MLC 2006 Flashcards
When was MLC 2006 written?
When was it implemented ?
What organisation came up with it?
- MLC 2006 was written in 2013 august the 20th
- Implemented on August the 20th 2014.
- ILO ( International Labour Organisation )
What is another name given to the MLC 2006
The “Super Convention”
Who does the MLC 2006 apply to?
- To all seafarers, meaning any person that is employed or engage onboard in any capacity onboard a vessel.
- The MLC is mandatory for vessels >500 GT.
- The MLC Certificate is Valid for 5 years.
Why has the MLC 2006 been created or what is its purpose?
It is an international agreement of the International Labour Convention that sets out a “Global Standard” for seafarer rights to decent living and working onboard ships.
MLC is one of the 4 “pillars” of the key regulatory regime of the Maritime Law ( IMO ), what are the other 3
SOLAS ( Safety of Life At Sea ),
MARPOL ( MARitime POLution ),
STCW ( Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping )
As of September 2019 how many countries have raitifed the convention?
Ratified by 97 states wich represent 91 % of the worlds gross tonnage.
For how many years is a MLC certification valid?
Valid for 5 years and subject to intermediate survey.
What type of vessel does the MLC not apply to?
-Fishing vessels,
-Pleasure vessels (Pleasure vessels are vessels used for
sport or recreational purposes and do not operate
for financial gain.
-Army vessels
Does MLC apply to vessels engage in domestic voyages less than 60 miles from safe harbour?
No but it will have to comply with some legislation wich will be based of the MLC convention.
How many articles does the convention contain?
16 of them as well as “ The Code “ wich contains 5 Titles
What are the 5 titles contained in the code?
-Title 1 : Minimum requirements for seafarers to work on
-Title 2 : Conditions of employment
-Title 3 : Accommodation, recreational facilities, food and
-Title 4 : Health Protection, medical care, welfare and
social security protection.
-Title 5 : Compliance and enforcement
Describe Title 1 of “ The Code”
It s the MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS for seafarers to be employed on ships, this means
- Minimum age 16 expect for night or hazardous work 18
- Medical fitness states should provide medical fitness certificates.
- Training : seafarers should be trained for their duties and have a Personal Safety Training
- Recruitment/placement : Proper placement procedures, Registration of complaints procedure and compensations if recruitment fails.
Describe Title 2 of “ The Code”
- Contract should be clear and legally enforceable.
- Payment of wages should be at least once a month and transferable to family if desired.
-HORS (Hours Of Rest),
Working hours: They should never exceed 14 hours a day and 72 hours in every 7 day.
Resting hours : Should be at least of 10 hours in a day or 77 hours in every 7 days, may not be split in more than 2 periods where one of them should at least be of 6 hours.
- Leave : Seafarers have the right to annual leave as well as shore leave.
- Repatriation : Returning home should be free.
- Loss : If the ship is lost or foundered the seafarer have the right to unemployment wages.
- Manning : Every boat should have sufficient level of manning.
- Development & Opportunities: Have the right to be promote unless violation of a statute or code of conduct. Also skill development and employment opportunities made available.
Describe Title 3 of “The Code”
-Accommodation : Accommodation and/or working should promote health and well being.
-Food and Catering : Should be of quality and quantity and water should be regulated in the flag state.
Cooks to be properly trained.
Describe Title 4 of “The Code”
- Medical care onboard and ashore: Should be covered have access to medical while onboard at no cost and siimilar quality as ashore.
Countries “visited” should be able to provide care in invent of emergency
-Shipowners liability : Seafarer should be protected from sickness, injury or death related to his work. 16 weeks from start of sickness
-Health and Safety Protection and Accident prevention: A safe and hygienic enviroment durint both work and rest .
Safety measure are to be put in place.
- Access to shore based welfare facilities: Port State should provide easy access to welfare, recreational and cultural activitiies irrespective or age, race, sex, religion.
- Social Security: Coverage should be provided to seafarer