MOD 3 Flashcards
5 parts of the lower limb
Foot, leg, thigh, pelvis and lumbar
Somatic Dysfunction
The impaired or altered function of related components of the somatic (body framework) system: skeletal, arthrodial and myofascial structures and related vascular, lymphatic and neural elements
5 Models (or Maps) of Osteopathic Care
1) Respiratory circulation
2) Biomechanical-structural
3) Metabolic-nutritional
4) Neurological
5) Behavioral-biopsychosocial
Seven Modalities of OMM
1) Counterstrain
2) High-Velocity Low Amplitude (HVLA)
3) Lymphatic
4) Muscle Energy
5) Myofascial Release
6) Osteopathy in the cranial field
7) Soft Tissue
Strap Technique
Joseph Swart - 1919
Charles Green
Considers only the spine and disregards the
McManis Table
Muscle Energy
Patient pushing into something using their muscular system
Fred Mitchell Sr.
College of Osteopathic Medicine at Michigan State
Wrote Muscle Energy Technique in 1958
10+ years of using these approaches
Son - Fred Mitchell Jr. elaborates through modality manuals and courses in 1970
Treating the sacrum by treating the lumbar (ie: walking examples)
Carl Kettler, DO
Mitchell quoted Still “the attempt to restore the joint integrity before soothingly restoring muscles and ligaments normality was putting the cart before the horse.
Mitchell credited “Kettler as the first to focus his attention on the importance of the vast amount of tissue involves between joints, muscles and fascia and the changes it undergoes in the lesioning process. Kettler emphasized that without establishing bilateral myofascial harmony, the lesion pattern returns again and again
Carl Kettler (interests)
The vast amount of tissue between joints, muscles & fascia
TJ Ruddy, M.D & DO
EENT specialist used what he called Rapid Resistive Duction in the cervical spine and the orbits
Exhibit pulses that matched the patient’s pulse against the operator’s resistance
———- focused his attention on the importance of the vast amount of tissue involved between joints, muscles and fascia and the changes it undergoes in the lesioning process. ——– also emphasized that without establishing bilateral myofascial harmony, the lesion pattern returns again and again.”
Kettler - given credit by Mitchell
“The sacrum is anatomically part of the pelvis, but physiologically part of the lumbar spine.”