Mod 2. Kinds Of Knowledge/The Nature Of Propositional Knowledge Flashcards
What is procedural knowledge?
Called competence or know-how
Ex: one knowing how to ride a bike
What is acquaintance knowledge?
Ex: one knowing the department chairperson
What type of knowledge do epistemologists focus on?
Propositional knowledge
What is propositional knowledge?
Can be called knowledge that are expressed using “that” clauses.
Ex:He knows ((that)) Houston is in Texas.
What is non-empirical(PRIORI) knowledge?
A type of knowledge a person has when they know something without having any evidence from experience l, justification for knowing comes from thought.
What is epistemology?
The study of knowledge
What is empirical(POSTERIORI) knowledge?
•Is about substantive matters(how things actually are in the world)
•is about having relations between ideas and things
•encompasses more than immediate observation
If any ethical claims are true, any knowledge we have of them must be a what?
A priori
What is the law of non-contradiction?
It’s the law of logic according to which two contradictory propositions can’t both be true.
What is the non-cognitivist theory about ethical claims?
They believe that ethical claims cannot be either true or false.
What is the cognitivist theory about ethical claims?
Their theory is that ethical claims can be either true or false even if we might not know which.
What is a belief?
The attitude that a proposition is true, it represents a possible state of affairs as actual.
What are occurrent beliefs?
Beliefs that an individual is actively entertaining.
What are non-occurrent beliefs?
Beliefs that an individual has in the background but is not entertaining at a particular time. Most of our knowledge is non-occurrent.
What is truth?
It’s a condition of knowledge and if a belief is not true it cannot constitute knowledge.
Can all true beliefs constitute knowledge?
No, only true beliefs arrived at in the right way do.
What is fallibilism?
It’s the view that it’s possible to have knowledge even when one’s true belief might have turned out to be false,
Because of luck a belief can be what?
A belief can be unjustified yet true and because of human fallibility, a belief can be justified yet false.
A thinker T knows that a proposition P is true if and only if
1) P is true,
2) T believes that P is true, and
3) T is justified in believing that P is true.
Directly from PC (To know something is a priori is to know it is independent of experience.) T or F
PC (Knowledge based on observation is what)
A priori
Pc Is knowledge based on observation as posteriori?
No, false
PC (Knowledge of relations among ideas is what?)
A priori
PC (To know something a posteriori is to know it from experience. T or F)