Mnemonics Flashcards
Level of Consciousness
A - awake and alert
V - verbal stimuli
P - pain stimuli
U - unresponsive
when do you use the mnemonic AVPU
to determine the patient’s Level of Consciousness
P - pupils
E - equal
A - and
R - round
R- regular in size
L - react to light
when do you use the Mnemonic PEARRL
to determine the state of the brain
D - deformities
C - contusions (bruising)
A - abrasions
P - punctures/penetrations
B - burns
T - tenderness
L - lacerations
S - swelling
when do you use the mnemonic DCAPBTLS
disability assessment (injuries check)
S - sign and symptom
A - allergies
M - medications
P - past medical history
L - last oral intake (food?)
E - events leading up to the injury or illness
(R - recent travels)
when do you use the mnemonic SAMPLE(R)
to determine the patient’s medical history
O - onset
P - provocation (when did the pain start)
Q - quality (what kind of pain)
R - radiate
S - severity
T - time (constant or intermittent pain)
when do you use the OPQRST
assessment of pain
T - tobacco
A - alcohol
C - caffeine
O - over the counter meds / herbal supplements
S - sexual and street drugs
C - catastrophic hemorrhage
A - airway
B - breathing
C - circulation
D - disability
E - environmental
F - full set of vitals
G - get documentation
H - HITMAN (prolonged field care
when do you use the mnemonic CABCDEFGH
directly after the scene size up and when contact with patient is made
S - safety
C - cause (MOI/NOI)
E - environment
N - number of patients
E - extra resources required?
when do you use the mnemonic SCENE
during the Scene Size up
mechanism of injury / nature of illness
R - rate (respiratory rate)
F - feel (for abnormal chest movement / paradoxical breathing)
L - look (for bruising or holes)
A - auscultate (listen for equal breath sounds)
P - percuss (listen for hyper resonance)
S - search the back
when do you use the mnemonic RFLAPS
during the <b> breathing assessment of the CABCDEFGH</b>
C - capillary refill
P - Pulse
R - respiratory rate
O - Oximity
when do you use the mnemonic CPRO
to note down the primary vital signs
C - capillary refill
M - motor sensory
S - skin
when do you use the mnemonic CMS
circulation assessment
alert and oriented times 4
Time Event
when do you use the mnemonic A&Ox4
determine mental status
B - blood pressure
E - ECG 3 or 12 lead
A - alert status (by using A&Ox4 or GCS)
S - sugar level (glucose level)
T - temperature
pain scale (1-10)
ETCO2 (if intubated
when do you use the mnemonic BEAST
to note down secondary vital signs
Glasgow Coma Scale
when do you use the mnemonic GCS
to determine the level of consciousness after a brain injury
A - age and sex
T - time
I - injuries
S - signs (vital; CPRO & BEAST)
T - treatment given
when do you use the mnemonic ATMIST
keep note of patients information, treatments and vitals
H - head to toe exam
I - infections prevention
T - tubes (clean & secure?)
M - medication (doses, times, etc)
A - administration (documentation, plan, replenish)
N - nursing mnemonics (SHEEP VOMIT)w
when do you use the mnemonic HITMAN
during the <H> the last step of the CABCDEFGH</H>
S - skin protection
H - hypo/hyperthermia
E - elevate head
E - exercises (passive ROM)
P - padding and pressure points (make comfortable)
V - vital signs
O - oral hygiene
M - massage
I - ins and outs (food, fluids/urine, feces)
T - turn/couch/deep breathe
when do you use the mnemonic SHEEP VOMIT
once HITMAN is concluded
E - exact location
T - type of incident
H - hazards
A - access and egress
N - number of casualties
E - equipment needed
when do you use the mnemonic ETHANE
Radio report format
P - provocation and progression
A - associated chest pain
S - sputum production
T - Talking and tiredness
E - exercise tolerance
when do you use the mnemonic PASTE
assessment of respiratory emergencies
C - cardiopulmonary
A - anaphylactic
S - septic
H - hypovolemic
N - neurogenic
T - trauma
I - Infection
P - psychogenic cause
S - seizures or syncope
A - Alcohol
E - electrolytes
I - Insulun
O - opiates
U - Uremia (toxic condition from kidney disease)
S - patient Starts breathing and has a pulse
T - patient is Transferred to other EMR
O - Out of strength to continue
P - physician who is present gives orders to stop
when do you use the mnemonic STOP
to determine when to stop cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
A - allergies
T - time
R - route
A - amount
M - medication
P - patient
when do you use the Mnemonic TIPS AEIOU
the different causes of AMS