Mod 5 Flashcards
active rewarming
application of an external heat source to rewarm the body of a hypothermic patient.
air embolism
gas bubble in the blood stream.
central rewarming
applying heat to he lateral chest,neck,armpits, and groin of hypothermic patient.
transfer of heat from one material to another through direct contact.
carrying away of heat by currents of air, water, or other gasses/liquids.
decompression sickness
a conditio that resuts from nitrogen trapped in the body’s tissues, caused by coming up too quickly.
when you are suffocating underwater due to no oxygen
the change from liquid to gas.
elevated body temp. above normal, can be life threatening.
a cooling decreasing body temp below normal, life threatening.
local cooling
cooling/freezing of certin parts of the body.
passive rewarming
covering a hypothermic patientand doing other steps to prevent further heat loss and help body rewarm itself
sending out energy, like heat, in waves into space.
breathing. during this body heat is lost as warm air is exhaled from the body.
substances produced by animals or plants that are poisonous to humans.
a toxin produced by certain animals such as snakes, spiders,etc,
water chill
chilling caused by conduction of heat from the bodywhen the body or clothing is wet.
wind chill
chilling caused by convection of heat from body in the presence of air currents.
air embolism
bubble of air in the bloodstream.
ataxic respirations
pattern of irreg. and unpredictable breathing commonly caused by brain injury.
autonomic nervous system
controls involuntary symptoms
central nervous system
the brain and the spinal cord
central neurogenic hyperventilation
a pattern of rapid and deep breathing caused by injury to the brain.
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.
Cheyne-Stokes breathing
distinct pattern of breathing characterized by quickening and deepening respirations followed by a period of apnea.
mild closed head injury without detectable damage to the brain,
a bruised brain caused when the force of a blow to the head is great enough to rupture blood vessels.
the bony parts of the head and neck that make up the skull
an area of the skin that is innervated by a single spinal nerve
foramen magnum
opening at the base of skull through which a spinal cord passes from the brain,
a collection of blood within the skull or brain
pushing of a portion of the brain downward toward the foramen as a result of increased intracranial pressure.
intracranial pressure (ICP)
pressure inside the skull
(in brain injuries) a cut to the brain
the cheekbone (also called the zygomatic bone)
lower jawbone
the two fused bones froming the upper jaw
nasal bones
the bones that form the upper third, or bridge of the nose
nervous system
the brain and spinal cord as well as nerves. controls overall thought sensation, and bodys voluntary and involuntary motor functions.
neurogenic shock
state of shock caused by nerve paralysis (can sometimes develop from spinal cord injuries)
the eye sockets
periperal nervous system
the nerves that enter and exit the spinal cord b/w the vertebrae, the 12 pairs of cranial nerves, and all of the body’s other motor and sensory nerves.
arterial bleeding
bleeding from an artery
capillary bleeding
bleeding from capillaries, characterized by slow oozing flow of blood.
cardiogenic shock
shock brought on by the hear’s inadequate pumping action,
compensated shock
when the patient is developing shock but the body is still able to maintain perfusion,
decompensated shock
when the body can no longer compensate for low blood or lack of perfusion.
severe bleeding
hemorrhagic shock
shock resulting from blood loss
hemostatic agents
substances applied to open wounds to stop bleeding (such as powders, dressings or gauze)
the body’s inability to adequately circulate blood to the cell’s to supply them with oxygen and nutrients.
hypovolemic shock
shock resulting from blood or fluid loss
neurogenic shock
hypoperfusion due to nerve paralysis resulting in the dilation of blood vessels that increases the volume of the circulatory system beyond the point where it can be filled.
the supply of oxygen to and removal of wastes from the body’s cells and tissues as a result of the flow of blood through the capillaries.
pressure dressing
bulky dressing held in position with a tightly wrapped bandage, which helps control bleeding with pressure.
the body’s inability to circulate blood to the cells to supply them with nutrients and oxygen.
a device used for bleeding control that constricts all blood flow to and from extremity
venous bleeding
bleeding from a vein
multiple trauma
more than one serious injury
trauma score
system of evaluating trauma patients according to numerical rating system to determine the severity of patients trauma
multisystem trauma
one of more injuries that affect more than one body system.
intestine or other internal organ protruding through a wound in the abdomen
flail chest
fracture of 2 or more ribs in 2 or more places that allows for free movement of the fractured segments
paradoxical motion
movement of ribs in a flail segment that is opposite ti the direction of movement of the rest of the chest cavity
air in the chest cavity
sucking chest wound
an open chest wound in which air is sucked into the chest cavity.
tension pneumothorax
type of pneumothorax in which air that enters chest cavity is prevented from escaping
angulated fracture
fracture where the broken bone segments are at an angle to each other
hard but flexible living structures that provide support for the body and protect the vital organs
tough tissue that covers the joint end of bones and forms certain body parts like the ear
closed extremity injury
an injury with no associated opening in the skin
comminuted fracture
a fracture in which the bone is broken in several places
compartment syndrome
injury caused when tissuessuch as blood vessels are constricted within a space from swelling or from a tight dressing or cast
grating sensation when fractured bone ends rub together
the coming apart of a joint
portions of the skeleton that include the clavicles, scapulae, arms, wrists, hands, and the pelvis, thighs, legs, ankles, and feet.
any break in a bone
greenstick fracture
an incomplete fracture
places where bones meet
tissues that connect bone to bone
manual traction
process of applying tension to straighten and realign a fractured limb before splinting
tissues or fibers that cause movement of body parts and organs
open extremity injury
an extremity injury in which skin has been broken or torn through from the inside by an injured bone or from the outside by something thats caused a penetrating wound with associated injury to the bone.