MMTs Flashcards
Serratus Anterior (scapular abduction/protraction)
Against Gravity: Supine, arm at 90 deg flex, elbow extended. Client protracts and reaches for
ceiling. Resistance applied at distal end of humerus.
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting, arm at 90 deg flex, elbow extended. PT supports weight of arm.
Client protracts and reaches forward
Upper Trapezius and Levator scap (shoulder/scapula elevation)
Against Gravity: Sitting, shoulders slight abducted, elbows flexed to 90
Gravity Eliminated: Prone, arm at side, therapist supports weight of arm
Middle fibers of Trapezius (scapular retraction/adduction)
Against Gravity: Prone, shoulder flexed to 90 and hanging off edge of plinth. Resistance applied
directly over scapula. Isometric test preferred.
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting
Lower fibers of Trapezius (scapula depression and adduction)
Against Gravity: Prone. Head rotated to opposite side. Arm overhead, abducted to 130. Pt
raises arm (depression and adduction of scapula or “shoulder blade in opposite pants pocket”).
Resistance applied directly on top of scapula. Isometric test preferred
Gravity Eliminated: Prone, arm by side. PT supports arm & shoulder through range.
Rhomboid Major/Minor (scapular retraction/adduction and medial rotation)
Against Gravity: Prone, dorsum of hand over bum. Pt lifts arm away from bum. Resistance
applied to top of scapula
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting. Dorsum of hand over bum. Move hand away from bum.
Anterior Deltoid (shoulder flexion to 90 deg)
Against Gravity: Sitting. Stabilize scapula and clavicle. Flex to 90 deg with neutral rotation.
Resistance applied on anteromedial aspect of arm.
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying. Stabilize clavicle and scapula.
Middle fibers of Deltoid & Supraspinatus (shoulder abduction)
Against Gravity: Sitting. Pt abducts to 90. Stabilize scapula and clavicle.
Gravity Eliminated: Supine. PT supports weight of arm through abduction range to 90.
Posterior fibers of Deltoid (shoulder horizontal abduction)
Against Gravity: Prone, forearm hanging over edge of plinth, shoulder abducted to 75 and
elbow flexed to 90. PT stabilizes scapula and pt horizontally abducts with slight ER. Resistance
applied to posterior aspect of distal end of humerus.
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting, 75 deg shoulder abduction, 90 deg elbow flexion. PT supports
weight of arm.
Pectoralis Major (shoulder horizontal adduction)
Against Gravity: Supine. PT stabilizes opposite shoulder and palpates anterior border of axilla.
Resistance applied just proximal to elbow.
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting. Shoulder abducted to 90, elbow flexed to 90. PT supports weight of
arm and stabilizes scapula.
Coracobrachialis (shoulder flexion and adduction while maintaining shoulder ER)
Against Gravity: Supine. Shoulder in slight ABD and ER. Elbow flex and supination. Pt flexes and
adducts shoulder (maintaining ER).
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying. Stabilize scapula. Pt flexes and adducts shoulder.
Latissumus dorsi and Teres Major (shoulder extension)
Against Gravity: Prone. Arm at side, palm facing ceiling. Pt extends shoulder. Palpate lateral
border of scapula. Resistance applied proximal to elbow.
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying. PT supports arm through extension range.
Subscapularis (shoulder IR)
Against Gravity: Prone. 90 deg shoulder ABD with towel under arm. PT stabilizes humerus and
applies resistance just proximal to wrist.
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting. Elbow flex to 90. PT supports weight of arm and stabilizes humerus
to prevent shoulder abduction
Infraspinatus & Teres Minor (shoulder ER)
Against Gravity: Prone, 90 deg shoulder ABD, towel under arm. PT stabilizes humerus and
applies resistance just proximal to wrist.
Gravity Eliminated: Sitting. Elbow flex to 90. PT supports weight of arm and stabilizes humerus.
Biceps brachii (elbow flexion with forearm supination)
Against gravity: Supine or sitting. Palm in supination
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying. PT supports weight of arm and stabilizes humerus.
Brachialis (elbow flexion with forearm pronation)
Against gravity: Supine or sitting. Palm in supination
Gravity Eliminated: Side lying. PT supports weight of arm and stabilizes humerus.
**forearm in pronation.