Mod 2- Holy Trinity Flashcards
What is the trinity
three persons in the One God - Father, Son
and Holy Spirit.
How did god reveal himself (written)
through sacred scriptures
How did god reveal himself (pacts)
3 important Covenants, the last perfect and fulfilling covenant was in the person of Jesus Christ, God Incarnate
How did god reveal himself (presently)
Magisterium of the Catholic Church
How did god reveal himself (currently)
through Church Tradition
How did god reveal himself (summary)
-lived experience in the light of Sacred scripture
-Church Tradition
Where was this belief first formed
council of Nicaea in the Nicene Creed 325 AD and in response to the Arian heresy which held the belief that Jesus was not fully divine. + saying you either believe or your not christian
when + where was the affirmation of the trinity?
‘consubstantiality’ of Jesus with the Father and the Holy Spirit was clearly articulated at Nicaea and affirmed at the First Council of Constantinople in 381AD
What does the church believe exactly?
-Christ must be consubstantial (of the same substance) with the Father because He was fully God. He is not ‘half God, half man’ (both fully human and fully divine).
-He is the same God as the Father and the Holy Spirit. Thus, Jesus Christ must be the same substance as the Father and the Holy Spirit
Where does the Belief of the trinity come From
-from the Gospels where Jesus’s teaching and ministry reveal it.
-Gospels do not use the word ‘Trinity’ itself but the ‘nature of the Holy Trinity’ is evident in Scripture
How does This Belief Find Expression in a Religion? (mass- prayers)
- Nicene Creed
- Apostles Creed
- Glory be to the Father…
- Sign of the Cross
How does This Belief Find Expression in a Religion? (sacraments)
- Baptism – “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19) - Confirmation- We receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and share in the Apostles’ experience at Pentecost
- Holy Communion- We receive the life-giving Body and Blood of Christ
How does This Belief Find Expression in a Religion? (scared scriptures)
EXPL: In Bible Passages
QUOTE: “And when Jesus had been baptised he at once came up from the water, and suddenly the heavens opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming down on him. And suddenly there was a voice from heaven, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on him.’ (Matt 3:16-17)
How does This Belief Find Expression in a Religion? (Moral Behaviour)
We express it in our lives and in our moral behaviour towards others and our Church community, because we
are relational in nature, a reflection of the relational aspect of the Holy Trinity
how does the belief of Holy Trinity relate to the lives of people (truth/existence)
-God the Creator
-God the Redeemer/Saviour
-God our guided protector
how does the belief of Holy Trinity relate to the lives of people (affecting)
-The Father – our creation in the image of God
-The Son – who teaches us, sacrifices his life for us and saves us
-The Holy Spirit – who guides us through the Church and Magisterium whose gifts we receive in the Sacraments
how does the belief of Holy Trinity relate to the lives of people (creeds)
-God the Father, the Creator;
-God the Son Incarnate, the Saviour Jesus, who suffered death and resurrection for the salvation of mankind;
-God the Holy Spirit, represented by the symbol of the dove, the guide and advocate of the Church promised by Jesus, who came to the Apostles at Pentecost