MMT Flashcards
Manually assess muscle strength and/or the contractility of muscle
DDX from Resisted Testing
Strong and painless
Strong and painful
Weak and painless
Weak and painfull
Strong and Painless DDx
No lesion or neurological deficit
Strong and Painful DDx
Minor lesion
Weak and Painless DDx
Disorder of nervous system
Complete rupture
Disuse atrophy
Weak and Painful DDx
Serious pathology
Acute inflammatory process
Partial rupture
Minor muscle damage
Gross Testing
Very common, assesses function of patient
Specific Testing
ID specific peripheral nerve lesion
Nerve root/spinal cord lesion involvement
Specific anatomical structure change
Break Testing
Manual resistance applied to “break” static position
Active Resistance Testing
Manual resistance applied during an actively contracting muscle
Functional Muscle Testing
Performance-based assessment
Single Joint Testing
Near end range
Multi Joint Testing
Near mid-position
Active Insufficiency
Inability of a 2 joint muscle to perform a concentric contraction over one joint when it is shortened over another
Passive Insufficiency
inability of a 2 joint muscle to lengthen over one joint when it is already lengthened over another
Return to Sport Requirements
Quad to Body Weight Ratio
Hamstring to Quad Ratio
Side-to-side Difference
Quad to Body Weight Ratio
Males - 100% @ 60 deg/sec
Females - 80% @ 60 deg/sec
Ham-to-Quad Ratio
70% @ 60 deg/sec