MMTs Flashcards
Serratus Anterior (scapular abduction/protraction)
Against Gravity: Supine, arm at 90 deg flex, elbow extended. Client protracts and reaches for
ceiling. Resistance applied at distal end of humerus.
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting, arm at 90 deg flex, elbow extended. PT supports weight of arm.
Client protracts and reaches forward
Upper Trapezius and Levator scap (shoulder/scapula elevation)
Against Gravity: Sitting, shoulders slight abducted, elbows flexed to 90
Gravity Eliminated: Prone, arm at side, therapist supports weight of arm
Middle fibers of Trapezius (scapular retraction/adduction)
Against Gravity: Prone, shoulder flexed to 90 and hanging off edge of plinth. Resistance applied
directly over scapula. Isometric test preferred.
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting
Lower fibers of Trapezius (scapula depression and adduction)
Against Gravity: Prone. Head rotated to opposite side. Arm overhead, abducted to 130. Pt
raises arm (depression and adduction of scapula or “shoulder blade in opposite pants pocket”).
Resistance applied directly on top of scapula. Isometric test preferred
Gravity Eliminated: Prone, arm by side. PT supports arm & shoulder through range.
Rhomboid Major/Minor (scapular retraction/adduction and medial rotation)
Against Gravity: Prone, dorsum of hand over bum. Pt lifts arm away from bum. Resistance
applied to top of scapula
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting. Dorsum of hand over bum. Move hand away from bum.
Anterior Deltoid (shoulder flexion to 90 deg)
Against Gravity: Sitting. Stabilize scapula and clavicle. Flex to 90 deg with neutral rotation.
Resistance applied on anteromedial aspect of arm.
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying. Stabilize clavicle and scapula.
Middle fibers of Deltoid & Supraspinatus (shoulder abduction)
Against Gravity: Sitting. Pt abducts to 90. Stabilize scapula and clavicle.
Gravity Eliminated: Supine. PT supports weight of arm through abduction range to 90.
Posterior fibers of Deltoid (shoulder horizontal abduction)
Against Gravity: Prone, forearm hanging over edge of plinth, shoulder abducted to 75 and
elbow flexed to 90. PT stabilizes scapula and pt horizontally abducts with slight ER. Resistance
applied to posterior aspect of distal end of humerus.
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting, 75 deg shoulder abduction, 90 deg elbow flexion. PT supports
weight of arm.
Pectoralis Major (shoulder horizontal adduction)
Against Gravity: Supine. PT stabilizes opposite shoulder and palpates anterior border of axilla.
Resistance applied just proximal to elbow.
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting. Shoulder abducted to 90, elbow flexed to 90. PT supports weight of
arm and stabilizes scapula.
Coracobrachialis (shoulder flexion and adduction while maintaining shoulder ER)
Against Gravity: Supine. Shoulder in slight ABD and ER. Elbow flex and supination. Pt flexes and
adducts shoulder (maintaining ER).
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying. Stabilize scapula. Pt flexes and adducts shoulder.
Latissumus dorsi and Teres Major (shoulder extension)
Against Gravity: Prone. Arm at side, palm facing ceiling. Pt extends shoulder. Palpate lateral
border of scapula. Resistance applied proximal to elbow.
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying. PT supports arm through extension range.
Subscapularis (shoulder IR)
Against Gravity: Prone. 90 deg shoulder ABD with towel under arm. PT stabilizes humerus and
applies resistance just proximal to wrist.
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting. Elbow flex to 90. PT supports weight of arm and stabilizes humerus
to prevent shoulder abduction
Infraspinatus & Teres Minor (shoulder ER)
Against Gravity: Prone, 90 deg shoulder ABD, towel under arm. PT stabilizes humerus and
applies resistance just proximal to wrist.
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting. Elbow flex to 90. PT supports weight of arm and stabilizes humerus.
Biceps brachii (elbow flexion with forearm supination)
Against gravity: Supine or sitting. Palm in supination
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying. PT supports weight of arm and stabilizes humerus.
Brachialis (elbow flexion with forearm pronation)
Against gravity: Supine or sitting. Palm in supination
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying. PT supports weight of arm and stabilizes humerus.
**forearm in pronation.
Brachioradialis (elbow flexion with forearm neutral)
Against gravity: Supine or sitting. Palm in supination
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying. PT supports weight of arm and stabilizes humerus.
**forearm in neutral.
Triceps (elbow extension)
Against gravity: Supine. Shoulder IR and 90 deg flex, elbow flex. PT stabilizes humerus and
palpates proximal to olecranon. Pt extends elbow. Resistance applied proximal to wrist.
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying. Elbow flexion. PT supports weight of arm as pt extends elbow.
Supinator & Biceps brachii (supination)
Against gravity: Sitting, elbow flex to 90, arm at side. PT stabilizes the humerus; slight
resistance equal to the weight of the forearm may be applied beyond the mid-position.
