Mneumonics Flashcards
Barbie Likes Clothes Cars & Mycum from my Rod
G+ Rods:
Bacillus Listeria Clostridium Corynebacterium Mycobacterium
Barbie = Bacillus Likes = Listeria Clothes = Clostridium Cars = Corynebacterium Mycum = Mycobacterium
Branch out & Act like No One Cares
G+ Branching Filamentous
ACT = Actinomyces
No One CARes = NOCARdia
Not Likely To Be Considered G- Rods
G- Non-Rod Bacterium
Neisseria Leptospira Treponema Borrelia Chlamydia Rickettsiae
Not = Neisseria - Circular
Likely To Be = Leptospira, Treponema, Borrelia - Spiral
Considered Rods = Chlamydiae, Rickettsiae - Pleomorphic
Treed Leapords Spiral around when Bored
G- Spiral
Treed = Treponema Leapords = Leptospira Bored = Borrelia
These Rascals May Microscopically Lack Color
Bugs that don’t Gram stain well
Treponema Rickettsia Mycobacteria Mycoplasma Legionella pneumophila Chlamydia
Mostly Non-Rod G- (except Legionella = G- Rod)
PASs the sugar
PAS stains glycogen
Used in diagnosing Whipple’s disease (Tropheryma Whippelii)
to connect to Neisseria, please use your VPN client
Neisseria Gonorrhea culture requires VPN
Bordet for …….?
Bordet for Bordetella
B Pertussis requires Bordet-Gengou agar
Nagging Pests Must Breath
Obligate aerobes which use an O2-dependent system to generate ATP
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
MY NO (nitric oxide) CAR BAsically Produces AER (air)
Obligate Aerobes
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
anaerobes Can’t Breathe Air
Obligate Anaerobes
All lack catalase & superoxide dismutase
stay inside when it is Really Cold
Obligate Intracellular bugs
Some Nasty Bugs May Live Faculatively Longer
Faculative Intracellular bugs
Salmonella Neisseria Brucella Mycobacterium Listeria Francisella Legionella
Kapsules produce A Shield to protect SHiN
Encapsulated Bacteria & IgA Proteases (SHiN)
S. Pneumoniae
H. influenzae
Neisseria meningitidis
Particular Kinds Have Urease
Urease-Positive bugs
H. Pylori
Israelli’s produce Yellow Sulfur bombs
Pigment-producing bacteria:
Actinomyces Israelii - Yellow “sulfur” granules
Aureus (latin) = gold
S. Aureus produces yellow pigment
aeruGela is Green
pseudomonas aeruGinosa produces blue-Green pigment
Cholera turns the “on” switch on
B. Cholera toxin activates Gs
Pertussis turns the “off” switch off
Pertussis toxin disables Gi
N-dotoxin is an integral part of ……..?
N-dotoxin (endotoxin) is an integral part of gram-Negative outer membrane
Lysogeny: “ABCDE”
Toxins produced by a lysogenic phage:
shigA-like Botulinum Cholera Diphtheria Erythrogenic toxin from S. Pyogenes
cAtalase positive = ?
strEptococcus is: catalase positive or negative??
cAtalase pos = stAphylococcus
strEptococcus = catalase nEgative
on the offices STAPH retreat, there was NO StRES
NOvobiocin - Saprophyticus is Resistant
Epidermidis is Sensitive
OVRPS (overpass)
Optochin - Viridans is Resistant
Pneumoniae is Sensitive
Both are alpha hemolytic
Bacitracin - group B strep are Resistant (S. Agalactiae)
group A strep are Sensitive (S. Pyogenes)
Both are Beta hemolytic
S. Pneumoniae causes:
Otitis media
S. Pneumo is also Most OPtochin Sensitive (MOPS)
rheumatic PHever has no “rheum” for SPECCulation
Rheumatic Fever is caused by Pharyngitis as a result of S. Pyogenes
Rheumatic fever causes: Subcutaneous plaques Polyarthritis Erythema marginatum Chorea Carditis
Diptheria “ABCDEFG”
Corynebacterium Diphtheriae
ADP ribosylation (inhibits protein synthesis)
Elongation Factor 2 (ribosylated to inhibit protein synthesis)
Granules (metachromatic granules present on lab diagnosis)
PERFringens PERForates a gangernous leg
C. Perfingens causes myonecrosis (gas gangrene) and hemolysis
DIfficile causes DIarrhea
C. Difficile kills enterocytes, causing pseudomembranous colitis = diarrhea
Sulfa drugs for Nocardia asteroides
Actinomyces israelii use Penicillin
