Mod. 1 Arguments/Objective Or Subjective Flashcards
What is logic?
Logic is formal, it’s the science of structure of reasoning instead of content.
What is critical thinking?
It’s the ability to think about reasoning and thinking. It’s to have the ability to criticize one’s own reasoning.
Critical thinking consists of what features?
It consists of separating the thinker from the position, having active curiosity and creative thinking, understanding argumentation reasons and evidence, having intellectual honesty humility and charity, and knowing oneself enough to avoid biases.
What is rhetoric?
Rhetoric is concerned with the impact of an argument or piece of writing or speech. It’s about asking the question, “How effectively is it producing the effect I want in my audience?”
What is Reasoning?
Reasoning is concerned with insight, discovery, truth, and understanding. The goal isn’t to create a certain impact on the audience it’s to collectively discover the best position on a given question.
What is a proposition?
A proposition is statements that can be true or false. Not all sentences are propositions.
What are Non-propositions?
They don’t make claims that can be true or false. They are sentences that aren’t statements about matters of fact.
What is a simple proposition?
Simple propositions have no internal logical structure meaning whether they are true or false doesn’t depend on whether a part of them is true or false. They are simply true or false on their own.
Ex: the sky is blue
What are complex propositions?
They have no internal logical structure, meaning they are made of simple propositions. Whether they are true or false depends on if the parts of them are.
Ex:The sky is blue, but it doesn’t look blue to me right now.
What is a bad argument?
It is one where the premises fail to support the conclusion.
What is a good argument?
The premises do support the conclusion.
What are the two ways an argument can go wrong?
1-If they have bad inferential structure where the premises don’t demonstrate or support the conclusion.
2-If the premises are fake
What are conclusion indicator words?
Therefore, so, it follows that, hence, thus, entails that, we may conclude that, implies that, wherefore, and as a result.
What are premise indicator words?
Because, for, given that, in that, as, since, and as indicated by.
What is the principal of charity?
It means to always interpret your opponent’s position or argument so as to make it as strong or defensible as possible.
What does objective mean?
It means it’s true for everyone regardless of anyone’s perception. It’s a mind-independent truth.
What does subjective mean?
It means it’s true for someone, but not everyone. It’s dependent on sensations and experiences. Beliefs and desires are something that is subjective.
Is the belief of god objective or subjective?
It’s an objective matter if god’s existence because it’s either true or not.
Is morality subjective?
Not necessarily
Are politics objective or subjective?
They are largely objective because a prediction either happens or it doesn’t.
Are you entitled to your opinion? What does that mean?
Being entitled to your opinion means nobody has the right to stop you from thinking and saying whatever but it doesn’t mean to have your views teared as serious candidates for the truth