Mnemonics Flashcards
CUT PY pyrimidines are cytosine, uracil, and thymine
PUre As Gold purines are adenine and guanine
stop codons?
U Are Annoying, U Go Away, U Are Gone, UAA UGA UAG
rna polymerase
RNA polymerase 1 for rRNA
2 for mRNA
3 for tRNA
phases of cell cycle
I Pee on the MAT
interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
atrioventricular valve names
LAB RAT : Left Atrium Bicuspid, Right A trium Tricuspid.
hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary gland
F SH, L H, A CTH, T SH, P rolactin, (the “i” is little so you can ignore it), Growth hormone
salty banana
K inside, Na outside
hydrophobic amino acids
GAV e LIF e W ith M y P artner.
charged amino acids
D ragons E at K nights R iding H orses… DEKRH
aromatic amino acids
wifey WFY
type of blotting and what is being tested on the blot
southern for DNA
northern for RNA
western for protein
visible spectrum colors high to low (740 nm to 380nm)
ROY G B i V for the visible spectrum
R ed, O range, Y ellow, G reen, B lue, V iolet.
most electronegative elements to least electronegative in covalent compounds
FONClBrISCH … F luorine, O xygen, N itrogen, C h l orine, Br omine, I odine, S ulfur, C arbon, and H ydrogen.
first three can H bond
equation for Gibbs Free Energy
Goldfish are Horrible Without Tartar Sauce
strong acids
So I B rought No Cl ean Clo thes” to remember the strong acids:
H2 S O4,
H I ,
H Br ,
H NO 3,
H Cl ,
H ClO 4.
correct type for naturally occurring amino acids and carbohydrates
two major cities on opposite sides of the United States, Los Angeles (LA) and Washington, District of Columbia ( DC ). This stands for L Amino acids and D Carbohydrates.
thin-layer chromatography
polar is lower and slower ” (polar compounds move more slowly up the plate and are lower on the plate than nonpolar compounds) nonpolar elute faster
Five membered ring
hydroxyl group orientation in beta anomer
“It’s better to B UP !!” to remember that the hydroxyl group points UP in a β anomer.
four things that increase a molecule’s stability
cowboys have hard, early days. They must RISE and go to the STABLE : R esonance, I nduction, S ize, and E lectronegativity (basically, anything that minimizes charge).
acetal vs ether
ether: c-o-c
acetal: o-c-o
NMR spectroscopy signal
D eshielded signals are more D ownfield (they have higher ppm values).
Piaget’s stages of cognitive development
S ome P eople C an F ly: S ensorimotor, P re-operational, C oncrete operational, and F ormal operational.
McCrae and Costa Five-Factor Model of personality traits
OCEAN : O penness to experience, C onscientiousness, E xtroversion, A greeableness, and N euroticism.
Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory contains eight stages of development
“Trust the auto insurance industry; identify with intimate geniuses with integrity”
Trust vs Mistrust
Auto nomy v Shame and Doubt
In itiative v Guilt
Industry v Inferiority
Identi ty v Role Confusion
Intima cy v Isolation
Gen erativity v Stagnation
Integrity v Despair
Water soluble compounds
Nitrates (NO_3-)
Acetate (CH_3*CO_2_*-)
Group 1 metal cations (Li, Na, K, Cs, Rb)
Sulfates (SO_42-) except with PMS Castro Bar
Halogens except with PMS
Ammonium (NH_4+)
PMS = Pb (Lead), Mercury (Hg), Silver (Ag)
Castro Bar = Ca (Calcium), Str (Strontium), Ba (Barium)
Calcium hormones
Calcitonin: calcium into bones
Parathyroid: rids bone of calcium
retrovirus has RNA reverse transcriptase
Two r’s in retrovirus: RNA reverse (transcriptase)
Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Mutations, migration, drift, non-random mating, selection
Maggie May Does Not Smoke
Morula, Blastula, Gastrula
Must Be Good
Fat soluble vitamins
Hormones that increase blood glucose
Somatotropin (growth hormone), thyroid hormones (T3 & T4), epinephrine, norepinephrine, glucagon, glucocorticosteroids, immunoglobulins
STENGGI ferengi like sweet blood
Path of sperm
Seminiferous tubules, epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra, penis
mRNA post-processing
Exons Expressed, Introns in the trash
White blood cells
Neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils
Nobody Likes Me Eating Badgers
Diverging lens image
diminished, upright, virtual
citric acid cycle
Can I Keep Selling Sex For Money Officer? Citrate to Isocitrate to Alpha-Keto to Succinyl-CoA to Succinate to Fumerate to Malate to OAA
polar hydrophilic amino acids
queen tanu never stays chill