Resistance applied to posterior surface of distal radius.
Gravity Eliminated: Supine, arm at side, elbow flexed to 90. PT stabilizes humerus.
Pronator teres & pronator quadratur (pronation)
Against gravity: Sitting, elbow flex to 90, arm at side. PT stabilizes the humerus; slight
resistance equal to the weight of the forearm may be applied beyond the mid-position.
Resistance applied to anterior surface of distal radius.
Gravity Eliminated: Supine, arm at side, elbow flexed to 90. PT stabilizes humerus.
Gravity: Supine, knees flexed; stabilize the pelvis at the same time as resisting hip flexion;
palpation is not easily done
Gravity eliminated: Side lying with bottom leg fully flexed to chest; knee is flexed; PT cradles leg
and stabilize hip; client moves through full range (i.e. start in extension)
Gravity: Supine; palpate anterior aspect of the thigh medial to TFL; resistance direction is hip
extension, adduction, and internal rotation AND knee extension
Gravity eliminated: Same position as above, assistance equal to the limb is applied
Gluteus Maximus, Biceps Femoris, Semimembranosis and Semitendinosis (hip extension)
Gravity: Patient stands and leans forward over plinth with pillow under stomach and holds onto
the plinth with hands; resistance to just above the knee; palpate glut max origin on posterior
aspect of the ilium
Gravity eliminated: Side lying with bottom leg hugged to chest; PT cradles leg; client moves
through full ROM, start in full hip flexion
Gluteus medius and minimus
Gravity: Side lying, bottom leg bent; stabilize the pelvis; perform abduction leading with heel to
prevent any hip flexion; apply resistance lateral aspect of leg just above the knee; palpate just
proximal to the greater trochanter or distal to upper lip of ilium
Gravity eliminated: Supine, support the weight of the limb; stabilize the pelvis
Tensor Fascia Latae
Gravity: Side lying, bottom leg bent; stabilize the pelvis; perform abduction with test leg at 10 -
20 deg of hip flex and IR; palpate distal to greater trochanter on the IT band
Gravity Eliminated: Supine, support the weight of the limb; stabilize the pelvis; hold the leg in
10-20 degrees of hip flexion and internal rotation
Adductor Group (Longus, brevis, magnus, pectineus, gracilis).
Gravity: Supine, hip is in about 40 degrees of abduction, support the weight of the limb;
opposite leg off side of plinth on stool; apply resistance on the medial side of leg just above the
knee for grade 3; palpate medial, proximal aspect of the thigh
Gravity Eliminated: Same positioning as above; no resistance
TFL, Glut med/min - Hip Internal Rotation
Gravity: Sitting with towel under test leg, opposite leg on stool; stabilize the proximal thigh;
palpate glut med, min and TFL; resistance on distal part of leg
Gravity eliminated: Supine, hip and knee flexed to 90 degrees; support the weight of leg
distally; prevent adduction
Piriformis, Gemelli, Obturator (internus/externus), quadratus femoris - Hip External Rotation
Gravity: position as above; external rotators to deep to palpate
Gravity eliminated: position as above; prevent abduction
Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosis – Knee Flexion
Gravity: Prone, pillow under the hips; palpate semi-membranosus/ tendinosus on medial side and biceps femoris on lateral side; resistance applied to posterior distal tibia; to isolate the medial hamstrings, tibia IR and bring heel toward the lateral aspect of the ipsilateral buttock; to
isolate the lateral hamstrings, tibia ER and bring heel toward the contralateral buttock
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying, bottom knee flexed. PT supports leg, start in extension and move
through flexion; palpate group as a whole
Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis – Knee Extension
Gravity: Sitting, towel under the knee, stabilize the thigh, palpate quads; resistance applied to
anterior distal tibia
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying; support weight of leg; start in flexion and move thru extension;
stabilize through the hip
Tibialis anterior (DF and inversion)
Gravity – sitting, foot hanging off bed against testers leg - stabilize tibia and fibula
Gravity eliminated – Side lying, testing the bottom foot (top knee on pillow)
Gastrocnemius and soleus (PF)
Gravity – Prone (pillow under hips); leg straight for gastroc; bent for soleus; could also do heel
raises in standing
Gravity eliminated – Side lying, testing the bottom foot
Tibialis posterior (inversion and PF)
Gravity – Side lying, testing the bottom foot
Gravity eliminated – Supine, heel off plinth
Peroneus longus and brevis (eversion)
Gravity – Side lying, testing the top foot (top leg resting on a pillow, bottom leg bent)
Gravity eliminated – Supine, heel over edge of plinth
Flexor hallucis longus (Big toe flexion)
Gravity - Supine, stabilize the MTP joints. Great toe is tested independently of the lateral four
toes. Palpate the plantar surface of the proximal phalanx of the great toe
Extensor hallucis longus
Gravity - Supine, stabilize the MTP joints; resistance is applied to the distal phalanx