macConKEE’S agar tests for lactose
Lactose + bacteria:
Citrobacter Klebsiella E. coli Enterobacter Serratia
When a child has “flu” mom goes to a five (V) and dime (X) store to buy some chocolate
H. Influenzae requires factor V and X for growth
Requires Chocolate agar for growth
A French legionnair with a silver helmet, sits by a campfire (charcoal) with his iron dagger - he is no sissy (cysteine)
Legionella Pneumophila
Requires Silver Stain for stain & Charcoal yeast for culture w/ Iron & Cysteine
Roundworms draw MAPps (drugs for roundworms)
Pyrantel pamoate
Roundworms: Trichuris Trichiura Ascaris Lumbricoides Necator & Ancylostoma Enterobius Vermicularis
Thread on Albert’s skin makes him itchy (drugs for threadworms)
Cutaneous larval migrans
Prazaquantel looks like a spelling fluke (drug for flukes)…what are the flukes
Prazaquantel treats flukes:
Clonorchis Sinensis
Paragonimus Westermani
I don’t have a clue why I smell fish in the vagina garden
Gardnerella Vaginalis:
Fishy smell
Clue cells present micrscopically
Gray discharge
Treatment: Metronidazole
Rickettsia on the wRists, Typhus on the Trunk
Rickettsia Rickettsii rash starts on hands & feet & travels proximal
Rickettsia Typhus rash starts on the trunk and travels distally
Treatment: Tetracycline
Remember: Both Chlamydiae & Rickettsia are G- Pleomorphic & treated w/ Tets
you drive CARS using your PALMS & SOLES
PALM & SOLE rashes:
Coxsackievirus A (hand, foot, & mouth)
Rocky mtn. spotted fever
Elementary bodies Enfect by Entering cells
Reticulate bodies Replicate through cytoplasmic RNA
Chlamydiae infectious spread
Elemetary bodies transfer from cell to cell
Reticulate bodies replicate inside infected cells
Treatment: Tetracycline or Erythromycin
Remember: Both Chlamydiae & Rickettsia are G- Pleomorphic & treated w/ Tets
Military & Prison personel are affected by this type of Pneumonia
Mycoplasma Pneumonia (Military & Prisons)
Treatment: Tetracycline
Histo Hides…where?
Histpolasmosis hides w/ in Macrophages
Blasto Buds Broadly
Blastomycosis replicates via Broad-based budding
Boo Boo (the dog) carries which kind of mycoses?
Blastomycosis (Boo Boo)
Cock Suckers live in the SW
Paracoccidio Parasails w/ the CAPTAIN’S WHEEL all the way to LATIN AMERICA
Paracoccidiodomycosis forms budding yeast w/ “captain’s wheel” formations
Most common in Latin America
Cold = Mold
Heat = yeast
Dimorphic fungi lifecycles (except coccidiodomycosis which is a SPHERULE in tissue)
“Spaghetti & meatballs” on KOH prep
Tinea versicolor caused by Malassezia Furfur
Collects on skin surface and bleaches skin below infection by masking sun exposure
Pseudohyphae & budding yeast is a buzz for which fungus?
Candida Albicans
Treatment: Nystatin (superficial infection) Amp B (systemic infections)
think “A” for Acute Angles in which kind of fungal infection?
A for Acute Angles in Aspergillus
Branching septate hyphae form 45 degree angles
INDIA INK is used to stain which kind of fungal infection?
Cryptococcus Neoformans
“Indians are creepy (crypto) informants (neoformans)”
Which fungal disease is most commonly associated w/ ketoacidotic diabetic & leukemic pts? They often have “wide-angled branching” nonseptate hyphae
Mucor & Rhizopus
“Ketoacidotic diabetics have nasty mucus (mucor) that smells like rotting puss (rhizopus)”
Diffuse interstitial pneumonia in an AIDS pt. What is the most likely agent and at what CD4 level must they be below?
Pneumocystitis Jiroveci
Treatment: TMP-SMX
ROSE GARDERNER’S disease/infection
Local pustule or ulcer w/ nodules associated w/ thorns
Sporothrix Schenckii
-thrix = thorn
Protozoan associated w/ foul-smelling, fatty diarrhea seen in campers/hikers
What is the treatment?
Giardia Lamblia
Treatment: Metronidazole
Protozoan which ingests RBCs
Produces bloody diarrhea, LIVER ABSCESSES & RUQ pain
What is its treatment?
