COSWP Risk Assessment Flashcards
What is a risk assessment?
It the awareness of the risk to Health, Safety and Welfare
- Welfare means : the health, happiness, and fortunes of a person or group.
What is a so called a Hazard?
It is a source of potential Injury, Harm or Damage and it may come from many source for example, the Environment, the situation and the Human Element.
What are the two aspects of RISK?
The first on e is the potentiality of it happening
The second is the degree of severity.
Should every risk assessment follow the same procedure?
The risk assessment should be as simple a possible.
Proportionally, the more risk involved the more thorough the assessment.
What is the process or how does it happen?
A risk assessment start before the work begins and is a continous process throughout the task.
What are the four levels/types of risk assessment
Level 1 : Generic risk assessment,
-The ISM makes it mandatory for some task to have pre identified risk assessment with all the identified risks associated with its ships, personnel and enviroment and come up with safeguards.
This is the high level where poeple think about all the possible hazards and the risk that are in the code.
Level 2 : Task based assessment or TBRA’s. ( 2 types )
The ISM Code also requires that any situation containing risk should have an assessment towards health and safety of the seafarer.
This is the when based on the generic version it is adapted to the specific environment, ship, situation.
- Vessel Specific TBRA for regular or routine low risk tasks
- Non routine high risk jobs like entry in enclosed space.
These are specific to the person and the assessment process should be done with the person.
Level 3 : Toolbox Talks,
When a job involves more than one person, it is important to insure that all the poeple involved have a clear understanding of the risks and the tasks.
This should be done based on the existing TBRA’s to ensure what is called a Closed Loop Communication.
-Once talk is finished it is important that a record is kept.
Level 4 : Informal / Personal / Dynamic Risk assement.
This is the day to day assessment by making sure to take a step back and assess the situation by being aware of all the risks and use of the common sens and knowledge and education.
This also should bring that any lesson learned should be recorded through proactive hazard reporting to minimise and update any risk assessment in place.