MNT Review I Obesity - GI Diseases Flashcards
Why is the Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass Surgery an effective treatment for Obesity?
It limits consumption of food as well as nutrient absorption.
MNT of Roux-en Y Gastric Bypass Surgery (BONE)
(BONE) 1) Begin with clear liquids and gradually add foods as tolerated 2) Often adverse to red meat (may be short term or long term) 3) No white bread (unless toasted) for first few months 4) Emphasize consuming protein, iron, vitamin B12, folate, and calcium (will often need to supplement)
What effects do the sleeve gastrectomy and adjustable banding have on the patient?
Both only restrict the size of the stomach, while retaining the ability of the GI tract to absorb nutrients.
What are three goals of the American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiology and Lifestyle Management?
1) Reduce the risk of CVD to include heart disease 2) Focus on lowering cholesterol and blood pressure levels- two major risk factors for heart disease 3) Focus on Diet and physical activity.
Physical activity recommendations
3-4 times/week with each session lasting 40 minutes
Sodium recommendations for those with high blood pressure
2400 mg of sodium/day and ideally reducing to 1500 mg/day
What is the major goal for patients recently suffering from Myocardial infarction of a CABG?
Reduce the workload of the heart
Protocol For MI and CABG (Initial diet, restriction, and healing)
1) Liquid diet for first 24 hours 2) Progress to regular foods 3) smaller more frequent meals to better tolerate and reduce the workload of the heart. 3) possibly restrict Na, saturated fats, and fluids 4) Increase protein intake to encourage healing.
What is the goal for CHF?
Minimize the consequences of Edema
MNT for edema for CHF (Sodium, Fluids, Meals)
1) Reduce sodium (2g) 2) Reduce fluids ( x less than 2000 ml) 3) small frequent meals.
What is the major goal for cystic fibrosis patients?
Meet high energy/protein needs, replacement of pancreatic enzymes, replace sodium lost in sweat.
MNT for Cystic Fibrosis (Salts and Fluid, Vitamins, Enzyme, Macronutrients)
Liberal salts and fluid, multivitamins (especially fat soluble), pancreatic enzyme replacements with meals, may need to utilize protein, and carbohydrate supplements to boost energy and protein intake.
COPD/Emphysema Goal (Nutrition Status, Stores, Lung muscle, RQ)
1) Minimize weight loss and malnutrition 2) Replete nutrient stores or at a minimum maintain current nutrient stores 3) Maintain lung muscle to maintain function and prevent lung infections 4) Avoid raising RQ.
MNT for COPD/Emphysema (Calories & Protein, Replacement, Minerals)
1) High-Calorie/High-protein without overfeeding 2) May need to replace carbohydrate calories with fat calories 3) adequate intake of Mg, Ca, and phosphorus to maintain muscle contraction and relaxation.
What is the major goal for patients experiencing achalasia?
Enhance the ability to eat/management of pain/discomfort
MNT for Achalasia ( Composition of food, size of meals, speed, avoidance)
1) Semisolid food or liquid foods as tolerated (thickened liquids work the best 2) small, frequent meals tolerated 3) Eat Slowly 4) Avoid citrus juices/spicy foods
What is the major goal for patients with GERD/ Hiatal Hernia?
Prevent pain/reflux/decrease acidity of gastric secretions
MNT for GERD/Hiatal Hernia (Avoidance and Behaviors)
Avoid (alcohol, high pH foods and drinks, fat, mint, chocolate, caffine, smoking, lying down after meals, wait 3H before bed, raise upper portion of bed 4-8 inches).
What is the goal of Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease?
Minimize pain and discomfort/decrease acidity of gastric secretions
MNT for Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease (Avoidance)
1) Decrease consumption of alcohol, coffee, caffeine, black and red pepper if cause discomfort. 2) Food avoidance. (Ones that cause discomfort).
What is the goal for Dumping Syndrome?
Minimize the symptoms of abdominal fullness and nausea, diarrhea, and hypoglycemia
MNT for Dumping Syndrome (Size of meals, protein/carbohydrates, behavior, liquids, fats, and time)
1) Small meals 2) High protein/complex carbohydrates 3) Lie down after eating 4) Liquids 30-45 minutes before or after meals and not with meals 5) MCT may be necessary 6) Fiber supplements reduce upper GI transit time and decrease rate of glucose absorption.