Entamoeba Histolytica
Treatment: Metronidazole (treats liver abscess) & Iodoquinol (treats luminal parasite in lg intestine)
ACID-FAST protozoan associated w/ SEVERE DIARRHEA IN AIDS
“CHIC” causes triad of CHORIORETINITIS, HYDROCEPHALUS & INTRACRANIAL CALCIFICATIONS in fetus from being around cat feces
Toxoplasma Gondii
Treatment: Sulfadiazine + Pyrimethamine (also used for emergency treatment of Plasmodium Falciparum (malaria))
think NALGENE bottle filled w/ FRESHWATER containing this protozoite that causes rapid fatal meningoencephalitis
Naegleria Fowleri
Naegleria = Nalgene
Fowleri = Freshwater waterfowl
Tsetse Fly transmits which protozoan?
Trypanosoma (African sleeping sickness)
SURe is nice to go to sleep; MELAtonin helps w/ sleep
Which treatment is this mneumonic describing?
SURamin for blood-borne Trypanosoma disease
MELArsoprol for CNS Trypanosoma infection
The KISSING BUG causes MEGACOLON & MEGAESOPHAGUS by transmitting which protozoan?
Trypanosoma Cruzi
Treatment: Nifurtimox
The SANDFLY causes SPIKING FEVERS & CUTANEOUS ULCERATIONS by spreading which protozoan?
Leishmania Donovani
Treatment: Sodium Stibogluconate
What are your 3 options for treating non-emergent (i.e. prophylaxis or dormant) Plasmodium Falciparum or Plasmodium Vivax/Ovale?
Chloroquine (1st line prophylaxis)
Mefloquine (2nd line prophylaxis if CQ resistant)
Primaquine for dormant forms (P. Vivax/Ovale)
MALTESE CROSS formation in RBCs is associated w/ which protozoan?
Note: Think Babies being babtized w/ a Priest holding a cross
Babesia causes hemolytic anemia due to the RBC destruction
“Burning green itching weed causes a foul smell that is worse than an infected vagina”
What is it’s treatment?
Trichomonas Vaginalis
Description: Foul-smellling, greenish discharge, burning & itching
Transmitted through sexual contact
Treatment: Metronidazole
Similar treatment to Gardnerella Vaginalis but slightly different description
“Strong Ass Nectar Entered my Airway & Tricked Ne(matode)”
Nematodes treated w/ -bendazoles
Strongyloides stercoralis Ancylostoma duodenale Necator americanus Enterobius vermicularis Ascaris lumbricoides Trichinella spiralis
IVERmectin is used to treat rIVER blindness…which bug is treated w/ IVERmectin?
Onchocerca Volvulus causes rIVER blindness
It is transmitted by BLACKflies, causes BLACK skin (hyperpigmentation), and BLACK sight (blindness)
Treated w/ IVERmectin
“Toxic Canines can Lowly Lie, Waiting to Bite Ne(matode)”
Nematodes treated w/ Diethylcarbamazine
Toxocara Canis
Loa Loa
Wuchereria Bancrfoti
All treated w/ Diethylcarbamazine
Helminths that have T S…l in their name are associated w/ pork.
Which helminiths are these?
Trichenella SpiraLis (pork roundworm/nematode) Taneia SoLium (pork tapeworm/cestode)
This describes which nematode?
Strongylides Stercoralis
“Ten Soldiers Tried Acid & Each Entered Veronica’s Veluptuous Labia”
Helminths transfered through Eggs
Taenia solium Trichuris trichuria Ascaris lumbricoides Echinococcus granulosus Enterbious vermicularis Visceral Larval migrans
diphylloBothrium latum is associated w/ which kind of anemia?
Macrocytic Anemia due to a B12 deficiency
“DIe From Lightly Cooked Salmon”
These helminths are associated w/ Raw Fish:
Diphyllobothrium Latum
Clonorchis Sinesis
“Pretty Wild how Trematodes Can Swim through **”
Trematodes treated w/ Praziquantel
Paragonimus Westermani
Clonorchis Sinensis
Clono = Cholo
What would you think Clonorchis Sinesis would be associated w/?
Clono = Cholo
nematodes transmitted through the SANd
brain cysts & seizures are associated w/ which helminth?
Taenia Solium (cysticercosis)
Liver cysts are associated w/ which helminth?
Echinococcus Granulosus
B12 deficiency is associated w/ which helminth?
Diphyllobothrium Latum
Biliary tract disease is associated w/ which helminth?
Clonorchis Sinensis (Cholo = Clono)
Hemoptysis is associated w/ which helminth?
