vagina
female reproductive organ that produces ovum
newborn less than 1 month old