MNT for constipation ( Fiber and Fluids)
1) 14g of fiber/1000kcal/day adults (insoluble and soluble) 2) minimum of 2 quarts per day of fluid 3) Physical movement
MNT Diarrhea (Fluids, gut, Foods, and Limit)
1) Fluids ( replace fluids and electrolytes) 2) Do not rest the gut-need to be fed to repair 3) Foods such as bananas, rice, applesauce, tea, toast, and yogurt are often well tolerated 4) Limit lactose, fructose, and sucrose
What is the goal for malabsorption/steatorrhea?
Correct nutritional deficiency
MNT for Malabsorption/Steatorrhea ( Fat restriction, TAGs, Enzyme, vitamins and minerals, and weight)
1) 25-50 g Fat restriction 2) Use of medium chain triglycerides 3) Supplement vitamins and minerals (Fat soluble Vitamins and Calcium/Zinc/Magnesium) 4) Enzyme: Pancreatic lipase 5) Minimize weight loss.
What is the main goal for celiac disease?
Address the primary cause/support regeneration of villi
MNT for celiac disease (Gluten-sensitive enteropathy, non- tropical sprue)
Gluten free diet (eliminate wheat, rye, oats, and barely). and secondary lactose intolerance common
Goal for lactose intolerance
Avoid or at least minimize symptoms. Does not cause damage to the GI tract.
MNT for lactose Intolerance
1) Consume small amounts of lactose with food as tolerated 2) whole milk and chocolate milk better tolerated ( Fat slows down digestion and absorption) 3) aged cheeses are low in lactose 4) Unpasteurized yogurt 5) Lactaid added to products.
Goal Fructose malabsorption
Avoid or at least minimize symptoms. Does not cause damage to the GI tract
MNT for fructose malabsorption
1) Avoid honey 2) avoid fruit and vegetable servings. Choose vegetables with lower levels of fructose 3) Limit HFCS beverages
Goal for IBD/Crohn’s/And Ulcerative Colitis
Alleviate symptoms and correct nutritional deficiencies MNT depends on the disease process.
Exacerbation MNT (IBD/CD/UC)
Low Fiber, small frequent feedings, liquid oral supplements, MCT if steatorrhea, Lactose restriction if secondary lactose intolerance, Acute attacks may require elemental tube feeding or PN to allow complete bowel rest, TF with MCT oil, glutamine, and arginine may also be beneficial.
Remission MNT (IBD/CD/UC)
increased diet as tolerated, maximize energy and protein intake, consumption of foods high in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids may protect against inflammation pre/probiotics
Goals for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Reduce Colon spasms/normalize bowel movements
FODMAP elimination diet, elimination of specific carbohydrate containing foods with re-introduction as tolerated (fructose, lactose, fructans, galactans, and polyols).
Phases of FODMAP
1) Eliminate 2) Challenge 3) Maintenance
Diverticulosis MNT
High Fiber, 10 cups of fluid/day, may want to avoid seeds, nuts, skins if cause problems
Diverticulitis MNT
Low Fiber, avoid nuts, seeds, and fibrous vegetables
Short Bowel Syndrome MNT (Meal number, supplement types, fluid recommendations)
1) 4-6 meals/day 2) Soluble fiber supplements and mineral supplements (Ca, Mg, Zn) in chewable or liquid forms
Hemochromatosis goal (Iron)
Control iron intake and maintain serum ferritin level below 50 mg/dL in order to prevent damage to various organs including the liver.
Hemochromatosis MNT
1) No alcohol, no iron supplement or fortified cereal, and moderate intake of iron containing foods.
Goals for Liver MNT vitamin/mineral deficiencies)
correct/prevent vitamin and mineral deficiencies. (especially thiamin and vitamin B)
Goals for Liver MNT (Protein)
1) Provide adequate protein to promote liver regeneration and to prevent catabolism of body protein tissue (Increase BCAA and decrease AAA) if Hepatic encephalopathy is present utilize Hepatic-Aid II enteral feeding
Goals for Liver MNT (Weight)
Prevent/control weight loss
Goals for Liver MNT (Carbohydrate intake)
carbohydrate intake should be adjusted to account for hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia (Avoid NPO status for longer than 6-8 hours to prevent hypoglycemia)
Goals for Liver MNT (Steatorrhea)
Prevent or treat steatorrhea (May need to restrict fat or provide MCT sources)
Goals for Liver MNT (ascities)
Control ascities