Paragonimus Westermani
Portal HTN is associated w/ which helminth?
Schistosoma Mansoni
Hematuria & bladder cancer are associated w/ which helminth?
Schistosoma Haematobium
Microcytic anemia is associated w/ which helminth?
Ancylostoma & Necator
Perianal pruritus is associated w/ which helminth?
Enterbius Vermicularis
“LIVE! One night only! See SMALL YELLOW CHICKENS get vaccinated w/ SABIN’S and MMR!”
Which vaccines are live attenuated?
Smallpox Yellow fever Chickenpox Sabin's polio virus MMR
“RIP Always”
Which vaccines are killed (RIP)?
salk Polio
hAv (Hepatitis A)
all DNA viruses are double stranded except the one that is PART-OF-A-VIRUS.
Which virus is this?
Parvovirus is PART-OF-A-VIRUS & is single stranded
all RNA viruses are single stranded except the one that is a REPEATOVIRUS.
Which virus is this?
Reovirus is a REPEATOVIRUS & is double stranded
CPR & PAPP smears require you to be NAKED…just like these viruses:
Calcicivurs (RNA)
Picornavirus (RNA)
Reovirus (RNA)
Parvovirus (DNA)
Adenovirus (DNA)
Papillomavirus (DNA)
Polyomavirus (DNA)
all DNA viruses are HHAPPPy
Hepadnavirus Herpesevirus Adenovirus Parvovirus Papillomavirus Polyomavirus Poxvirus
you can get herpes in a CHEVrolet…name the different herpes virus family members
CMV = cytOWLmegalovirus.
Which characteristic feature is receognized microscopically?
OWL’s eyes
HSV = Herpes Spreads Viciously to MULTIPLE CELLS
What characteristic feature is recognized microscopically in HSV?
May also see intranuclear COWDRY A INCLUSIONS
Picornavirus sits on a PERCH
Name the viruses which are part of the Picornavirus family
Poliovirus Echovirus Rhinovirus Coxsackievirus HAV
“Dang that West St. Louis Yellow Hot Cheese Venison has great Flavor”
Which viruses are part of the Flavivirus family?
Dengue West nile virus St. Louis encephalitis Yellow fever HCV
Think of Germans wearing Togas on Horses for all of the Togavirus family members
Rubella (German measles)
eastern EQUINE encephalitis
western EQUINE encephalitis
ortho = mouth = flu
myx = mixed = segmented
Orthomyxovirus is a SEGMENTED RNA virus which causes the FLU
PaRaMyxovirus - Name all of the members of the paramyxovirus family
Parainfluenza - croup
Rubeola (measles)
“Wait 4 Fever to CLEAR”
Associated w/ Kawasaki disease
Fever > 4-5 days
Conjunctivitis Lip cracking Erythema of hands & feet Adenopathy (cervical) Rash (desquamative)
ONLY time you ever give ASPIRIN to a child for treatment
“FAN My Skin Asian Whore”
Associated w/ Takayasu’s Arteritis
Fever Arthritis Night sweats Myalgia Skin nodules Asian women Weak pulses in upper extremities
“Queen Proclaims Di’s Pyramid More Sizzlin”
Which class of drugs is this?
Class 1A (Na+ channel) Antiarrhythmatics
Blocks Na+ in phase 0 & K+ in phases 2 & 3
Increases QT
Used for ALL arrhythmias
“I’d Buy Lidy’s Mexican Phen Phen Tacos”
Which class of drugs is this?
Class 1B (Na+ Channel) Antiarrhythmatics
Used 1st for Ventricular arrhythmias
“Chipotle’s Food has Excellent Produce”
Which class of drugs is this?
Class 1C (Na+ Channel) Antiarrhythmatics
Contraindicated post MI
Which class of antiarrhythmatic drugs is CONTRAINDICATED post MI?
Which is BEST post-MI?
1C is Contraindicated post-MI
1B is Best post-MI
“2 Darrens & 2 Tilides Sat along the Potassium block”
Which class of drugs is this?
Class III (K+ Channel) Antiarrhythmatic
2 Darrens: AmioDARONE, DroneDARONE
2 Tilides: IbuTILIDE, DofeTILIDE
Sat along = Sotalol
Used when all other antiarrhythmatics fail
Block K+ channels to increse ERP & QT
Amiodarone AEs: Pulmonary fibrosis, Hepatotoxicity, Hypo/Hyperthyroidism
Which class of antiarrhythmatic drugs primarily affects the AV nodal cells?
Class IV (Ca2+ channel blockers)
Verapamil & Diltiazem